4 days post-op

Jul 02, 2011

Today I am 4 days post-op! I had RNY done by Dr. Dieter Pohl on June 28, 2011.  When I woke up in the hospital that Tuesday, I must admit I felt like I was going to die.  For a minute, I thought "why did I do this to myself?".  Now, I can't believe I ever thought that.  Though I am still experiencing some pain today, I know that I have made the right decision and this journey is right for me. 

I came home from the hospital on Thursday after my surgery, and even just being in my own house made me feel so much better.  In order to be discharged, I had to drink atleast half of two 12oz protein shakes and 30oz of water.  I did so, but I must say it was not easy.  Until this day, I find I am still struggling to get down all the necessary fluids.  Looking at an 8-12oz protein shake is so completely overwhelming, so I have been splitting each shake into dixie cups and find that this is a bit less intimidating. 

I am a bit concerned about how I am doing and the progress I am making.  Even taking 1 or 2 sips of water, I have sharp pain all in my chest and down into my pouch, which feels full ALL the time.  I know it is not normal to feel hungry, but I didn't think after 4 days post op I would still feel so much pain when drinking.  After a few seconds of swallowing the tightness in my chest subsides, but after 3oz of protein shaked my pouch feels so extremely full and it is quite a struggle to get down the rest of my fluids for the day.  Does anyone else experience this? It feels as if there is still gas in my pouch, but  I can't burp. I push and nothing comes out- I have only burped a few times since the surgery.  I am passing gas the other way and have had one small bowel movement, but am still starting to get a bit discouraged with the little I seem to be able to handle.

Do I need to push my pouch more? I'm only taking 1 or 2 small sips every 5-10 minutes and I don't know if I should be taking more than this or not. 

I still need to figure out exactly what works for me, and I know it is a life long journey.  I just hope I take a turn for the best soon! Keeping my head up!

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