
It's been a long time ...

Gastric bypass was definitely a life-changing procedure. I dated, married, lived a life I couldn't have imagined, and am now getting divorced ... and all of it is okay! There's very little I would change!

Life has had its ups & downs, weight included. I lapsed back into old eating habits. Thanks to a relative, I joined Orangetheory Fitness last May. The combination of exercise and healthy eating (WW app) helped me lose 40 lbs. I weigh less now than my lowest following the RNY, and I'm healthy. That's all that matters.

The gastric tool is still doing its job. There are still foods I cannot tolerate and will get either too full or sick if I eat them. It helps keep me in check, but I have to do the rest.

So 17 years later, I can honestly say I'm grateful for the surgery. It's not a cure-all; anyone who thinks so, please do your research. That isn't the case. I wish you the best! :)



- 8 lbs ... Colleagues are noticing; I even received a complement from a student ... feeling better about myself now.

I've lost 6 lbs & am continuing to do well! The shakes are working great - it takes a good part of the morning to drink even half of one! Lunches & dinners are healthier now. Omitting chocolate & coffee has been paramount! :)

Overall, my health is very good. It's taken only two years for me to revert back to old habit & gain 20 lbs. However, I've decided to "go-back-to-basics." On a recent trip home, I found the resources that were available to me post-op had gone out of business. Using the tool inside me, what I've learned from Lisa Van Dusen years ago, and my brother's knowledge of low-carb low-cal foods, I've put myself on a food plan: 
     *Myoplex Lite shake for breakfast (which takes me a good part of the morning to finish)
     *a salad with protein in the afternoon
     *a sensible dinner
     *healthy snacks (with nothing after 9pm) 
     *increase my water intake
     **(MOST important) no chocolate, coffee, or junk food!!! 
The first week on my new plan to regain my health saw a loss of 4 lbs. The second week is almost at an end, and I am already seeing a difference in my clothing. While I'm not looking to lose everything overnight, I've set a goal for myself: I'll be able to wear my fall clothes again. Gregg & I are enjoying life with our 3 dogs - Bailey (our schnauzer, who is almost 9), Jules (our black lab - just a little over 3 yrs.), and Mia (our other black lab - only 5 months). Walking with them (on Gentle Leaders!) is a lot of fun!

Gregg & I were married a little over one month ago. My dress fit perfect; no issues at all! We had a wonderful time on the cruise. When I came home, I had gained only 2 lbs! For me, that's unheard of! We want to start a family, I'm sure it'll be within the next year. I would love to hear from anyone who's given birth following this surgery.

We're getting ready for the wedding in a couple of weeks! Most of what needs to be done is done. Had my last dress fitting. Only 2 weeks ago, it was fine; now this week, it was tight in back. They told me it was because it's my time of the month & that happens to a lot of brides. I've been really careful about what I've been eating & weigh myself twice a week, so I knew it wasn't like I'd gained weight.

Our honeymoon is a cruise to Italy, France & Greece! I've never been on a cruise before & am really looking forward to it!

Can't believe the wedding is only a couple of months away! We've booked a cruise to Italy, France, and Greece; made the final payment last weekend. My dress is due in on May 30; the attendants' dresses will be ready in early June. Gregg & I decided to go on the Nutri*System plan. He's lost 25 lbs.; I've lost 8 lbs. My clothes are fitting better than they have in awhile! I have 7 more I'd like to lose, & I know I will. Please feel free to write!

We set the date ... July 30! I found my wedding dress, and I am so thrilled with how it looks!

Gregg proposed to me on Christmas Eve -- we're officially engaged! We don't know if we'll be married this year or next year, but those are decisions we'll figure out later on. Telling family & friends has been nothing short of wonderful! I continue to be grateful to the bariatric team for allowing me to have this surgery, as well as all of the pre/post-op members I've met who have been with me on my journey. Happy New Year, everyone! :)

Things are going pretty well. My weight is stable, although I'd like to lose 10-15 more pounds. Comfort foods can be especially difficult to refuse during this time of the year. But I'm sure I'll make it through just fine. I am going to go back to weighing myself every Monday It's just more helpful to me to know exactly where I stand.

So much has happened since January!

I have continued drinking decaf coffee & am doing my best to NOT have chocolate be another food group. Perhaps once a month, I get junk food cravings for about a week ... fortunately, there hasn't been much of a weight gain.

I was nervous about weighing myself at my PCP appt yesterday, and to my surprise, I'm only 159.5! I'd like to get down to 150-153 lbs., but my PCP said that I shouldn't be so hard on myself. Regular exercise should help me out. There is a great gym only 5 mins from where Gregg & I live, and my new goal is to get there at least 3X per week. I'm also looking into Yoga classes.

Gregg & I know that we want to get married. It's just a matter of when, etc. During my heavier years, I remember thinking I would be wonderful to have a relationship with someone. Y'know what ... it's not always easy! Anyone who thinks so is kidding themselves. What's great about OUR relationship is that we both accept & love each other for who we are. There are certainly difficulties, but that's par for the course. I'm just grateful to be with Gregg because I couldn't imagine life without him!

We adopted a beautiful purebred Black Lab -- named him Jules after Samuel L. Jackson's character in "Pulp Fiction"! He's adorable! Our schnauzer Bailey is a little out-of-sorts but gradually getting better.

Mom & I are flying to Greece for a 2 week vacation in only 2 weeks!!! :D The last time I was there was in 1999, and I weighed close to 230 lbs. I'm beyond excited about seeing relatives' faces when they see how I've changed. I know they will be pleased for me, just as I am!

Still can't handle pasta, bread, soft drinks, and things with too much sugar. I still look to get my protein in first & will often have a salad before dinner if I'm really hungry. My meals are much healthier than they were prior to surgery. Sometimes the big confusion is the amount of carbs in foods VS. the amount of protein. I have a 3 year post-op appt at UMMHC in August and will speak with someone regarding this when I go.

It's been awhile since I've updated. Lots has happened. My weight has fluctuated a little. Stress has caused me to revert back to some old habits, like eating chocolate daily. It became so much of an obsession, I quit eating it cold-turkey about 3 weeks ago. Needless to say, I feel better about myself. I've also stopped drinking caffeinated coffee, as I was noticing that afterwards, I would graze most of the day. So now that I'm back on the right track, I'd like to lose 10 lbs. With this tool inside me, I know I'll be able to.

I've been here in CT for a few weeks. I'm grateful that extended family is so close, tho' I miss my immediate family very much. And naturally, I'm absolutely thrilled to be with Gregg. Never in a million years did I believe I could love anyone as much as I love him. :)

One of the best 'side effects' of having this surgery is the self-confidence boost. I am beginning a new job with some general anxiousness, but at least I won't have to worry about the kids or other staff members making comments about my weight. And none of them will have known me as a pre-op; that is a blessing. I will always remember where I came from, what my struggles were (and what some of them still are) ... but it's not necessary that everyone know. It's going to be interesting to see how I'm accepted as MYSELF!!! :)

In a few weeks, I am moving to Southern CT. Gregg and I have decided that we want to live together, and I found a wonderful job about 20 mins from where we'll be. The changes are a little overwhelming, but (at the same time) very exciting!

It's inconceivable that 2 years have passed. There've been numerous changes in my life, and I am grateful for each of them, be they positive or challenging. This morning, I said a prayer & thanked God for giving me this wonderful chance to have the RNY surgery & to live life again to its fullest. All of the medical concerns I once had are but a memory; all of the emotional turmoil (w/regard to my weight) is a scar that's healed; all of the opportunities that come my way I take without hesitation. My weight has remained stable. I'm happier, I'm healthier, I'm blessed.

On your journey, my friend, may you find peace and contentment. You deserve it! :)

This month, a colleague of mine asked me if I would be interested in applying to be on the Reality TV show, Extreme Makeover. Initially, I jumped & said 'yes', but now I'm not so sure. It would be wonderful to have the tummy tuck, arm reduction, thigh reduction, breast job, and maybe even some other stuff. But I'm just not comfortable having these kinds of surgeries filmed & broadcast over national television ... not only that but my name & face would forever be linked to this program. That's not who I am or what I'm all about. While (if I were chosen) this would certainly fulfill a dream, I am better suited for privacy & anonymity than I am 15 mins of fame.

Meanwhile, head hunger issues continue. I'm making an appt with my nutritionist. My weight has remained stable, but if I don't get a grip (and soon), I could very well end up in a numbers bracket that I don't want to be in.

Didn't realize it had been so long since I'd updated. My one year follow-up with Dr. Kelly went very well. I asked him about the tummy-tuck procedure. He said "never say never", but really, he wasn't sure my insurance company would approve it. I've only lost about 84 lbs total; from what I've heard since this appointment, they balk at paying for this procedure unless you've lost 100+ lbs. Several people in my bariatric support group have had it done by a wonderful doctor; and while I'm very happy for them, I wish SO much that I could have it done, too. In the meantime, life goes on ...

My weight is approximately 157 lbs. A little higher than last time, but at least it's been stable. I'm not as hung up on BMI as I used to be ... so long as I maintain where I am. Food is an issue sometimes. It took a conversation with Gregg for me to realize that chocolate was becoming an obsession again. I appreciate his feedback. I don't always see what's happening & from time to time, I need someone to point it out to me ... I'm so thankful to Gregg for that.

Clothes ... what can I say? I have a closet full and always want more! That was what I asked for this Christmas. My mother gave me a beautiful black cashmere sweater; my sister & her family gave me a gorgeous black & white dress I wanted ... they are size 12/14s, and I'm just fine with that.

What I hope for the new year is a resolution of some of the head hunger issues and a better understanding of the eating program I need to follow for the rest of my life.

Please feel free to write me ... I promise a response.

As I was being wheeled into the operating room, I remember very well wondering what my life would be like a year from that point. I'm overwhelmed by all of the positive changes that have come about because of this surgery. This is the first summer in almost 12 years that I've worn shorts! While I will occasionally indulge in a 'treat', I don't gorge myself with junk food the way I used to. My meals are well-balanced, and I am grateful for the good health I have. Gregg & I are still seeing each other, and I really enjoy being with him. My BMI has remained the same since last month. While I vacillate a few pounds each week, my weight remains between 149-153 lbs. I will have my one year follow-up appt with Dr. Kelly this week.

Lost 3 lbs since I last wrote. My BMI is down from 27.8 to 27.3! Don't care that the chart says I'm 'overweight'. I FEEL good & that's what matters!

Gregg & I are still seeing each other. He is the epitome of a gentleman. Whenever we go out to eat, he asks if he can make a recommendation about dishes that would be easier for my tummy to handle. Gregg doesn't make an issue of the fact that I've had this surgery, nor do I. It's wonderful that he's so supportive. But I love that we've become such good friends & that our relationship is blooming.

Regarding my previous entry, I needn't have been concerned. I have been maintaining my weight for a little over a month now. It fluctuates up & down by about 4 lbs. I weigh myself every week, but only to make sure that I am stable.

Another positive: I have met someone very special! Gregg & I were introduced by my cousin. Since he lives about 1.5 hrs away from me, we initially began getting to know each other via email. None of the 'pressure' of having to be together every moment, and I think that's actually worked in our favor. We have gone out at least one weekend a month these last two months & enjoy each other's company.

I went against advice from a well-intending family member to NOT tell Gregg that I'd had this surgery. After I told him (via phone), he asked me some questions & then got quiet. I asked him if I'd blown his mind - he wanted to know why I thought that - and I told him that I had been advised not to say anything about having this procedure done.

His reaction? -- "Let me ask you this: if your appendix burst, what would you do?" -- meaning, "It was broke & you fixed it ... so?" I was all smiles then ... and I am even more today! :) :) :)

I lost 5 lbs this week, down to 152 lbs...BMI is 27.8. A call was placed to the surgeon's office because I don't know how to stop losing weight & I REALLY don't want to go any lower. I've tried adding more calorie-laden foods to my day. Most of the time, I can't stomach more than a couple of bites. Tried eating chocolate chip cookies -- after 1, I couldn't eat any more. This was certainly the type of discipline I had hoped for, but I want the loss to level off now. Hopefully, I'll get to speak with Robin, Dr. Kelly's nurse practitioner, tomorrow.

BMI has changed from 29.4 to 28.7. My weight loss is slowing down -- I'm actually ready for it. I now fit into size 12 pants, and I couldn't be happier. Guess it's time to contact the nutritionist about how to maintain the weight I'm at.

For some reason, my new "before & after" pictures aren't showing up on this profile page. Until then, copy & paste this link into your browser. You can see them here: http://www.geocities.com/britsa4/b4nafter.html

I have to share this story!!! In going through my bureau, I came across an opal ring (w/a diamond chip on either side) that my parents bought for me for my 16th birthday. It was in terrible shape, so I took it to the jewelers & asked them to have it cleaned.

I got it back yesterday, and OMG, did I get tears in my eyes! My ring looked exactly as it did 20 years ago when I picked it out! It fits my pinky finger perfectly -- 77 lbs ago, I couldn't get it 1/4 of the way down that finger! Now it's a wonderful reminder of my parents' love for me. Dad may be physically gone, but spiritually, he's still with me!

This couldn't have happened at a better time! Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!!

Monthly check-in time! The day was a fantastic one -- to begin with, New England was hit by a snowstorm & the superintendent called off school! :D So I went out to Wal*Mart & bought spring clothes! I was in the dressing room for almost 1.5 hrs, trying on everything I could. I ended up with 3 pairs of khaki pants (blue, black & beige), 2 catalina shirts (navy/light blue with white stripes), 2 peasant blouses (always loved them & am SO glad the style is back!), and a peach top with 3/4" sleeves. I am ecstatic that the pants were size 14 & fit perfectly, not to mention the tops were all 8-10/Mediums!!!! I haven't been able to wear clothes this small in YEARS!!!!! And my BMI's down to 29.4...I'm almost in the NORMAL range!!!! :D :D :D :D :D

I'm finally able to handle the foods I haven't been able to tolerate (ckn, fish, pork). As long as the meat is moist, I have no problems keeping it down. But if it's the least bit dry, fuggetabouddit!!! LOL

I had to pay my car insurance at my agent's this month. The customer service rep has known me for years but hasn't seen me in a very long time. She didn't recognize me at all, and when the lightbulb finally went on over her head, she couldn't believe it! She was so thrilled for me that I'd had the surgery & was feeling so healthy.

And last, but not least, I am going to be maid-of-honor in my friend Jenni's wedding. We found the dress that I'll wear, and I am tickled pink by how I look in it! For the first time in my life, I had to remind myself not to gawk at my own reflection in the mirror...but I couldn't help it! After all this time, I finally have a WAIST!!!!

I am so grateful to my family & friends for seeing me through this surgery AND to God for allowing it to happen! :)

Today's the day ~ I jumped the BMI border (29.8)!!! :)

I am SO PSYCHED!!! I weighed myself on the nurse's scale at school yesterday...I'm down to 165.5 lbs!!! :D My BMI is 30.2...another 2 pounds & I'll have jumped over the border from "obese" to "overweight"!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! :D :D :D :D

Happy New Year!!! I can't believe this is the first year that I won't have 'lose weight' as a resolution!!! :) I'm down 69 lbs & feel great!

The holiday was wonderful. I asked for & received the clothes I wanted. My brother commented that he couldn't get over ordering medium sizes for me! I can't get over WEARING them!!!

I had my session with the photographer & was absolutely thrilled with the pictures! I had a few shots taken of me in a pair of jeans that had been altered. When the proofs came out, I noticed that my tummy bulge really showed. Well, I put those same jeans on today: NO MORE BULGE!!! They actually have to be altered AGAIN!!!

Still staying away from chicken, fish & pork. But incredibly, I'm able to handle turkey, ham, roast beef, steak, & shrimp! Hair loss continues to be a problem. I'm hoping it will slow down soon.

Regardless, I am so grateful to Dr. G (my PCP), Marjy (behavioral medicine), Lisa (nutrition), Cathleen (psychologist), Gloria (surgeon's secretary), Robin (surgeon's nurse practitioner), and Dr. Kelly (surgeon). They've all helped me to reclaim my life as my own. God Bless!!! 0:)

The compliments are coming from everywhere, and while it feels great, it seems strange that they're directed at ME! A woman I work with told me I am a shadow of my former self, and the kids I work with are telling me that I look really good! I'm SO happy!

I've lost 63 lbs., have a closet full of clothes, and can finally run with my dog...he's just LOVING that! :) My BMI has dropped to 32...making my TOTAL BMI LOSS: 11.5!!!! YAAAAAYYY!!!

Chicken still gives me trouble: if it's really moist, I can tolerate it just fine. If it's dry, no amount of broth or lite sauce will help it stay down. But I can eat beef jerky & taco meat...go figure!

For the first time since high school (15+ yrs ago!), I've decided I want my portrait done! So tomorrow, I have an evening appointment with a local photographer & am eagerly anticipating the session! I'm already trying to figure out which clothes I should wear, as well as which 'changes' I should bring! This is going to be fun!!!

Can't believe I'm a little over 3 months post-op! I've lost 55 lbs to date, my BMI has dropped from 43.5 to 33.7, and I'm now wearing size 14 tops & 16W pants (from size 24s for both)!!!

While I've suffered no horrific problems due to the surgery, I do have difficulty eating fish, chicken, & pork. I had an endoscopy done on 8/28/02 (the hole leading from my tummy to my intestine was too small & needed to be 'opened up') & also had an Upper GI yesterday (due to vomiting). My nutritionist believes that I might have a sensitive pouch, and it might take a year or more for me to be able to handle dense foods. If that's the trade-off for me, I'll take it!!!! :)

I went out to lunch with 2 of my post-op friends this afternoon and was thrilled that I was able to focus more on the conversation than the food.

Life has its ups & downs...and has its road blocks, too! But I'm thrilled to be more a part of it than I've been these last 10 years!!! CARPE DIEM!!!!!!!

I am posting my WLS journey on my website (see link above). At present, I am updating my hospital experience. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. Thanks!

Just got back from Dr. Kelly's office. One of his nurses was my neighbor growing up, and she took out my staples. No pain, just pressure. Everything is healing beautifully! She weighed me: -11 lbs in 9 days!!!! WOOOHOOO!!!!

I had Laparoscopic RNY on 7/01/02. Everything went wonderfully! Dr. Kelly told me that my surgery was 2h 5m! I was ecstatic! I had MINIMAL pain, rarely used the morphine pump, and stopped taking percocet the day after I got the prescription! Today I started driving & had absolutely no problems. The only issue for me so far has been lactose intolerance, which I know is common & not something I'm concerned about at all. I've switched from skim to lactaid fat free milk -- everything's fine!

Please feel free to email me with any questions or anything. I promise to respond!

About Me
Mar 30, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Still -57 from the RNY, but this was not a healthy weight for me.
Thanks Orangetheory, WW, and RNY for helping me reach my goal!
