On my way

Jul 18, 2010

Well, I went to the consult with my sergeon and because I am a terrible patient and NEVER go to the doctor I have to wait 6 months for my surgery. Most insurance companies require 6 months of documented weight history that is medically supervised. So....I set my appointment with the bariatric doctor at the center of excellence I am going to. When I went to the consult I weighed 273.2. That is the most I have ever weighed so that was discouraging to me. So, needless to say that only motivated me even more. 

I went to my first appointment with Dr. Gomez this week and in about three weeks I am down to 270.5. That is a little less than a pound a week, which I thought was terrible but she insists that they want me losing 1-2 pounds a week during the 6 month period. So, I guess I am doing ok. Obviously if I could get it off and keep it off I would not be having the surgery.

I guess that is all for now. My second appointment is August 18th. Lets hope the walking and the diet pay off!

Starting my journey

Jun 07, 2010

My name is Heather and I am 25 years old. My weight problems started after I had my first child. That was almost 6 years ago. My husband and I have tried every diet known to man and he seems to shed the pounds and I get nowhere. I have decided that with my family history, this may be the best option for me. My father was morbidly obese and had surgery in 2004.  He passed away in 2005 from unrelated health problems. My mother had the surgery in 2008. I have a history of obesity on both sides of my family. I decided to do this for me, for my husband, and for my kids. I don't want to die in my 40s like my father did. I want to be there for both of my children and for my husband for much longer. So, today I have started the process. I have set up the initial consult. I have every emotion all at once right now. I am excited, scared,  nervous, and more determined than ever. I heard about OH and really hope that it becomes the support group that helps me through this long, hard, but very rewarding process. I know this is not an easy fix, it is a tool and I will have to work my butt off to make it work and to keep it off. Here is to the NEW me! It is time to work on ME so that I am alive and living, not just existing.

About Me
Indianapolis, IN
Jun 05, 2010
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