I have been overweight for over 15 years.  I always fought my weight but it wasn't until I got pregnant with my dear daughter that the weight just kept coming.  Six months after giving birth I still had not lost the weight and in fact put more on.  It wasn't until then that my doctor stated that I had a thyroid issue.  By that time I had struggled for so long that I was done.  If my medication wasn't going to take care of the weight by itself, I was just exhausted with a new child and done with the whole thing.  Over the years the weight has just kept climbing.  I got pregnant with my son and put on more weight but with the help of the medication I was able to take it off after he was born.  However, sadly, I have just kept climbing again.  I have been on and off diets more that... well if you are reading this than you understand exactly how many I have been on and fallen off.  I am looking forward to making a change for me that will help me to conquer my fight with weight and allow me the opportunity to put my efforts in other places.  I want to run and play with my kids while they still want me around before that time is gone and I am sick of walking up 1 flight of stairs and huffing and puffing.  This is the first day of the rest of my life....  and if I live through the "all liquid" part of my diet it will be a miracle.

About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 23, 2008
Member Since

Friends 2

Latest Blog 7
Almost 4 months out
Two Months Out
Almost 3 week post op status
1 week post op
Third Day Post Op
Day 10 Liquid Only Diet
Day 4 All Liquid Pre-Op Diet
