over 6 months out!

Mar 11, 2008

Hard to believe 6 months out and I am down 102 since starting this journey. I would do all of this again tomorrow!

2 1/2 months out

Nov 12, 2007

Its so hard to believe 56lbs gone! I still get sick here and there but would not change a thing. I am so happy I did this!

4 1/2 weeks out!

Oct 01, 2007

Well I feel like I am doing pretty good. Hoping to go back to work next week. I am down 36lbs. Yipee! My energy level is getting better as well. Just some nausia and pain around the incision. I think If I were to do this again I wouldn't go "open rny". I would go lap. Anyways have a great day!

This time next week

Aug 23, 2007

Well I must say the nerves are churning. This time next week it will all be overwith and I will be on the loser's bench with many others. I have to say I can't wait. I am not looking forward to the preop waste cleansing the day before. I think that its going to be far worse than any surgery could ever be. 

Stretching of the Throat

Aug 08, 2007

Well today I went for my stretching of my throat and have to say I didn't like that a bit. They found a hiatal hernia and did a biopsy. Not sure why... I guess just checking things out. Only 22 more days the my next life. keeping my fingers cross it goes well.

Goal Chart

Jul 28, 2007

About Me
peru, NY
Jan 02, 2007
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 6
over 6 months out!
2 1/2 months out
4 1/2 weeks out!
This time next week
Stretching of the Throat
Goal Chart
