From Fat




Mine is pretty much the standard story, a pudgy kid, chubby teen, fat adult, that kept getting fatter.
When I was in my mid 20's I looked into the surgery but was told since I had no co-morbidities I was
not a candidate. Life went on, weight seemed to hold around 300 lbs. At 29 after my first divorce, I
met a man who made me truly appreciate who I was , and for once in my life I accepted myself and
embraced my fat, it was part of who I was, and that was that, I gave up dieting for a while and for
the first time in a long time really enjoyed my life, and enjoyed being ME! After a second failed
marriage in my mid 30's life was still good, although my weight had climbed to 370 lbs, but I didn't
care, I still had a positive attitude and no one was going to bring me down. I did try diets, but nothing
worked, I resolved myself to being fat and fablulous, but deep deep down, I knew I wasn't so
fabulous. At the end of last year I was looking at pictures of me taken over the summer, I was
not shy about posing in my swimsuit, and I couldn't believe what I saw.. I was HUGE! I never saw
myself as being that big, but I was. I was having knee problems, and back problems brought on
by an accident were making me miserable. One night I saw an on-line ad for Barix clinic and for
the heck of it, I sent away for more information. I had my initial consult the end of February 2005.
I talked to someone who had been through the surgery, and she looked amazing, Dr Marymor
answered all my questions and gave me alot of valuable information. I also talked to a
nutritionist. I walked away, knowing this surgery was for me and I needed to have it to save my
life! I opted for open rather then LAP. I was very fortunate, my insurance company was easy to
deal with,and covered the entire surgery. Dr Marymor required a pysch eval and a cardiac test.
Once those 2 reqirements were met, it took a week to get my date, get my pre-admin done and
I was all set. May 19, 2005 was the day I had open RNY. when I went in that morning I weighed
389 lbs I thank God for this tool and the education on how to use it to be a healthier me.

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Me and my 2 best friends at a wedding one month prior to surgery

You scored as Fall. You are FALL. You appreciate all that you have, and are willing to share with others. You are a friend in the truest sense of the word, and can easily focus your attention on those who need you, placing yourself on the back burner. You make sure your responsibilites are met before you allow yourself 'free time'.









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Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!

August 2005 Down 42 Lbs!!! My dogs are also loving the new me.. I take them with me for my daily
walks, and they are loving it, and they help me too, I have always walked slow, but being pulled by
my two "brutes" , keeps my pace up !

11-14-05 I am bad at keeping my profile updated, I try to remember, but things get in the
way. I get weighed again this Wednesday... I am scared of how little progress I have made. I
am thinking about buying a scale an weighing more often at home, but I am just not sure yet. I
feel like a slow loser and I keep telling myself, and others, better a slow loser , then a no loser.
And it is true, but then I read about someone who has lost as much, if not more, then me in
half the time and I get discouraged. I try to get my workouts in, but things at work have my
motivation and mind so messed up, I am working on beating that. I have also been sick most of
the past month. Still I am down 70 lbs, that I would never have lost any other way, or more
importantly, kept it off. It is still a wonderful journey and I am so glad I made the decision to have
WLS! this journey is about me, not anyone else... I have to keep telling myself that

11-18-05 they say a picture is worth a thousand words, and it is so true! I took my monthly pic
and compared it to the day before surgery and WOW! What a change. I just wish I could
figure out how to get pics on here (being computer challenged is not fun) I missed my weigh in
last night, since Regina and I got sidetracked and didn't make it to the support group. I am going
to break down, and hopefully get a scale this week (if money cooperates haha) I am hoping
that by weighing more often it might give me a little more motivation.. I don't know.. I
need to do something. Of course, being sick the past month hasn't helped matters either. I have
zero energy for anything these days. I wish the Dr woudl figure ot what is wrong already. I know
part of it is due to lack of sleep, stillnot sued to wokring overngihts and trying to sleep
duringthe day. I am too stubborn to get sleep medication, I don't want to become dependent on
them. On my days off I have no trouble sleeping at night, like normal people do. even though
I didn't get weighed yet, I have lost inches since Sept when I last took measurements, not alot,
but some. 3 inches on my waist and bust, 2 off my hips, 1/2 inch off my left arm and and inch and
a half on the right (why they are so different I do not know) So there is some progress, but I
knew that. Hopefully I can really get over this illness, and the blahs of working overnights and
get that scale and inches on a faster downward spiral... here's hoping. Now all I need to find is
a motivation fairy to help me along...

11-19-05 UPDATE! After going to the Dr again yesterday afternoon, for this stupid sore
throat I ahve had for 3 weeks, I found out I have lost another 16 LBS.. for a total of 86 LBS!!
WHOO HOO !!!!!!!!!! Weighing in at 303 LBS now. I might not be as slow a loser as I think, that is
4 LBS a week.. pretty good progress I think!! Working on getting pics up.. have a photobucket
account, now all I need to do is figure out how to use it.

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Nov 05 86 lbs GONE

11-30-05 I finally broke down and made the appt with Dr Marymor to see if I might have a hernia or not.
This bulge seems to be getting bigger and now one side is bigger then the other, just a little, but still
I often wonder if I am just being paranoid, but I need to know! I will have to take off from work, the only
appt they had was at 9:15, on the 8th, and getting off at 8 that doesn't leave me enough time to
get there. It was that or wait till the 20th but I don't want to wait anymore.I need to know.
I still feel silly, I don't want to waste his time and have it be nothing,then again I don't
want it to be anything, that would be worse.. I hate being paranoid!

12-8-05 I went to see Dr Marymor about my suspected hernia.. I do have one. He said since it is
not bad to just wait a while, possibly until I get my plastics done (that is a long time coming)
and get both done at the same time. I was disappointed to see only a 1lb loss since the 19th,
but I have keep in mind that the scale I used that day was nto the same as the one I usually use.
And it could be I hit a plateau also.. either way, I won't get too down about it. Dr Marymor said
I was doing fine .. he is always so supportive, I like that about him.

12-18-05 Lately I have been feeling so frustrated by the whole numbers thing. I am obsessed
and I am not happy about it. it seems like all I think about are the numbers, if I am losing, is so how much,
if not, why not! So much for weighing myself monthly to keep from obsessing! I am still glad I had
the surgery, I feel better now then I have for a very long time. I am glad for the weight I have lost
But I need to stop worrying about the numbers! I am sure this is just a phase and it will pass, but
until it does.......

12-23-05 WOW, finally under 300, for the first time in over 10 years!!! I am so happy
I am excited again about losing weight, and I can't wait to lose the last 10, that brings be to a total
loss of 100, it isn't all I want to lose, but it is a great milestone!
I am hoping to get to the YMCA this
week and join and start some water aerobics classes. I am looking forward to the new year and
a lot more weight loss

1-4-06 First post of the new year!
I think it may be time for some new clothes.. even after losing 90 lbs, I am still wearing most of the
things I did before surgery (thank Heaven for drawstrings!!!)
I took this pic this eve, and found
I can get BOTH legs into one pant leg... I know what I am
spending my tax refund on this year!!!
Luckily I have kept a few pair of jeans, with the hope of fitting them again one day.. so I have them
but I need more !! (the pants I have on are not stretchy at all,
gotta love it!)

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1-5-06 Late night pondering! Tonight I had a real talk with my 16 y/o neice regarding my surgery
and weight loss, something I have never done before. We discussed
my starting weight (and I actually told
her what it was) and my goal weight. I told her Dr M's goal of 134
lbs, and my goal of 150Lbs
her comment to my goal was "that is almost what I weigh" and that
her mom weighs more then that
(my sister is a recovering anorexic, so I am glad to see her with
some meat on her bones, but
you would never guess she weighs what she does)
When I saw Dr M the last time, I told him I don't think his goal for
me is realistic, I would look
sickly that thin. He asked what I thought would be a good weight
for me.. I said 150, but now
I am beginning to wonder if that might be a little low too. Sure, I
would still be overweight,
but I need to find a weight I feel good at. being fat all my life I
have no clue what it feels like to be thin
The lightest I ever remember being was after high school, I went
from 256 down to 220 the summer
after graduation. I thought I was so huge back then.. if I only knew'
then, what "huge" was. I am still
a long way from any of those goals, and probably shouldn't worry
too much about it right now...
working this late, I have way too much time to worry about

1-20-06 Well, I almost made my "mini" goal of 100 lbs lost by my 8
month anniversary.. 99lbs gone
I am excited. Although, I have been feeling so run down lately. I
don't know if it is a bug, or lack of
sleep catching up to me, or if it has something to do with this thing
with my right arm. I am tired
of that pain also. I hope this new Dr can figure out what is causing
it and fix it.
Diane will be coming in from Holland in a week, I can't believe it has
been 8 months since she moved away,
time has flown, it was a busy summer for sure. Then once she
goes back, she will be getting her WLS.
What an exciting time.. all that is left is for Regina to get her ins
mess worked out, so she can get her
surgery... our own little WLS club haha.

2-3-06 No new weight loss news, but after many tests the Dr now
tells me I have lymphedema in my
right arm. I go Monday for a biopsy, and that scares me...ALOT!
After researching it on the net, I got
more freaked.. but after reading Amy's lymphedema site, I feel some better, but I am still scared.
I just want to be able to use my arm again, I want the pain to go
away!!! I has been 6 weeks now and
I honestly don't know how much more I can take.

2-6-06 Even after losing over 100lbs, the minds eye does not
always see it. I went to NYC with
a group of friends, and we went to the observation deck of the
Empire State Building. Of course they
asked us to pose for what would be overpriced pics, so I suggested
we go together, since we weren't
going to buy them anyway, and it would be faster getting through.
So we took the pic and went on our
way. When we came back down and I saw the pic, I could not
believe how I looked... THIN!!!
I actually paid the ridiculous price because , while not even a good
pic, I couldn't get over my size
all I can say is WOW and YIPPIE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

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2-18-06 after a very frustrating few weeks, things seem to be
turning around. I finally got the biopsy
results, and they were negative NO CANCER YIPPIE!!!! I was really
beginning to freak out there. I never
want to go through that again. My arm is still not 100%, but the
swelling is down, and I have some
use of my fingers, although I have a long way to go before "normal"
the Dr doesn't know what caused it, but
since it is resolving that is what he is concerned about, I don't have
to wear the compression cast either.
there is still alot of pain, but it is along the inside of the arm, and
around the elbow.. hopefully that is from
lack of use for 7 weeks.
Valentines day was good this year. AJ sent me a big bouquet of
carnations, my favorite... we weren't
able to be together, but knowing he was there thinking about me
made me happy.
I finally got new clothes, after 9 months, and 110 lbs lost! I bought
2 pair of size 24 pants, and they are too big!
So I went out and got a pair of size 22 today. I gave alot of old
stuff away, my closet
is empty now, it is weird not seeing my stuff. I will miss some of my
more "comfy" stuff, but it will be
replaced in time. I love shrinking! And I wear a 1 X shirt Whoo hoo
And having lost 11 Lbs last month thrills me, with all the tests, and
the biopsy, I haven't been eating
right, but I did get my vitamins and protein in. I have not exercised
or anything. Now that my arm is getting
better, I hope to get going with walks again, once I can hold a
leash, can't leave my boys
A new me is coming out too, I finally got the tattoo I have been
wanting for 20 years! I got dog paw prints,
one just the outine, for Falkor, and one brownish for Ludo on my
chest, it didn't hurt near as bad as
I had anticipated, I am already thinking of my next one! I want a
butterfly, eventually. but need to save for it.
Life seems to be heading in the right direction for now at least..
here's hoping!!!

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3-27-06 Wow, what a busy week, I had an absolutley FABULOUS
time in Holland. It was good
to spend time with Diane again, I really miss her. And with all the
walking we did, I am curious
to see what the scale shows next month. There was so much to
see and do, a week is not
near long enough, but there is always next year, hopefully the
weather is just a bit warmer.
I skipped the last Barix meeting to do last minute prep for my trip
with Regina, we had fun shopping
Luckily I had gone to the Dr the Monday before, so I got my
monthly weight done. I am
just under half way to goal.. and feeling so great!! Of course I want
to lose until I hit goal, but
I can honeslty say if I stopped now, I would be happy, I can do so
much more, find clothes so
much easier, have more energy.. my choice to have the surgery is
definitely the best one I have
ever made in my life. What a life saver it has been.. now if I can
get my boss to switch me off
overnights, all would be right with the world! I took him the note
from my PCP stating for
health reasons it would be best to change my shift, but they can't
move me for that reason
(it is a long complicated story that isn't fair, but I have to deal)
They said thay will work on it
I will bide my time and see how long it takes, if too long, I will find
something else, even though
I like what I do and don't want to change jobs, but oh well, that
is life.
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Me in Amsterdam in front of a beautiful houseboat

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Me standing by stautes of dogs at a park in Leeuwarden * note
the bottle of water in my pocket,
never leave home without one nowadays*

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Great windmills in the background

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My nephew and I at the windmills, cold miserable day, he wasn't a
happy camper

4-20-06 I finally went out and bought a scale... I want to lose
another 15 lbs by my anniversary date
next month. If I can start working out regularly, I should be able to
do it. Diane had a good idea about us
being accountability buddies. We will send food journals and
excercise amounts. It will be good,
and hopefully it will motivate me to work out more often.

4-27-06 I have been doing good this week, since Diane and I
became accountability buddies
I am working out again. OK, so it has been less then a week, but
I am doing it again, and it feels
so great. It does make sleeping in the eve before work a little
more difficult, my adreniline is
pumping and I am not tired, but I make it work, it took 8 months to
get into a work out routing again
I paln on doing whatever I can to keep it going. I am hoping to get
my shift change within the
next month, and then I can start walking my dogs again (I wish
Ludo weren't so high strung, and
would walk easily in the day, but night is better, less to upset him)
Since buying the scale last week,
it is difficult not to get on it everyday to check my progress, I
hope that the longer I have it, the
easier it becomes to ignore it. Going from a monthly weight to a
wekly weight will be wierd, if I
don't see enough progress and get down about it I will hide the
thing if need be and go back to a
monthly weigh in. I don't want to become obsessed about the
numbers again. As long as I lose, I
am happy. That is what is important.

I weighed myself this morning, and best 2 out of 3 weights has me
at 258, that is a loss of 7 lbs in one week, increasing those workout
really helped! If this keeps up, I will reach 250 by my anniversary
next month!!! Crossing my fingers!
It has been a busy day, I worked out shortly after breakfast, then
my sister and I got the carpet in my bathroom pulled up, and the
nail strips and padding too, the padding took longer then I thought
so laying the tile will have to wait until tomorrow, I can't wait to
see it finished, I have never done any kind of home improvement
I just hope it turns out o.k.

5-5-06 well, not so good news from the Dr on Monday, he believes
that the lymphedema has now manifested in my leg, I was afraid of
that, but there are times, when I doubt that is what it is. I do not
trust this Dr at all, he even told me that he has no clue how to treat
this.. as he calls it now lymphangitis, and he isn't sure who to
recommend I see. I need to find a comptent Dr, one who actually
listens to me. He told me take take advil for the swelling, Ihave told
him on at least 2 prior visits, I cannot take that, and then he asks
why?? I reminded him, AGAIN, WLS!!! UGH Thanks to some help
from people on the Lymphedema board I have some sources to
check out for a new Dr or maybe a therapist who can help me.
The really annoying part is (apart from them not really knowing
what is wrong with me) is that I can't look for a new job yet, I can't
afford to be without benefits, and since it takes 30-90 days for them
to kick in with most employers, I am stuck. I am trying not to let
this bring me down, but it is hard. I hate this shift, today I was only
able to sleep 2 1/2 hours before I was up for the day.. I managed
to get another 3 hours before coming in, but it is not enough.
A positive point, I am still working out, 4 days so far this week, and
I spent an hour and a half mowing the lawn yesterday, so I am
pleased I am able to keep my motivation this time..

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my furry boys and me

5-19-06 1 year out!!!
I went for my 1 year follow up today. Dr Marymor was pleased with
my loss so far, the nurse told me how good I looked after she saw
my 'before" picture. the nut told me I am doing good, but I need to
cut back on my calcium, she figured it out and I am getting too
much. According to their scales I am down 131 lbs, mine says
I am down 134, not a huge difference, but I am happy! I had been
experienceing mixed emotions, proud of what I have lost, yet
feeling that I could have lost more... but I am over that now. I look
so much better, and more mportantly feel so much better. I
decided to make a list of the things I could not do last year at this

Now: walk 2+ miles without gettnig winded
Then: couldn't make it to the end of the driveway without huffing

Now: can cross my legs at the knee
Then: could barely cross my legs at the ankle

Now: can fit in any seat! (theater, car, plastic chairs)
Then: had to wedge into movie seats, afraid to sit in plactic lawn

Now: Seat belt fits and comfortably (as comfy as it gets anyway)
Then: most seat belts did not fit, or were super tight

Now:can shop in regular stores (still plus size, but not for long)
Then: Had to shop in more expensive specialty stores

Now: Have energy to burn
Then: had zero energy to do anything

Now:Can sit in the tub with room to spare
Then: Sat in the tub and felt like a dam, no room to spare

Now: can finish either Sweating to the Oldies work out feeling good
Then: felt like dying after the first 10 min of Sweatin to the Oldies

I know there is so much more, but that is a short list .. what a
difference a year makes!!!

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me and my boys with our summer haircuts

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My Niece and I after a school carnival 5-20-06

Had a WOW moment today.. I actually was jumping on the
trampoline today! Not a big deal for some, but for me it was a
big deal. I have never been at a weight that I could use a
trampoline. Of course, ,my coordination needs some work, but
that will come with time.
I have had so much energy lately, it makes sleeping for work even
more difficult. I am tried, but not sleepy when I go to bed and I toss
and turn for hours, not getting enough sleep, it is awful!!! If I don't
lay down, I am worthless at work. I have decided that if there is no
change, I am giving my notice at the end of June.
I will take some low paying job and use my retirement as
needed until something comes along, but I hope it doesn't come to
that. Wednesday I will go to Carrelink and see what they have open
My leg is still painful, and getting worse, although the swelling is not
too bad, and I can pretty much control it, the swelling goes down
when I sleep. Per my PCP, I will make an appt with a blood disease
specialist and see what she says, then I will check out the
Lymphedema therapist in Hairrisburg and see what they say. I am
not sure what to beleive, this Dr doesn't know much of anything it
the scale is slowly but surely moving, 252 now, YIPPIE!!! I am doing
so much better with my work outs, still doing 5-6 days a week for
the past month, I am happy about that! Richard Simmons in my
best friend right now, Sweating to those Oldies!!!

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Me on the trampoline.. in the "up" position my legs look great!
down is another story all together!!

6-13-06 So much has been happening, where to begin. Let's start
with a WOW.. this past Friday, my sister and I were volunteering
at Hershey park, and stayed after our "shift" to ride the Great Bear
I was still hesitant about not fitting, but they have a seat at the
entrance to the ride so you can check and make sure before
waiting in the long line.. I fit, so we went! Of course, we were 2
rides back in line and they closed the ride due to storm, so we
waited just under an hour(on top of the 40 min we had been in line)
but it was well worth it! being able to fit was just as exciting to me
as the ride itself! I can't wait to go back and ride EVERYTHING!
As we waited in line (row 5 was desiganted to larger riders, height
or weight) my sister pointed out a woman in a faster moving line
and said we could have gone there, cuz she was bigger then me!
I was like, really?? I guess the minds eye is hard to change, I still
see myself as "big" afterwards we walked past a vending machine
and I saw my reflection, and I guess I am not as big as my mind
says I am.. gotta work on that. What a great day, I even bought
the overpriced picrute taken at the end of the ride for my scrapbook
I saw the Lymphedema therapist who started with the massage
yesterday.. afterwards she wrapped my leg. I have to wear the
bandage 23 hours a day for the next 3 weeks. It isn't uncomfortable
but it is hard to re-wrap after a shower, I had a heck of a time and
had to get help, but working overnights, help won't always be
available. Hopefully with time it becomes easier for me, and I get
better at it. I am actually looking forward to the compression
stocking, since it will easier to put on. I do worry about the sizing
of the stocking, since I am still losing weight, how often will I have
to get a new one to fit my shrinking leg.
After my therapy appt, I went to see my former grandmother-in-
law, from my first marriage. It has been 3 years since I visited
something I feel guilty about. It was so good to see Nanny again,
but at the same time, it was difficult, since being in hre home,
brings back memories and feelings I forget I have. If I could I think
it would be interesting to see ifwe could make it work again, but
with him re-married, how happily is in question, but also 3000 miles
away, it is a mute point. I won't live my life for "what-if's"
July's work schedule came out, and there is no change, so I have
written my resignation letter, effective the 15th of July (hoping they
realize I am serious and giving them 2 weeks to move me, if not, I
still have a full 2 weeks notice in and am outta here) But John is in
Pittsburgh until Thursday night, so I have to wait till Friday.. I typed
a second letter addressed to Dan, but I prefer to give it to John
and Dan doesn't usually come in before we leave at 8. we will see
what happens
I still don't have another job, but I am hoping that Wed when I see
Barb and get the application for Lancaster, I can get in there. If
worse comes to worse, I live off my retirement and work a
minimum wage job, until I find something better
I started the plateau buster diet this past Saturday.... so far I
have lost 5 lbs, nice to see the scale move after 3 weeks of nothing.
I did increase the protion from 3 oz to 4-5 oz, I just felt hungry all
the time, and that is not good. But the diet is still working and that
makes me happy.
*side note, going back and reading what I wrote last month, I did
not find a therapist in Harrisburg, I continued researching and
found one in Lancaster.. she is great. And the blood specialist I
feel was a huge waste of time, she blamed my weight and a bug
bite I had for 4 days as the cause of my problem.. um, the pain has
been present since February and the swelling, 7 weeks at the time
I saw her.. UGH!!*

Well, as of yesterday I am officially unemployed.. but that is O.K.
at least for now, I have some leads and resumes sent out,
hopefully something comes along soon. Until then I have my small
retirement funds to live on. John was going to move me, but Dan
said no, big jerk.. oh well that is life. I was touched and surprised
to find out Eric went to bat for me with Dan and told him it was B.S.
that he was letting me go for these reasons, competent dispatchers
are in short supply in this area...but I guess that is not of
importance to Dan.. although Dan said I am welcome to come back
part time, I am considering that.
I thought I had hit a major stall for the past 2 months, but it isn't as
bad as I thought, I lost 9 lbs last month, and so far this month 2.. I
admit I have been really slacking on the workouts, but am getting
back on track again.. I fall off the work out wagon, but always get
back on.. I know it is important to keep it up, espcially since I am
past the one year mark now.
I turned the big 4-0.. Tia had a nice party for me. All that was
missing was Diane and Marco in Holland, and Warren, who was
in Guam with the Air Force reserves.. but we still had a great time.
I got pretty wasted, but was entertaining to all.. I have never been
that drunk in my life, and none of my friends or family had seem
me like that.. Shirley, Brooke, Amanda and Brooke's friend Beth
and I went to thje midnight show of Pirates of the Carribbean.. I
had long since sobered up by the time we went. I can say I was
not nearly as impressed with this one as I was the first Pirates
My LE, seems to be under control, I was bandaging forever , until I
got my customed stocking last week (off the rack was not going to
cut it) I go back on Thursday for the therapist to check it out. I am
a little worried, because at the end of the day there is a little
swelling, and when I had it bandaged there was none... I worry
that with the continued weight loss, I will have that problem, since
the stocking will be getting looser as my leg shrinks.. and since I
have no insurance right now, I can't do much about it... Oh well,
it will work out, things always do!

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My best frined of 20 years, Shirley and I, at my 40th party.

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Will, Tia's friend's husband.. Regina, my rock!, Falkor and me at
my party!

Your Ideal Pet is a Big Dog

You're both energetic, affectionate, and a bit goofy.

And neither of you seem to mind very slobbery kisses!

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the most recent pic of me I look SKINNY!!!


Not so much new to report, I got my new tattoo and I am very
happy with it.. my sister was supposed to get Piglet at the same
time, but we are working on getting the graphic just right, she
wants him to be lifting weights, to represent her better.
I am still job hunting, and hoping to find something soon.
The weight loss has really slowed, almost non-existent. I had been
fluctuating between 242 and 247, but then I got sick, I got down to
236, but since getting over the cold, I seem to be hovering between
238 and 240... here's hoping to get it down more. I rode my bike
for the first time last night, 3.3 miles and I didn't feel bad at all,
but my "hoochie coohie" was a bit sore. After the ride, we rested
and then my sister, niece and I took my dogs on a brisk 1 mile walk
all steps in the right direction for me... if I can keep motivation, that
is my weakest spot.. motivating myself to get out there and do
what I know I need to do, but I enjoy doing at the same time.

My new tattoo..

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There isn't a whoile lot new going on. I am still looking for work.
I did apply for and get hired at Turkey Hill, but it is only part time
and there are no benefits, which I definitely need.. I also went
back to EMA and applied for my old job back. I have heard from
people who are still there, that Mike quit with no notice and that
Lindsey is leaving mid Sept to move to FL.. they were shot when I
left, so hopefully they will hire me back, even if I will be on yucky
4-midnight, but I know the benefits are good and the money is
decent. We will see what happens, I am crossing my fingers.
My weight has been holding around 236-238 for the past couple
of weeks, I gained 3 lbs when "aunt Flow" came to visit last week,
I need to wrok on getting that off. With the rain, I have not been
biking or walking like I had been the past few weeks. I need to start
doing that again, or dust off the workouts.. I did do pilates Monday
and it felt good to do them again. I seriously dount I will lose
much more weight.. and that is o.k. I look and feel so much better.
I went on a date Sunday, and it was awful. Ray was nice enough,
but after that.. ugh! He didn't plan for anything to do.. even though
he agreed to my suggestion of mini golf.. there was no mini golf
course, or bowling alley, or pool hall... not even a movie theater!
We ended up driving all afternoon. I mentioned going to a park for
a walk, and he directs me to a state park.. with me wearing
wedge heeled sandals.. bad idea! Then he asked if I would buy my
own dinner.. this after spending all that money for gas to get there
(it was a 2 1/2 hour drive up) and while we drove... I hate dating!!

What a month.. this whole work issue has really gotten to me, the
uncertainty of it all. I am working part time at Turkey HIll, it could
go full time eventually, then there was the interest from Rite Aid
I am still waiting to hear more , after taking a phone questionaire,
hopefully I will get the pharm tech job. I told John yesterday I
would not be retuning to EMA.. I just can't go back, knwoing I will
be working with the second shift grouches! In the end, their bad
attitudes will just bring me down, and I have enough trouble with
staying positive these days without that hassle.. I may come to
regret my choice, but I have to do what I think is right.
My weight has been holding at 242 the past 3 weeks.. back up from
my sick weight of 236.. I tried to keep ti down, but with all the
added stress, I guess I wasn't as careful as I should have been..
but that is o.k., it is 6 lbs, and it has been holding.. I am now
trying to be more conscious of what I am taking in, and I am
making it a point to walk, even thoguh I am exausted from work, I
still take the dogs for a walk.. and small as it is, I ride my bike the
1/2 mile to and from work everyday, well, one day it was pouring
rain, so I drove. I have to buy an umbrella and walk it the next time
I think I am done losing weight, now it goes back to the good, old
fashioned way... exercise and really watching what I eat. I still
want to lose another 45 lbs.. I want to see "Onederland" . I can't
remember when I weighed less then 220, and that was right out
of high school.. I starved myself to get there from my weight at
graduation of 256

Lots to share this time around.. let's start with the new loss! I have
been stuck at the same weight for months, flopping between 236 &
242.. I recently met a new man (mor elater on him) and we walk
ALOT!!! I have lost 9 lbs in the past week and a half, bringing me
down to 233 yesterday !! YIPPIE I had resolved myself to the fact
that I was done losing, and would have to go back to diet and
exercise to lose more.. even though I had been walking more often
and riding my bike to work instead of driving, and doing the pilates
a bit mor often.. the weight still wasn't moving.. but with Spence,
we walk miles and miles, our second date we went hiking and
ended up walking back country roads for 6 miles.. it was great
I was not winded or tired, although my feet were achey.. we went
right after I got done working... So hopefully I can keep the number
going down and reach my goal of 190 before the New Year,

Spence is a really great guy.. we talk about everything and he is a
gentleman.. something I am not used to. I am used to "horndogs"!
He is newly divorced (although they were seperaated 7 years prior)
And he is just not ready yet, I think it is sweet! He has a 13 y/o
daughter who goes to school with my niece.. she is familiar with
the name, and says she doesn't like her, but can't really think of
who she is (there ar ea few girls who look like her) my niece is
such a drama queen! I am hoping that eventually they will become
friends. We ar etaking things slow, which is best! More updates as things progress

I have been working part time (almost FT hours) for a convenience
store for a month now, I took it, knowing it was an interim job, but
I am not as satisfied working there as I thought I would be. Maybe
it is the hours I am working, or the fact that they expect more out
of me then from the other girl they hired at the same time because
I am "older" I'm not sure, so I am looking again. I was asked if I would be interested in the assistant manager position if it were to
open, the current asst is a young girl who is thinking of going back
to school. It woud be better hours and more mney, but I am not so
sure I want to get into management.. it could be such a hassle, but
then again, it would look better on a resume then my jack of all
trades histroy now.. we will see what is in store, take life as it
comes, one day at a time....

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My sister and I , in an old pair of my pants.. WOW


Life had been good lately.. go figure.. still enjoying the jobn, for the
most part, I LOVE the schedule I work right nw, I have lots of time
to spend with Spence... things are going great between us as well.
It is just a great time. We haven't been walking much the past
week, Spence hurt his back, but I am still holding at 233-235.. I can
deal with that, the loss will start again. My sister got me a pass to
join the YMCA, all I have to do is pay the monthly fee, no start up
fee, so now I can take the water aerobics classes I have been
wanting to take for so long now. I have a job interview on Thurs
for Comcast cable.. while I like where I work, it is only part time
and I have no benefits, and here in the next 9-12 months, I am
hoping to get the hernia fixed and my tummy tuck.. so I will need
ins for that... and the fact it is more money and free cable/cable
modem is an added bonus.. keeping my fingers crossed

10-26-06  Going back and reading through my journey, I have forgotten to mention my LE in the last few updates, probably because it no longer seems ot be a problem.. it is strange and now I wonder if I ever had LE in my leg, and that all the tests (one for 1200 that was not covered by ins) were a waste of time. Since leaving EMA I have had to wear my stocking twice, and that was close to when I quit. I figured it was because I had a lto of time to sit with my leg up, but when I started the part time job, I thought being on my feet all day I would have problems again.. but NO! I have had no swelling or pain since Sept.. nothing, nada! Today I have an inverview for COmcast cable, IF I get the position, I will be sitting all day again, I wonder if the problem will return... all I know is that I haven't had pain or swelling for months and I am thrilled about that!  I will have to try and remember to keep updating on everything!!!

Future Update

Future Update

Future Update

Future Update

Here are some pics comparing my scar as time progressed, I will
update in a few weeks, I started using scar therapy pads, it should
take 8-12 weeks for results.. (in the 6 month pic, you can kind of
compare the size of my hernia to what it is at 1 yr)

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4 months out (the soonest I thought to take a pic of the scar)

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now at 6 months out, getting flat and wide

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1 yr out.. getting a bit lighter...

here is a pic of my scar after 8 weeks of using a scar reducing

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And what profile would be complete without "baby" pics?! Here is
Baby Huey, aka my hernia at 1 yr out.. a BIG one.. yuck, can't wait
for plastics, and the repair!!!

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Here is the "sporty" wrap I get to wear 23 hours a day for 3 weeks
to help reduce the Lymphedema in my leg after 3 weeks, it
changes to a compression stocking...there is a foam "stocking"
under the bandages, similar to ACE but not...

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Your Personality Profile

You are funky, outdoorsy, and down to earth.

While you may not be a total hippie...

You're definitely one of the most free spirited people around.

You are very impulsive - every day is a new adventure.

However, you do put some thought behind all your actions.

Still, you do tend to shock and offend people from time to time!

You're Betty Boop!
Bettie Boop

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Your Birthdate: July 6

You tend to be a the rock in relationships - people depend on you.

Thoughtful and caring, you often put others needs first.

You aren't content to help those you know... you want to give to the world.

An idealist, you strive for positive change and dream about how much better things could be.

Your strength: Your intuition

Your weakness: You put yourself last

Your power color: Rose

Your power symbol: Cloud

Your power month: June

You are Betty Grable!
You're Betty Grable!

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Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
Earth girl
You are a true nature girl!

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
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A picture of my furry sons, Ludo, the brown one, and Falkor, my white weirdo

About Me
Lebanon, PA
Surgery Date
Sep 02, 2005
Member Since

Friends 3
