Jess M. 22 years, 4 months ago

Hi Brenda, Best of luck to you on your upcoming surgery!! I remember how happy, nervous, scared and excited I was just before mine. It is the best thing u can do for yourself, it is hard in the beginning but you'll do GREAT! You're in my thoughts and prayers.

Laurie B. 22 years, 4 months ago

Brenda besy of luck wiht your upcoming surgery! I hope your surgery is uneventful and you have a quick recovery :)

BrendaSinger 22 years, 4 months ago

<font face="Veranda"><font color="maroon"><b>Brenda~~~~Here's to a quick happy recovery. As YOUR day comes and goes...Remember to walk, drink, and cough as much as you can drag your butt to do! Many prayers sent your way. You can do it! God Bless us each and everyone. <br>Visit my profile...I have lots of great websites you can check out that may be of interest.<br> Happy New Year! Happy New You!</b></font></font><font face="Signature"><font size="+2"> ~~ Brenda~~</font size></font face

RODEO CLOWNS S. 22 years, 4 months ago

Best wishes on your upcoming surgery. You are giving yourself the ultimate gift, the gift of LIFE!!!

Connie M. 22 years, 4 months ago

Good Luck to you on your up-coming surgery. I hope you'll let me know if you come to the Stampede..we can swig a water together and pant over Trace!!!

jfoulk4663 22 years, 5 months ago

Brenda, I just wanted to say I was really happy to hear you got your date. I know how you feel about something going wrong and not getting to have the surgery. I felt exactly the same way right before my surgery. Here I'd told everyone and taken off work, and watch something like that happen. But it didn't and I had my surgery and everything is happy, happy, happy. Good luck to you Brenda I pray everything will go great.

Ellen H. 22 years, 5 months ago

Hi Brenda. Ooh, I am so excited, I am the very first person to sign your surgery page and tell you "CONGRATULATIONS" on your upcoming life changing surgery. I am so excited for you, sending positive and tranquil thoughts your way as time seems to crawl by. Please take good care of yourself and keeep us updated as to your progress.
About Me
sedalia, mo
Surgery Date
May 28, 2001
Member Since
