**5 years after gastric bypass, Petersen's hernia**

Oct 17, 2012

Hi y'all,
I wanted to let you know how this situation resolved.  I went back to Dr. Ludwig, my bariatric surgeon, and ended up having
repair of a Petersen's hernia.  Look it up and you will see it is becoming a more common occurence after our surgery.
Important to pay attention to symptoms and get prompt attention.  All is well now, I'm healed up, and so grateful I had
a surgeon that knew what to do!  Thank you to Dr. Ludwig and staff.  =)

It's been a while!

Jul 11, 2012

Hi !  I haven't been on this site in years.  I wanted to check in and say hello to friends who may still be in Chico, and
tell you I think of you guys.  I still get the Bariatric Buddies announcements too.  I moved to  Cambria in January of 2010.
All is well, and I am in a wonderful relationship.  We laugh a lot, and travel together too.  I work fulltime plus.
I am maintaining a weight of 145 lbs.
I would love to hear from anyone who is about 5 years out and can tell me if they've seen any complications.
I've been mostly healthy, and recently I was hospitalized overnight while in the Bay Area for a Giants' game.
Bowel obstruction, resolved without surgery.
Not sure why it happened, but am reading online about it.  Learning a lot.
I hope you are all healthy and happy!

Annual checkup

Nov 06, 2008

I had my one year appt. with Dr. Ludwig yesterday.  I am at 133 lbs, which means I am exactly half of the woman I was when I started this process.
It feels wonderful.
My lab work is good, and I am really grateful to have had the plastic surgeries I had this past summer.
Just got back from a cruise with my patient, and it was wonderful to be able to move without getting short of breath.
So much to be thankful for!

Sept. 16th

Sep 16, 2008

Hi everybody-
Just wanted to check in.  I had my second surgery this month, and things are going well.  Healing up nicely, and pain is lessening as it should.
I hope to see you all at the meeting this month.

post-op once more

Aug 22, 2008

Hi y'all!
Just wanted to give a quick update.  I had a lower body lift on Tuesday.  I have a great doc named Dr. Christa Clark in Folsom, CA.
I am recovering well, and taking it easy.
I am having a breast lift (well, both of them!) on Sept. 9th.
That should be easier compared to this surgery.  I am letting the people in my life that love me help me, which is hard sometimes.  I am very blessed.
I wish I could go to the Sacramento OH event this weekend, as Dr. Clark and her partner are part of the event.  But, I will be working on my recovery, which is great too.
I hope to be at the mtg. this month ....


Jul 21, 2008

Hi all.....I wanted to ask again for any input you can share about how to adjust to getting to goal weight.  I'm 9 lbs. away, and it's a little scary.  Like I feel like I won't stop losing, and want to "slam on the brakes." 
I'm going to keep following directions, eating what  my body needs, and see where this ride takes me.  Thanks for listening.

July news

Jul 17, 2008

As of today I have passed another milestone.....I've lost 102 lbs.  I've been feeling reallly stuck, but doing my best to be patient.  Life is really overwhelming right now, and that's just how life is!  =)
I saw a wonderful surgeon in Folsom at the end of June, and I'm going in for surgery Aug. 19th.  First thing is a lower body lift.  I was thinking tummy tuck, but she looked me over and said I was a perfect candidate for the lift.  (Who knew??  I don't look at my backside!) 
Three weeks later I will have my breasts lifted.  Total recovery time 6 weeks.
I really can't imagine the change I'll see......The weight loss has been a huge change for me, and I'm excited to see what happens next.

summer update

Jun 04, 2008

Just wanted to check in with everyone.  I have lost 96 lbs. at this time, and am 20 lbs. from goal.
I have struggled with some emotional issues the past few months, and now feel on a better path to self-care.  I'm really motivated to get this last bit of weight off.
I have an appt. with a plastic surgeon in Sacramento at the end of this month.
I can live with my arms and thighs, but need some gravity-defying help with my breasts and tummy.
Looking forward to seeing what they can do.
I'm still drinking 2 protein shakes a day, and that is adequate to keep my protein intake where it should be.
I am so grateful for my surgery.  It has enabled me to do longterm what I could only do for a few months to a year before.
I haven't had sugar since October, and I had to laugh last night when I clicked by "Workout" on the TV and heard the trainer say, "Sugar is the devil."
That's one way to put it.  I just know I am much more willing now to make smart food choices, and stay away from crap.
Thank God for this opportunity to change my lifestyle.

6 month check up

Apr 15, 2008

Had my 6 mo. follow up appt. last week.  I'm pleased with my progress, and Dr. Ludwig and I agreed that 150 lbs. would be a good goal.  That means that I'm around 30 lbs. from ideal weight.
The time has passed so quickly that it doesn't seem real.  I'm doing the things that they tell me to.  I have to push myself to drink enough water, but I do because I need it, and I've heard too many horror stories of how crappy you feel without it.
If anyone has input about how their food plan changed as they reached goal, I would appreciate it.  I can't imagine eating differently, and I'm concerned about how you level out the weight loss.
Much to love to all of you.

a milestone

Mar 31, 2008

I'm feeling good, and still losing weight.  I reached an 80 lb. loss today, and just had to say that here.  I have my 6 mo. appt. with Dr. Ludwig next week, and I'll post how that goes.
I hope everyone is doing well.
I have had some emotions come up in the past month that I thought I had already worked through, and that really increased my anxiety, but I've moved on now.  Feelings really do pass if you sit with them, or reach out for a helping hand.
It is so good to know that there are so many other people on this path too.

About Me
Chico, CA
Surgery Date
Aug 30, 2007
Member Since

Friends 9

Latest Blog 22
Annual checkup
Sept. 16th
post-op once more
July news
summer update
6 month check up
a milestone
