two weeks out!!!

Nov 30, 2010

The surgery went well! there was a little mix up up about who my Dr. was 3 Dr.'s later and she was......Dr. Hardy I must Say that the gas pain after surgery is very uncomfortable. the best advise that I received was don't be a hero when it comes to pain relieve. take something if it hurts..I have to say that the first day and a half are very uncomfortable....but you need to be up and walking within the first day...lets just say that I did not make it very far during the first 24 hours. the next day I was walking more frequently up and down the hallways. I was also drinking water, protein shakes and eating jello.I was very fortunate that I did not suffer from nausea  at all. I must say that I was already feeling a lot better the second day although sleeping every few hours was necessary. i was still on pain medication through the Iv. The third day I felt good The Dr. said that I would be going home(well to the hotel) I was moving around good and I graduated to t3's.
The IV came out I got all my discharge papers I waited for My hunny and then we left(I have to admit that I was feeling it was to early to go but....the DR. said it was time) Once I got to the hotel I rested a lot. I watched movies and walked the halls oh and how could I forget about the sipping(always sipping).
We stayed at the hotel for a few days then we made our way home. I was so happy to be back with my family. I missed them so very much while I was gone. The first few days at home I was still very tired and needed to rest often. I still tired very easy and I am listening to my body and resting when I need to. 
I went into work for 2 hours today I am very fortunate that I have an office job that is not to physically demanding.  So for me going back to work is going to be a process 2 hours a day then I'll bump it up to 3 or 4 and so on........
For now I am doing great and feeling great..

that's it for now



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