5 yrs post op....20 lbs heavier

Mar 10, 2012

I'd like to find others out there who have had surgery and get some feedback on how they are maintaining their weight. I need some support. I am feeling very discouraged right now...the clothes that I bought aren't fitting and I'm very uncomfortable. I know the key is exercise but I am either too busy or too tired...I'm 57,a RN supervisor,a grandmother and wife...I'm a stress eater...but I do watch what I eat...vegtables,chicken,salads...but I have my moments of weakness....candy and doughnnuts....chips....everything that I shouldn't be eating, but for the most part I thought 20 lbs in 5 yrs wasn't all that bad...but it sure feels bad. Any suggestions and anyone interested in

6 days post op

Jan 18, 2007

Well...it's over  I'm alive.  That was my biggest fear...not coming out of the anesthesia. I only remember bits and pieces of the surgery...but I do remember the after!!! The pain was a 10 on a scale of 1-10. The pc pump with the morphine only made me groggy and fall asleep...after they started me on the po Roicet it was a different world. I had a hernia repair while I was in the or...it was a surprise, so it was  2 major surgeries  instead of 1. It wasn't bad after that ... they started me on water...30cc every half hour . I tolerated it very well....in fact I've never had any vomiting or nausea. Had I not had the hernia operation ...I probably would be up and doing more than what I am able to now. I'm not hungry...I have my broth, or jello...and I'm full. They pulled the jp drain on Wed. and it was no big deal...it just felt weird...it didn't hurt. Everyday I feel better.

3 Days and counting 1-9-07

Jan 09, 2007

3 days...I am so nervous. I keep thinking everything is going to be alright and then the seeds of doubt keep popping up in my mind. I know that the surgical team are experts at what they do...but still....I guess this is just normal...I feel calm one minute and then crazy the next....I'm excited though ....everything is going to turn out great.

About Me
Connellsville, PA
Surgery Date
Oct 04, 2006
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6 days post op
3 Days and counting 1-9-07
