Sharon Neva 21 years, 8 months ago

RAY~~BEST WISHES ON YOUR WLS JOURNEY~~ May the world hug you today, With its warmth, and love. Pray it whispers a joyful tune in your heart. And may the wind carry a voice that tells you there is a friend, sitting in another corner of the world, wishing you well!

Rebekah A. 21 years, 8 months ago

Good luck on your upcoming surgery. I know this can be a time full of much anxiety and excitement all at once. I pray that you will have a complication free surgery and a speedy recovery. My thoughts and prayers are with you. God bless!

* Leilani * 21 years, 8 months ago

Hello Ray - <b>Congratulations</b> on your upcoming surgery. My thoughts and prayers are with you for a safe and speedy recovery. What an exciting new chapter in your life, one that I look forward to be starting soon. Keep a smile on your face, your head held high, and meet each day with enthusiasm and anticipation. You're about to get a second chance in life with a new healthier thinner YOU!!! Always remember, nothing tastes as good as thin feels! Hugs & Aloha - Lei

Stacy C. 21 years, 8 months ago

Ray, your day will soon be here. I am sure that it cannot come fast enough, right! Many have been down the path you are setting out on. We are all happy and healthier now than we have been in years! This is a GOOD thing you are doing for yourself! Remember the rules, protein first, water, and move around...follow them and you will be a big loser before you know it! All my best wishes to you on your upcoming day! May you have peace over your decision! Stacy

Jeanine E. 21 years, 8 months ago

Good Morning Ray, Congratulations on your upcoming surgery date--it is wonderful. It won't be long now until you are a true "Loser". I will be joining you in the spring--but in the meantime--May the Lord cradle you in his arms on this new path you are walking down. Keep us updated on your progress and come here and speak with all the other post-ops for support--reading there stories and words of advice keep me going towards my goal.

tmk267 21 years, 8 months ago

Good morning AMOS family!!! I just received an email from Ray giving me the honor of being his angel!!! Thank you Ray!!! =) Ray's surgery is coming up soon (Nov. 4th!!!) whoohoo!!! Let's show him the famous AMOS support guys and fill up his page!!! I know he would really appreciate it!! RAY, you're almost there hon!!! 17 days and wakeup and you'll be a "loser" *G*.. this is a GOOD thing!!! lol... Remember, attitude is everything!!! Keep up that POSITIVE THINKING!!! {{HUGE HUGS}} your angel...

Carol P. 21 years, 8 months ago

Hi Ray, I will probably feel the same way when my turn comes, as everyone does. It's a big step and it takes much courage! But I look at it this way...if I don't have the surgery, I could die young or have more and more medical problems...can hardly walk the way it is! And whatever your co-morbidities are, they aren't going away without this lifesaving surgery! So, as my Dad used to say, "You pays your money and you takes yer chances!" I think your odds are GOOD on doing well in surgery and starting a new wonderful'll find out who you were meant to be. God bless your surgeon and you. Let us hear from you from the other side! HUGS! Carol Percel

greglpres 21 years, 8 months ago

hang in there, i had the same feelings presurgery you have, all i can say is do everything the doctor says ver batim and pray. hang in there, God bless you!

Melody D. 21 years, 8 months ago

Ray, What you are feeling is something I think we all go through at one time or another as pre-ops. You are not going crazy, don't worry. This is going to be an exciting journey for you, and we will be with you every step of the way. My thoughts are with you. Melody DeRose LAP-RNY 09-18-02

Michele G. 21 years, 8 months ago

Hi Ray, I just wanted to tell you to hang in there. Everyone is here for you before and after your surgery. I understand your feelings because of your mother, mine had the same surgery 25 years ago in Chicago and has many health problems but the bottom line is, her feelings are she would do it all over again in a heartbeat! The RNY is much safer, that is why the insurance companies are paying for the procedure. I really feel you are the one to make the decision to have it done or not, but you have to live with the choice you make. This site has so much support and kindness to offer you no matter what your decision will be. Relax and pray then turn it over to the Lord.
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orlando, fl
Oct 04, 2002
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