Yikes! I'm too small!!!

Aug 08, 2010

 Hey Everybody,

Just wanted to blog a little bit about something I just had to undergo since Weight loss surgery.  As many of you know i have been under my goal of 160 pounds for the last 4-6 months.  However, since I have been doing this stage play, I noticed from all the dancing that i do in the production that I am burning fat and calories like you would not believe and I have not been eating as well as I should have been.  Shame on me,   I know better but because of my busy schedule just not making the time to do what needs to be done. (No excuse, I know...) 

Anyway, after getting back from tour, my family noticed that I got a lot smaller and they could not believe their eyes when they saw me.  So I jumped on the scale to see if there was really a major difference and found out that I had dropped from 157 to 148 pounds... OUCH!  Oh no! have I really gotten that small in just a few weeks?  I was simply disgusted with myself...

I immediately called my doctors office in desperate need of what do I need to do to stop gain some of my weight back and was told that a gastric bypass patient could continue to keep losing weight up to 18 months after surgery before their weight starts to balance out at 18-20 months.  The best treatment for this is higher calorie & higher fat foods...what did u say? A LICENSE TO EAT MORE FOOD!!!!!! 

But to find a balance, work with my body, stay 'watchful' on intake and see what regulates me to maintain my goal.  I was told to do (2 ) protein rich, high calorie, low sugar shakes a day.  (I found a great tasting one by Cytosport Muscle Milk, 2 scps=300 calories and only 2 grams of sugar (strawberry).  Also I was told to do some "snacking" in between meals so I been snacking on 'Townhouse crackers' with an onion & chive cream cheese topping (9 grams of fat)  I still continue to eat (2) square meals with my regular liquid intake and I got to say, I am doing okay by the grace of God.  

For extra protein, I found this great tasting cereal called Protein Plus by Benefit Nutrition, at Shoprite in the natural foods section.  It has 12 grams of protein and taste soooo good! So right now I am just trying to find a balance and I have been able to put back on a few pounds since I been back and have gone from 148 to 153 lbs in just a couple of days.   yehhh!

I never thought I would be in this place of having to put weight 'back on' it has always been the other way around.  I love being a size 8 with curves.  I am 5'8 and lean and when I am too small, I look like a drag queen on crack!  I am working to getting back to 160 again as I was not too thin and not too thick, with just the right amount of "curves!" 

So if there is anybody going through or have gone through this delima, would love to hear from u.  This is my story and I worked too darn hard to get where I am at and I realize I have to work just as hard to stay where I am happiest.  Holla back!


About Me
Stamford, CT
Surgery Date
Mar 09, 2009
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