Even more confused

Mar 02, 2009

Went to a smaller group meeting tonight and now I'm really confused. The ladies there say that this is not the answer to the obesity problem. That after the first 6 to 7 months you start to get hungry again, you have to fight to loose weight again, you have to exercise like crazy and watch everything you eat. So.......... why in the world would somebody go through all this surgery, and all this hardship and mental anguish just to end up right back where you started out at. Now I really don't know what to do! I'm DEPRESSED.

Things are looking up

Feb 26, 2009

Well, just when you think you can't take the wait any more, God does come shining through. I got my letter from the psychiatrist Monday, 2-23, and then yesterday, Wednesday, 2-25, my surgeon's dietician called me with my appointment. (Finally) This is the first step in getting to your surgeon. They take your picture, weight and measurements, schedule any tests you will need to have before your surgery and set up your 2 nutrition classes. Also @ this time it is decided how close you are to turning your claim into your insurance company. So, now I actually feel like I'm getting somewhere. Excitement is mounting.

Trying Days

Feb 16, 2009

Oh me, I sure hope that I haven't hurt my back. It started giving me fits Sunday when Paul and I were in JC Penny's and I didn't think I would make it out of the store. It continued to hurt since then. I've already had disc replacement surgery on my left hip, and now this is my right hip, in the same general location. I am very frightened. I'm just praying for God to heal whatever has happened to me. I have so many things wrong already, and I'm so looking forward to my WLS, I hope nothing happens to stand in my way. But........I am also praying for God's will to be done as to whether I have this surgery or not. So, at the end of the day, He still writes the final chapter. Right ?..............right!

First Support Group Meeting

Feb 13, 2009

Am I ever informed! I never knew there was so much good to come out of this surgery. I just thought you loose all your fat and you get healthier and prettier and look nice in your clothes for a change. But I had no idea to the extent that the surgery would go to changing your health from dismal to a bright glowing new future. I now feel that if I do get approved for this surgery, and everything goes through as planned, I will live to be a ripe old age and enjoy my grandkids. Maybe even great grandkids. I learned more in this one meeting than I ever thought i possibly could. thank God for support groups, and mine is a hum dinger!


The Excitement Begins:

Jan 24, 2009

Yesterday, Friday, January 23, 2009,  I received my acceptance packet from Dr. Weaver.  I was so excited asI opened it,concerning what the following days of my life would en tale . The instructions were perfectly stated, easily understood, and I was eager to get started. I made my 1st appointment @ the Psychiatrist and the Internal Medicine doctor, and am ready for the second phase of my steps.

Starting a New Life

Jan 13, 2009

1/13/2009  Today is my 20th wedding anniversary. It is also the start of my journey. I have just mailed my initial packet off to Dr. Weaver yesterday. I am full of questions. Scared but excited.  I have alredy talked to my insurance, yes they cover the surgery, my Endocrinologist and my Internal Medicine doctor, Yes they will provide whatever my surgeon needs. I just had a colonoscopy end of last year (I have gastroparesis), and a treadmill in December. So, maybe I'm a little bit ahead of the game. My Psychiatrist has agreed to give her approval and any work up that's needed, so if I can pass the surgeon's approval, and what ever other medical tests she may want to run, I should be able to have this done. That's why I'm scared. I'm not a very healthy person, and she may not even approve me to have the Lap band done. . However, all my health problems are attributed to obesity. So hopefully this is the answer

About Me
Millington, TN
Surgery Date
Jan 05, 2009
Member Since

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