Aug 14/08 - Crazy isn't even the word.  The summer all but disappeared, fall is just around the corner and I can't believe it's been 6 mths since surgery.  Getting bloodwork done next week to be sent to Dr Pop's office.  Crossing my fingers that I'm within the "normal" range on things.  (Hopefully they won't test my brain! ha ha)  Have been really busy, active outside.  Lots of cardio and walking.  So far, my joints are holding up.  Thinking about things to do in the winter already.   Hate the snow.  This should be interesting.

May 11/08  - Life has just been flying by.  So busy with everything.  Hardly any time to write lately.  Things couldn't be better. As the weather gets nicer, more time can be spent outside.  It's amazing how shoveling the garden can be a good workout.  I'm trying not to pay attention to the numbers but I'm almost 60 lbs gone.  (Almost the same wt I was 10 yrs ago.  Amazing!!!)  Toning plan in place.  Still trying to get used to the toning bands.  ha ha  Physically feeling good.  Knock on wood.  Can't wait until the lake is warm enough to swim in.  That should get more things "moving".  hee hee  

Feb 18/08- So bored, so bored, so bored.  Go back to work on Mar 1.  Things are still heading in the right direction.  I'm down 
28lbs presurgery and 22 lbs since surgery date.  Energy levels have been off this week.  But then again, this is 'the' week of the month. oh whoopee.  Need other options for protein menu.  Getting bored again.  Want to go shopping.  But holding off for a 
while.  I will wait until my clothes are baggy enough that they look bad.  I'm not really a shopper anyhow so I can wait.  
I'm getting really sick of TV too.  For the times that I watch, it's the same thing all the time.  Soaps, talk shows etc.  Ugh.  
Oh well.  Time to go for a walk.  And see how many people haven't cleared their sidewalks today.  Nice!

Jan 30/08- I'm back.  Had surgery on the 23rd.  All went really well.  I have 6 holes instead of 5 but oh well.  I've never considered myself normal anyhow.. ha ha  I don't think our home scale is in sync with the scale at Barix but... if using my scale, I am officially down 17 lbs.  When I go back from my 2 wk to see Dr Pop, I'll see what their scale says and then I'll know the difference.  (I could swear their scale is a bit higher than mine.)  On day 9 of the full fluid diet and getting a bit bored.  Tried a taste of unsweetened applesauce and it didn't sit well.   I'll be sticking with yogurt for a little while longer.  My DH is going to take me to Walmart tonight to see if I can pick up a better chocolate Whey mix.  I picked up some of those Lean Body drinks from Barix and at first, they were O.k. but now I can't even stand the smell of them.  (I'm gonna see if I can trade in the few I have left when I go back next week.)  Strained creamed soups are sitting well.  Mushroom and chicken are the best and are quite filling.  1/2 a can eaten slowly for dinner and I'm done.  (I missed those Premium Plus crackers at first though.... getting better. ha ha)  I really notice my ankles.  Yes! I now have them.  So I guess that counts as my first wow moment.   Rings are feeling loose too.  I'll hopefully get a good report next week and can get doing more things.  Kind of bored at home.  Just being able to get tonight will be treat!!  It's been so icy/windy around us this week, I've haven't even be able to get out for a walk.  Bummer. 
Well... back to my s/f popsicles and shake.  Mmmm

Jan 12/08  - Ooh it's getting closer!!  I went down to have my PATs done.  Nothing too bad at all.  Although.. be prepared to have a blood gas test done if you use a CPAP.  (Done from the main artery in your wrist.  Ouch!!)  Met Donna D while I was down there.  She goes in on the 15th.  How exciting!  I never thought about this but I really should be looking into updating my will etc.  Morbid thoughts I know but better to be safe for family sake.  I'm in "list" mode right now.  What do I need, What do I take, What do I need to buy etc.   I'm being very caution on the buying end because as I have read, taste changes so I will take baby steps.  I've tried a few protein drinks and so far, so good.  But again, baby steps.    The vitamin thing is something I need to get down pat before next week.  For a multi, I can change to Flinstones Complete chewables, and the same for calcium.  B12 comes in dissolvable strips so that should be O.K. too.  Oh my gosh....  11 more sleeps!! ( 9 more sleeps until I go down there.)  

Dec 28/07  So I'm trying to getting things in order.  It figures that just as we are getting things prepared, my DH gets called out on work.  He tried but can't delay it.  Ugh.  Luckily my parents are right there and are ready as backups.  I'm getting my maps in order and my "need to take" list.  27 sleeps to go.....

Dec 20/07 -
This seems so unreal.  Picked up the letter today from Purolator.  OHIP's official "you have been approved" letter.
My goodness... this is one resolution off of my New Year's list for sure!!  Also had my appt today to get fitted for my sexy CPAP friend.
Which was funny because before being connected to the unit, I laughed and told the therapist that I felt like Snuffelupogus...'s sexy alright. 

Dec 19/07 - Yup... I missed the truck.  (And the possibility of meeting the cute Purolator man..!! ha ha) 

Dec 18/07 - I got the call!!  Susan and Tracy called to say I"m on Loser Bench row!!  What a Christmas present!!

Dec 4/07 -  So my Dr got my results from the S.A. test.  Moderate sleep apnea.   Could this really be happening to me?  That's scary to think about.   Yes.. I now know why I feel the way I do, my longing for a good sleep, my need to not feel exhausted all day long.  My Dr initally had received a request from OHIP for more info for my application.  My Dr is sending these results in to OHIP.  So now.. I wait.  But I have to keep going, keep moving.  I can't rely on a piece of paper as the answer.  I still have a big part in this.  No.. I can't do it on my own.  That's been proven.  But should this wish come true, I can't wait to give it my all.  
Hopefully the next time I blog, it will be with good news!!  What a Christmas present that would be.  

Nov 17/07 - Where does the time go....  So, I've had my sleep test.  Not the greatest experience but not as bad as I thought it would be.  Unfortunately, I reacted to the tape they use to keep the wires and lines in place so that didn't help.  And those wax clumps in your hair are just oh so lovely to wash out.  For anyone having a sleep test, I recommend the following.  Try and book for a Friday night if possible.  2 reasons.  a) You will be taking the test after a normal day of work and physical demands.  b) they have you up early the next day and having a test on a Friday allows you to "recover" on a Saturday.  (Your whole day tends to be thrown out of whack.)    My appt with my Dr is in 2 weeks and we can see what the tests show.  (As I said to my DH, "you watch, this will be the one night I sleep normally.."  ugh)  Then...and finally then, the information that OHIP needs can be sent in, reviewed and a decision can be made.  My activity is limited because of this knee of mine and with the little decent sleep I am getting, I feel completely depleated in the day.  Hard to get motivated when you feel like you've been up all night.  

Oh well,.. I've waited this long, I can wait a little longer I guess.  (Still crossing my fingers...)

Oct 27/07 - Well, can't say things are good or bad.  I did see my Dr again and she received a form from OHIP requesting further info on co-mo's.  I have to have a sleep study done (booked in 2 wks) and had x-rays of my knee.  (I started a regime of stairs at lunchtime while at work - just to add to my routine - but my knee just won't support the weight.  Grinding isn't a good sound to hear so we'll have to see what the x-rays show.  And I'm on new meds for my constant heartburn (that turned out to be acid reflux) I'm a little leary of the sleep test too.   I have enough trouble sleeping in my own house let alone somewhere different.  The good thing is I can go on a Saturday and still have Sunday to "recover" should you not sleep well.   It's kind of a double edged sword.  It's good if sleep apnea is detected because it will help my case. But....I don't want to have the risk of sleep apnea also against me. I've got enough problems already...  Oh well... Now I'm waiting for 2 things.  Tests and OHIP info.  

Oct 17/07 -  Bad day.  Bad bad day.  I posted a message tonight about today's events.  BMI actually higher than first calculated, my consult with Dr. Pop went well and his only recommendation was to rule out sleep apnea.  That's why I initially contacted my Dr's office and OHIP.  I just wanted to know what I should be doing.  Kind of like dieting.  2 steps forward but 4 steps back.   Like my post, tomorrow is a new day.  I just have to look at it that way and keep going.

Oct 8/07 - Today is a holiday.  No work.  Yippee.  I'm having my "treat" snack of 14 mini pretzels.  I haven't had anything salty in ages so they taste a little weird with a strong salt taste.  I have been following the forum and am really happy for the people who have been approved.  Just a little discouraged for myself.  Between the skin infections and physical issues/limitations, I'm really hoping that if I follow this road, I can get my body to turn itself around.  It's been a lifetime problem so I guess a little while longer won't be too difficult.  I hope.  Once week today until I meet Dr Poplawski.  I can't wait.  

Oct 2/07 - Is it really possible to drive yourself crazy? Because these next few weeks are going to send me over the edge.  I patiently waited until the afternoon and then I phone the Ministry office just to see if they received my application.  I spoke with a really nice guy named David and yup, he advised it is in "processing".  So.. I wait.  Patiently.  (For how long, I don't know.  I've never had much patience...)

Oct 1/07 - OOOMMMM GGG!!!  I called this morning and the message?  Well turns out yours truly was so stressed at faxing the OOC form in that I neglected to even sign it!  How stupid!  A lovely girl by the name of Emily (at the Ministry of Health office) advised me that my copy was shredded and just to resend.  My clock is ticking down until tomorrow a.m.  I am going to phone in the morning just to make sure it was received.  On top of that, I have a date confirmed for my consultation at Barix.  Oct 15th.  
This is going to be a long month...  tick tock tick tock...

Sept 28/07 - OMG,  I got home tonight and there was a message on my answering machine from the Dr's office telling me I had a message.  And it's  too late to phone back.  Ugh....  This is going to be a looonnggg weekend.

Sept 27/07 - My form is signed!! Yippee!!  I have researched and researched and researched.  I'm just glad I can now focus.    One hurdle down, 30 more to go. 

Sept 22/07 - This OOC form is going to drive me insane.  It's like the key to open everything and every time I look at it, it's like I doubt everything I have put down.  "Is that right?"  "Oh is my Dr supposed to fill that out instead?"  "What if something is wrong and it's sent back?"  "What if my Dr wants me to leave it with her and 'get back to me'"  

OMG...I'd just die if I had to wait for something silly like that....

Sept 20/07 - I am patiently waiting for that next appt with my Dr.  I have read and read and read everything for months. Upside down and inside out.  I've talked with people who have had WLS (RNY) and the more I educate myself, the more sure I am that this is the right thing for me.   

There are many reasons why people take this next step and for me, it dates back many many years.  I can look back on photos from when I was in kindergarten.  I was always the "my you're tall" child, "big boned" or the kid that "grew faster than the others".  I was and still am very active but nothing really changed when it came to my weight.  Public school was difficult and high school was even worse.  Sure.. the grade 11 "starve - fest" and other stupid things put a dent in the scale but you all know how that ended up. I want to be the person I "feel" like I am.  Not the person I see in photos.  That's not me and I don't know who that person is.  And last year, something changed.  I started to avoid events/functions, I cut all the tags out of my clothes so there is no chance that someone will see the size I wear and I would run whenever a camera appeared.  My body simply won't co-operate with me anymore. 

Getting back on a positive note, this site is fabulous and I am truly in awe at the success people have had and seeing the photos just amazes me.  My Dr requested bloodwork during my last visit and I go back on Sept 27th so we can talk about everything.  I'm taking a OOC form with me.  

Wish me luck!

About Me
Toronto, ON
Surgery Date
Sep 20, 2007
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 1
