I have been considering WLS for more than 5 years. I informed my sister-in-law and my best friend about the surgery 5 years ago and guess what? My sister-in-law  is now 4 years post op and my best friend is 2 years post op. Both are looking good. They had the RNY. I am afraid of having such and invasive procedure and therefore have not done anything but watch them get little and myself get bigger.  Last year (2006) I decided to go ahead and have the lap band but unfortunetaly my ins. (Aetna) didn't cover lap band but did cover RNY. So of course I had to rethink my decision and decided to go ahead with RNY. 
I then started the 3 month nut. eval, psych eval, sleep study and all other crap they make you do before appproval. Finished all of that in June 2006. Got approve by ins.  and surgery date  Sept. 20, 2006. Boy was I happy. I was constantly trying to convince myself that RNY was okay. I guess I forgot to mention that I have been a RN since I was 23yrs old and I had cared for numerous people that had stomach stapling and other WLS that did good for the first couple of months but eventually gained more weight than they had loss 2yrs post op. Still trying to convince myself that I would be different, those people did not take it serious or they were not excercising. Anyway, what ever the case, I did not convince myself and therefore cancelled my surgery mid Aug.

By Jan. 07 I had gained about 35lbs and was considering WLS again. Went to see Dr. Marvin again in Feb. 07 regarding lap band again. To my suprise Aetna now was approving lap band. Miriza (dr. Marvins office coordinator) suggested that because I was approved 5-6 months ago that I should not have to go thru the entire process again and therefore submitted all papers that were submitted before so that I could have lap band. Do you know that Damm ins. company DENIED me. Stating that my nutrition evals were too old. Now I have to that all over again. I am upset but you have to do what you have to do. Stared my nut. eval 3/19/07 (341lbs) and after meeting with her I decided to do everything she told me to do cause honestly I did not know I weighed so much. The last time I weighed myself I was 290. Fast forward thur nutrition eval. Last visit with nut. was 6/19/07 and guess what?  Within 3 months of following the 1400 cal diet she gave me and walking 30mins 3-4 days/week, I have lost 33lbs(308lbs). WOW, do I really need the surgery? Yeap!!!!! 6/19/07 I weighed 308lbs and now today 7/8/07 312lbs. What went wrong? Started eating everything( cookies, shakes, hamburgers, chips, fried chicken, boy I didn't realize how good fried chicken taste).  

About Me
Jan 20, 2007
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Friends 14

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Surgery date
