I am very anxious to have my consultation, Hope to have RNY in September. I have been obese for my whole life. I want to lose weight to be healthier. I have missed out on so much. I want to have a lap to hold a grandchild someday.

I have a surgery date for September 18th!!!!!!!! And have been approved from my insurance. I am soooo excited, can't wait to join the losers. I have been watching my carbs and have lost 23 pounds so far hope to lose 30 prior to surgery. I have also been going to water walking classes, I didn't know you could sweat in the water. I am able to do so much more in the water than I can just in the gym. I have stopped drinking Diet Coke, which I have been addicted to for years. Haven't had one in over 2 weeks. Probably the longest I've ever gone without one.
I can hardly wait to get started!!

September 18, 2006 - Had surgery did very well, no complications. Went home from hospital on September 19th. Some pain but manageable, biggest challenge getting fluids in, connection from esophagus-pouch swollen, everything seems to stick and sit like a rock. Have to take very small sips but even they seem to sit like a rock. September 20th have a meltdown and wonder what I have done, but by September 21 feeling better, able to tolerate more fluids and less soreness. Each day brings more improvement and less pain, more fluids, more nutrition. I AM ON THE LOSING SIDE!!!

September 26, 2006 - I had my 1st post op appt. 1 week post-op and had lost 15 lbs YEAH!!!! Everything looked good. Dr said I needed to increase my protein and fluids. Will work on that over the next 3 weeks until my next appt.

November 6, 2006  I have been very frustrated.  I have not lost any weight for over 2 weeks.  I have gone up and down.  Spoke to the NP at the dr's office, she wanted me to come weigh on their scales.  SOOO I went and guess what  I had gained 8 pounds !!!  I decided not to weigh for a while, asked my husband to hide the scales.  I know I am losing inches because I can wear a 1X blouse.  Prior to WLS I was wearing a tight 3X.  Anyway I'll just keep plugging along.

February 22, 2007  

Starting on Monday, when I got up had a funny feeling, pressure/pain in collar bone area on the left. Worked all day, uncomfortable off and on, went to the gym to work out after work, felt worse on treadmill, got off, Howard said I was pale, he tried to get me to go to the ER, I didn't want to go.  Did not sleep well,  called Allison FNP at the surgeon's office . She thought I might be getting an ulcer, wanted me to try Prilosec OTC and see them in the afternoon.  EKG, no changes, saw Dr, he sent me straight to the ER.  Still in denial that it was my heart.  Saw Cardiologist, Dr Zias, he scheduled angiogram for AM.  RCA was 99% occluded, LAD was 90% occluded, both arteries stented with bare metal stents.

God Bless Dr Syn and Dr Zias, they saved my life.




June 4, 2007

Can't believe I haven't posted in so long.

I have now lost 121# in 8 1/2 months.  I am losing slower now.  This has been an amazing journey.  I can't believe that I have lost over 120#.

Photos will be added in the future.

About Me
Shallowater, TX
Jul 04, 2006
Member Since

Friends 7
