I am new to this site but spend a lot of time reading all of the posts.  My surgery is December 10 at 4 in the afternoon.  I am very excited and ready to make this change in my life. 

Like my screen name says, I am a busy mom.  I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 18 years.  We have 2 children who are teens and an exchange student from Korea.  Of course all 3 play sports so much of my life is spent driving.  I am blessed with an amazing family - they are my everything.

I am a middle school reading teacher.  In my spare time I love to animals, to do girlie stuff but most of all I love to cycle and train for triathlons.  One of my main reasons for having surgery is so that I won't have to lug myself  up hills on the bike. Even with all of my intense training I still have not been able to lose weight. 

I have always struggled with weight issues but they became a real problem when I was pregnant with my son.  I gained 100 pounds.  Then was pregnant again at his first birthday with my daughter.  I have lost a few pounds here and there but I have never maintained the loss.

I turn 40 in July and hope to be near goal. I am ready to start the new decade strong and healthy.

About Me
Nov 01, 2012
Member Since

Friends 2
