10-22-02/beginning weight #255
I have finished my consultation with Dr. Coster of Grinnell. He was WONDERFUL, very nice, and imformative...even though I've done months and months of research, it was nice to hear him confirm so much of what I've learned. My pcp, Dr. Iles, is absolutely the nicest, and most caring doctor I have ever had! She spends as much time with you as needed and I NEVER feel rushed to get done. SHE'S ONE OF THE BEST OUT THERE!!! I have been overweight most of my life, Chunky as a child and after the birth of my first child at 17, OBESITY began. I am now 33 and the mother of 4 children. I am 5'4" and weigh 255, BMI of 44. I have a list of medical conditions that I hope are either eliminated or GREATLY improved post-op. I have a FATTY LIVER w/elevated enzymes, SEVERE GERD, PCOD, HIGH CHOLESTEROL, IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME, BACK, KNEE, & ANKLE PAIN, SHORTNESS OF BREATH, HORMONAL ABNORMALITIES & etc. I have been on numerous medications over the past 9 years for all of the conditions listed, and currently take: Propananolol-Doxepin-Aciphex-Zantac & Provera. I have tried so many diet fads, programs, over the counter meds and prescription meds, gym memberships, video tapes, audio tapes, hypnosis, Weight Watchers, and the list goes on and on. I am anxious and at the same time nervous about this decision. Of course I don't want to die from the weight causing more medical conditions or worsen the ones I already have...but my daughter especially, is worried that I may die from surgery. I've tried to help her to understand it from my point of view, that this surgery will be my Life Saver, that I will have my life back once all the initial "adjustment" time is past. I am so looking forward to: running, playing baseball with my kids, sleeping without back pain and vomitting from GERD, feeling good, looking good, feel like a "Woman" and "Sexy" again, going out and dancing all night long with my husband, BEING HEALTHIER, not being embarrassed when my butt won't fit in a seat, not being a subject that my children are teased about, fitting in seats at amusement parks, being proud of family portraits instead of trying to hide in them, able to exercise without MAJOR joint pain,and etc. I found out yesterday by calling BC/BS that I WAS APPROVED as of yesterday, only the 3rd working day after my consultation. WOW, that was super fast!! Now, just waiting for the Dr. Office to call and schedule my surgery date, they have to wait and get something in writting from the insurance company. I have a very supportive husband, he's gone to my consultation, read numerous articles and posts from this site, and is my biggest cheerleader, when all those around me not as excited for me, they are worried and think it's too drastic, if they could only live 1 month in my skin! I have made the conclusion that NO ONE, except those in my boat will ever know, and are too fast to think and say "you could do it if you tried"...this will be probably harder than anything I've ever done, it's PERMANANT!! There is no changing your mind once it's done, no cheating without suffering, or deciding that it's not working for you and you'll try something else the beginning of "next week". I hope that anyone who reads this will feel free to e-mail me and that I can find some support out there, those who are waiting on this side of life and those who have crossed over to the "losing" side of life!!!**Kudos to you all!** God Bless & Take Care

10-29-02/pre-op/still #255
I found out only 1 week from the day of my consultation (10-23-02)what my surgery date would be! It's all happening fast now, my date is NOVEMBER 15th...I'm excited but a little scared. Only 17 days away. I have taken care of my pre surgery physical, gotten my will done and my medical power of attorney...hate those things but better safe than sorry and would hate for my family to go through any more turmoil than normal god forbid that anything really bad happens to me. I am going to take my measurements and before pictures this weekend. I'm going up to the hospital a week before surgery and do my testing....lab, EKG, chest x-ray, dietician, anesthesiologist, physcologist, and pre-registering. I have also been tested for Hpylori-since I was positive for it in the past, and my surgeon is going to scope and do upper GI before hand to check my esophagus and stomach due to severe GERD. A friend of mine had her surgery back in May, and just this past weekend came over and gave me a "fashion show" of new outfits she just bought for a wedding and etc...she looks so good and is down to a size 16-18 and could probably go smaller from starting out at almost 300 pounds and a size 3x-4x. She's having her tuck in December, can't wait for her to be rid of the skin and see what a difference that makes. All for now....Take Care & God Bless

Well, only 2 days left...I'm really getting nervous. Last night my family sat down and watched the Al Roker special on his gastric bypass, my daughter looked at me when they stated 1 in 200 die from this procedure. Of course that made me uneasy. I will just be glad when this surgery is over and I can start focusing on working with this tool for premanent weight loss and not fretting over if I'm gonna make it off the surgery table. I went this past Monday (11-11-02) for all my pre-op testing. It went so smoothly and everyone there at Grinnell Regional was very friendly. I was only there for 3 hours and had my lab work, chest x-ray, met with a dietician, anesthesiologist, had a pre-op interview about medical history, a nurse went over the routine of what to expect following surgery while in the hospital, and my EKG. It was so nice to have 4 of these people come into a room where I was seated and do all the questions and paperwork there, instead of me running from room to room and floor to floor. VERY structured and organized! They said normally those who have surgery on Friday get to go home on Monday, so I'm crossing my fingers that I will too! I will probably not post again until after surgery. Thank you to all of you who have sent me well-wishes. Best of luck to those of you getting ready like I am and God Bless and Take Care....Carol

12-11-02/Post-op 26 days/down #25/Wt.230
Hello all..it's been 26 days since surgery and I'm feeling pretty darn good. I have a little bruised or sensitive feeling insde about mid section but I think that's from maybe over-doing it a little some days. I have finally slept on my side now for the past few night and that's felt great since I'm not a back sleeper. I have lost 25 pounds so far and have noticed that my bras no longer cut into me and several of my snug shirts no longer are. I am on soft foods now and eating things like scrambled eggs w/cheese, mashed potatoes w/gravy, meatless chili, bean soups, egg salad, chicken salad, both with low-fat mayo, refried beans w/cheese, string cheese, etc...I did eat 2 french fries and forgot to chew and chew them and they gave me a pain in my chest right between my boobs :-( but it passed in about 6 or 7 minutes. Nothing so far has made me dump but I haven't really started to experiment too much with food yet. I was able to do fine with orange juice that had 22g of natural sugar but realized that it isn't a great thing to drink a lot of due to calories so I've backed off. I haven't taken one single pill for my GERD since the day of surgery and I was taking 3 a day and sometimes they didn't even work so that's GREAT!!! I'll try and keep posted on here with my progress, and hopefully one day I'll get some pictures posted that aren't so grainy that you can't make them out...I've tried on here several times with no avail, they are crystal clear on my computer but once I send them to this site they appear very grainy and blury..so who knows! Hope all the newbie's are making progress and feeling better day by day. Those who have sent me e-mails wishing me luck I thank you and hope you are doing well too. All for now, Carol

1/7/03**53 days post-op**down 38 pounds**Weight-217**
The weight seems to be coming off slower these days, but I'm hanging in there. Can't wait to get out and walk, I'm not one for the colder side of Iowa. I have been lifting hand weights for my arms. Dr. Coster told me to go ahead with foods and try what I want, but low sugar and high protein and also told me to forget about lettuce and bread....too little value and too high in carbs (the bread). I've been dying for a chef salad..I may just get one and leave the lettuce! Still drinking my protein drink and taking my vitamin daily. I'm nervous to try and eat much meat...have tried chicken, sometimes OK and sometimes I feel really yucky. I've had a few slices of pizza, pepperoni-mushrooms, it was real good and didn't bother me. I think I'm gonna try chili with finely crumble beef this week. I made a meatless Lasagna and it was OK but pretty runny. I've lost 38 pounds and in another 12 I will have lost 50! That will be a milestone to celebrate. Well, feeling great, and glad to be losing some of this weight....have worn 3 shirts now that are brand new that I've had in my closet with tags still on that I bought over a year ago...and I can finally wear them!! YEAH!! All for now...HAPPY NEW YEAR-2003!!! Carol

2/11/03** 88 days post-op** Almost 3 months**down 55 pounds**Current Wt. 200
I haven't done all over body measurements yet, but did measure my hips and bust....on the hips 6 1/2 inches are gone, and the bust is 5 inches less!! I reached 200 today on the scale and knowing one more pound puts me under the 200 mark is a GREAT feeling! I feel really good these days, I'm starting to really see in my clothing the change that my body is making. I am able to wear some of my husbands clothing now, which may sound huge to some of you but makes me feel great seeing that I was always too large for anything of his. I will be getting a treadmill for at home within the next month and really look forward to being able to walk anytime, regardless of the weather. I'm using 5 pound weights for arm exercises, I hope to tone my upper under arms and inner thighs as I continue to loose, with the weights and the treadmill. I'm eating just about whatever I want, except for the "sugar" things. Still drinking my 50g. protein shake each day, and now in addition to a daily vitamin I have started taking extra Calcium 600 mg. w/ Vitamin D and minerals. All's going great! Carol

3/9/03**112 days**16 weeks post-op**Down 62 pounds**Weight 193**
Well, since I've posted last I've broken the 200 pound mark on my scales!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!! I am down to 193 and feel wonderful. I just yesterday cut my hair real short because of all the hair falling out but I LOVE MY NEW HAIRCUT!! I also took all over measurements and have lost over 29.5" since surgery!!!! ANOTHER YEAH!!!!!!!!! AND, two weeks ago I joined Curves and really think it's going to be great, so far I have gone 4 times. So, YEAH again for me!!!!!!!! I would like to go more often but am finding that after a day there I'm usually quite sore for the next two days...but, I will work up to probably 4 times a week. I did start taking Hair, Nails, & Skin supplement hoping that that will help to slow down my hairloss, but if not, I know it will just be another phase that I must go through on this journey that's really been amazing so far. Well, that's all for now. Hope you are taking care and wish the best for all my WLS buddies. Carol

**3-20-03**4 months & 5 days post-op**Down 67 pounds**Weight 188*
Hello Everyone, I went yesterday for my 4 month follow-up appointment. Dr. Coster said I was doing great. I had lost another 16 pounds since my last visit. Down a total of 65 pounds. But then today I was down 2 more so that brings me to 67 pounds gone! He asked me to stand up so he could see me and to look at my tummy, said I had real small legs and that my tummy would probably be the only thing I would want to consider having tucked when I got to goal, he said my arms would be fine too, with lifting weights. He suggested that I switch to a stronger weight lifting plan versus Curves, which is a bummer since I
really like Curves but will work on lifting more, it will help with muscle tone and tightening better. He also asked what I wanted my goal weight to be...like I said to him, well, the last time I was small I was in high school, hadn't had 3 kids yet, and was 17, at that time I was 130. He said he thought that with my legs being small like they are, considering most people have large thighs and legs if they are large around the belly and I'm more like a potato w/toothpick legs...that I would probably be really happy with myself around 150, but is almost certain that I will be able to go below that if I really want to. He said that when I get down to that area we will discuss the tuck. I weighed 188 this morning and at 15 pounds a month being my average, maybe I will be about 150 in another 2-3 months! Can't imagine that!! Anyhow, I will go back to see him in two months...I could possibly be at his goal by then if all stays
on the track that it has been!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!! I personally think that I just might be happy with 150, but still thinking 135-140 sounds more like what I want, but it truly depends on what I think about myself once I reach those weights. I JUST KNOW I LOVE FEELING BETTER AND KNOWING I'M HEALTHIER THAN I HAVE BEEN IN YEARS!!!!!! I did mention that my hair has really been falling out and he said to increase my protein, already taking 50g/day, so I'll go up to 75g/day. Also took blood for checking of B-12, liver enzyme levels,hemaglobin, & iron I think was the last thing. He did say that I should probably switch to Calcium Citrate instead of Calcium Carbonate, since the Citrate is absorbed easier. Also said that if I took the Skin, Hair, & Nails supplement that I did start taking that he didn't think extra zinc was necessary since the supplement should have the ample zinc already in it. So, all went really good, excited
about my next visit...wonder where I'll be by then? Hope I get good test results, should know within a week, and I'll post it all then. Once again, I just love Dr. Coster, I think he's so GREAT, very good at answering all questions, even the silly ones and just has a terrific manner. He's very comforting & confident. His staff has always been very friendly, helpful, and understanding. I'm so glad that his team is my team! All for now...take care and keep up the great work you are all doing! It's so great to know that we are all here for each other and I'm proud of each of you!

**3-31-03**Weight 186**LAB RESULTS
Hi all, Just wanting to post my lab results. I got them today. As for my Hemoglobin, Vitamin B-12, Iron, Total & Direct Billirubin, Albumin, Total Protein, ALP, & GOT are all in normal range...the only elevated thing is my GPT (liver enzyme) which was elevated for about the last year prior to WLS. Still waiting to find out from my PCP what my last known GPT was before WLS so I can compare. But, all in all, I think that's all great news. I have increased my protein intake via Isopure to 75g/daily to help with hair loss and I have also upped my weights for upper arms to 10lbs. I am still going to Curves and plan on sticking with it because I enjoy it and I like the monthly measurements. In my first month there I lost, 11 pounds, 9.5 were fat pounds...YEAH and then a total of 4.5", and my %body fat dropped 2.6%. I will do weights for my arms here at home and legs on a machine that I have here too, but won't quit Curves yet. It makes me feel good knowing that Curves is helping me to lose fat pounds instead of pounds of muscle and tissue. I think without that exercise I would be more apt to lose the things I don't want to faster...(muscle). Well, I think that's about it for now. It's gonna be nice here the next few days and I'm sure looking forward to getting outside! Take Care, Carol

**4-1-03**Weight 185**4 1/2 months post-op**
WoooooHoooo!!! I measured today and comparing from pre-surgery, I've lost a total of 42". The past 6 weeks I lost 12.5" It's a bit different than the Curves measures since they don't measure both legs, arms, etc....here's my pre-op and current stats:

Pre-Op----------------------------- Current

Total Lost in Inches----------42"-------------

YEAH!!! & Only 40 more to go to get to my goal weight!! 40 is still quite a bit, but it's getting closer each week. I'm only losing about 2-3 pounds per week now it seems, but I'll get there!

Open RNY
255 down to 185
Goal 145
Dr. Coster/Grinnell

Hello, Just had to post here that I tried on a pair of jeans that have been up in my closet for over 9 years....I wore them right after my 9yr. old was born. They FIT!!! & they are loose!! They are size 14's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!! Can't believe it. I'm so happy...and it's my 11th wedding anniversary today, so that's really put the day over the top! All for now.

***4-2-03***LAB RESULTS UPDATE***
I found out that my elevated liver enzymes are improving...Pre-op my GPT was 84 and now it's down to 67, the normal range is 0-48 but it's dropping! AND...my GOT was 51 and now it's 27, and that's finally in the NORMAL range!! So, only one elevated liver enzyme left to go and it's on it's way down...GREAT NEWS!!

**4-14-03**Wt.181**Down74#**Goal 145**
Posted pictures today, the ones on the bottom were taken a month ago. I was down 65 pounds at that time. This morning I weighed in at 181, a total of 74 pounds. Still feeling great and loving the warmer weather we have been getting.

**4-25-03**New CURVES Measurements**Wt.178#'s***Down77#'s**
With 2 months of working out at CURVES 3 times a week I have my new measurements....since 2-25-03 (2 months) I have lost a total of 20.75 INCHES and 22 POUNDS!! I have lost 16.56 pounds of body fat, and my % of body fat is down to 38% from 42.10%. I have lost 4.25" in my bust, 3.75" in my waist, 5.50" Abdomen, 2.75" Hips, 4.00" Thighs, & .50" in my Arms! I'm really happy with the results I'm seeing. Not too sure how much is actually from CURVES but I can tell you that in the first month I lost 4.50" all together and this month 16.25", so I think that my body is finally responding to the exercise. I'm really happy that 16.56#'s of my 22 pounds lost are "FAT POUNDS" and know without the exercise more of my pounds lost would be muscle, and I don't want that!! All for now!

5-15-03**6 Months post-op**Wt. 172**Loss of 83 pounds**
6 months ago today...wow. What a difference in my life over the past 6 months. Positive things since my surgery:
I can tie my shoes,
Paint my toenails
Cross my legs
Gerd is GONE!
Climb stairs without almost needing oxygen...LOL
Play on the floor with my children, now that I can get up easily
Eat in public without being ashamed of the amount I consume
Wear a size 14 in jeans-shorts instead of 28W
Wear a size 16 in tops instead of 26-28W
Wear anklets now, ankles aren't always swollen
Irritable Bowel Syndrome seems dormant, under complete control!!
Pride in my appearance, boost in self-esteem!
No longer an embarrasment to my children, they never said I was, but I know the looks I got from some friends.
Sit in a booth without my tummy bludging over the top of the table...quite a bit of free space there now.
NO longer a hermit, always on the go and love it!
Enjoy clothes shopping.
Seat belt fits like it should now, and not wrenched out to the max!
Meds are down to 2 only daily, one for migraine prevention & other for irritable bowel!
Can buy sexy bras
Enjoy exercising...can't believe that one!!
The list could go on and on....what a great thing I've done for myself, I'm so happy of this decision. I have between 20 and 40 pounds to go before I will feel at goal. My WLS says 150 and I think 130 so, we will just wait and see at what weight I actually like, it may be 150, but just want to be able to wear certain types of clothing. I'll know once i get there. Starting to really look into PS, I truly want a Beltlipectomy, but not sure if insurance will cover that, I know they will panni, and TT's but may have to pay the difference myself, probably about $5,000.00 I will meet with a surgeon at the University once I get to goal and see what his opinion is on what I need done. I would also love a breast lift, but would settle for just the belt if I can get that taken care of. My upper arms and inner thighs still look quite bad, but one thing at a time and my torso is my first concern, I'll keep lifting weights for my arms and squeeze for my inner thighs. Still going to Curves, still 3 times a week. My next measurement date is the 25th. I'll post the changes then. Eating is going good, still haven't vomitted once. Trying to focus on Carbs now and get back into eating more chicken. Have been eating lots of cottage cheese and veggies, beef jerky and pineapple. Found decaf tea and still love my splenda. Later...Carol

5-22-03~~6 month follow-up with Coster~~Wt. 168~~Down 87#'s
Hello...just a update to let all know about my 6 month follow up from my RNY. I am down to 168#'s a total of 87 pounds, with about 20 more to go. I talked about Plastics with Dr. Coster and told him my biggest concerns are of course my hanging tummy and hanging mid-section under my breasts...then the hump of skin I have across the top of my butt...he said he could get rid of most of what I want gone but did mention going to the Univ of Iowa and to they PS dept. there for info on the belt lipectomy. He was very supportive to the idea of me doing what I need to do for me to be happy with the end results....after all that's what makes him happy...seeing his patients pleased and looking their best. He is so awesome, I told him he should do those too and then there would be no talking with anyone else. He's GREAT!! I will also discuss w/the Univ. removing a small amount of skin off my arms and a bit in the thighs...and a breast lift. Like Coster said, he can do the thighs and arms, but the Univ. can do it all...so I have an info appt. scheduled for the 18th of June with Dr. Cram. I haven't heard of many going to him, I mostly read of Dr. Aly. Anyone with info on Cram, I would love to
hear your opinion. I do have a rash in the fold of my tummy that
Coster took pics of and in my belly button...YUK! I won't do any
plastics until I'm at goal weight, but would like to get all the info possible asap so that I can make a good decision of panni vs. belt, and not one that is rushed. Also, I know I may have to pay out right for the belt and if that's the case,...well...I might need time to go to the bank for a loan and put my kids up for collateral....LOL..NEVER!!! Anyhow, all went great, he said I looked great and all "skinny", and then at the end asked for a hug...I know, I know, what a lucky girl I am to have gotten a hug...he's not too hard on the eyes is he?? LOL!! I feel great and just can't wait to get these last 20 off. I go back to him in 2 months.....hopefully by then they will be gone! Anyone with advice or opinion on the Univ of Iowa PS, I welcome your comments. What about them working to get insurance to cover??? Any luck with you??? Oh yeah, I also started Physical Therapy today because of all the back pain I have been having the past 4 months, so I have 4 exercises to do...and I have also made a note about my terribly sensitive and painful tailbone, I
initially went to the Dr cause I thought something terrible might be going on, a tumor or cyst or cancer or something....it hurts bad!!! But, thankfully it's all good just no padding there anymore...I hope that might help too with approval??!! Well, I've written a book...sorry!! :-) Carol

**5-28-03**6 1/2 months post-op**Wt. 164**Loss of 91 pounds!!**
New measurements...take at 6 mo. post-op on 5-21-03
Pre-Op----------------------------- Current

Total Lost in Inches----------53"-------------

Curves measurements....since Feb 25th...3 months ago
Bust -5.50"
Waist -5.25"
Abs -6.00"
Hips -4.50"
Thighs -5.00"
Arms -0.50"
Weight Lost -34.50 pounds
BODY FAT down -6.30% Now at 35.80% from a whopping 42.10%, still high but at least I'm now on the charts!!
All's going great here...have been able to eat a few more pasta dishes, before pastas were too heavy. Loving Life!! Carol

**6-16-03** 7 mos.** Wt. 160** Loss of 95 pounds!!!**
I am only 5 pounds from the century mark, can't wait to get there. I go the 25th now to see Dr. Cram about plastic surgery to remove all the excess skin and a possible breast lift. I did have an appointment for the 17th but the University had to change it. I am really looking forward to getting info on the procedures and to hear the doctor's opinion on what should be done. I have recently started testing the waters with alcohol. It's been good so far, I have been able to handle screwdrivers, but prefer juicy juice (orange tangerine) w/vodka, also wine...a white zinfindale and merlot, and have had a corona beer. I don't drink a lot, but am curious as to what will agree with me. I guess you could say I drink about one night a weekend, but do skip some weekends. I have been staying so busy, between softball games with my daughter, and the on the go for this or that I haven't been to Curves like I should at all this month, I think I've gone twice...yikes, bad! It's just about impossible to get there this time of year. I'm sure this won't help with the weight loss, it's slowed terribly anyhow and not exercising will just make it even worse. I am 15 pounds from my doctors goal, and about 20 from mine, but do know that once I have the extra skin removed I'll probably lose 5 or 10 there. I'm still feeling great and very happy with the results and that I even had this surgery. I'm helping a few others learn about it now and hope that I can be of support if they go through with this themselves. We will be going to FL for a family reunion and none of my family there have seen me since wls, and the only one that knows about it is my dad. Should be interesting to see what they think, I'm sure I'll tell them the truth if they ask, but would rather stay low key about it all, just cause I'm sure some won't approve, I REALLY DON'T CARE, but hate to cause waves at a family reunion. I'm not sure when I'll take measurements again, since things have really slowed there won't be much to report at this time, maybe in another month! All for now...Carol

**6-26-03**7.5 mos Post-op**Wt 158**Down 97 pounds*BELT CONSULT*
I met with Dr. Cram at the University of Iowa and he was very pleasant, shook my hand, and answered my questions in great detail. I felt very comfortable with him. I first filled out paperwork, then was weighed and measured and blood pressure taken, then taken to a room and a nurse came in and went over my meds and health questionnaire, then another person working with Dr. Cram came in and asked a few more questions and listened to my chest and looked in my ears, that sort of thing, then Dr. Cram came in..talked about what I wanted, looked at my body and
explained what he would do. I think the pics on the web-site speak for the procedure themselves, that's why I knew I wanted to go this route. They took 6 pictures yesterday to submit with insurance and he assured me that with my body shape that I would get maximum results, he did suggest that later on I do something with my thighs and breasts, which I intended to do anyhow....later. One thing at a time and this is the first priority. I could still stand to lose another 15 pounds or so, but he said that he wouldn't hold things up for that minimal amount, but of course I would get a better result the smaller I am. Also mentioned that it would be fall before I could get scheduled for the Belt, which is just fine by me, giving me
a little more time to loose weight and to come up with money, if
insurance won't cover the whole thing. He said the majority of the time they will approve the front part of the surgery but not the whole way around, so then you have to pay the difference. I will wait now for insurance approval, being fully prepared for a denial, and then go from there. Dr. Cram said that this would help with the tummy, hips, outer thighs, mons...pubic area, butt, and back...giving me a waistline again!!. I guess that's about all for now. Carol

7-11-03**Almost 8 mos.**Wt.156**Loss of 99 pounds**
Well, I have started my first protein fast/feast. It's going real well, so far after 2 days have lost 3 pounds, now one pound shy of 100 pounds lost!! I have 3 or 4 shakes during the day then eat a small balanced dinner staying low in carbs and high in protein. I have been adding a packet of no sugar added hot chocolate to my shake once in a while giving it the taste of chocolate milk, but very thick. It's yummy. We just got back from our trip down to Florida, everyone was surprised by how much I have lost and thought I was looking like my "old self", that being a compliment! My dad told me he was happy that I was doing what was needed to "take care of myself" and not "giving up on myself". He and the rest of my family were very interested in how it works. It was a great vacation, but my butt killed me being in the car for so long. I can't believe that I am one pound away from losing 100 pounds today...wow, what a milestone that will be. I go back to see Coster on the 24th of this month and would love to be at 150, but know that may not happen since my weight loss has slowed to about 6 pounds a month. I haven't been to curves now in over a month and should get back at it, but have gotten out of the routine and it will take something major to get me back on track, once I slack it's usually over...bummer! I know I will start again, but it may be in the fall or winter when the weather get's cool again, I hate doing anything indoors when I could be out in the warmer weather, no an excuse...just would rather be out "playing" than sweating indoors. My sister just got her surgery date for WLS, it's the 28th of this month...she's really excited, and I know it will do her worlds of good, just as long as she follows directions and does what she's suppose to!! Vitamins, protein drinks, and not eating too much sugar/carbs. Looking forward to going back to my husband's home town the end of this month, he will be seeing an old friend of his and family members, I know he's excited and I can't wait to hang out by the pool. All for now. Carol

New Measurements**7-11-03**8 months post-op**Wt. 156**
Pre-Op----------------------------- Current

Total Lost in Inches----68"OR 5'6"-------------
Total Inches--322.75"-----------------254.75"

**7-25-03**Post-op 8.5 mos**Wt 152**Loss of 103 pounds**
Today I had a routine follow-up with Dr. Coster. I was down to 152 pounds making it a loss of 103 pounds. He thought I was doing wonderful, told me that I was ready to "graduate" from his office, no longer needing to see him for visits. Told me that I looked great, have lost the weight very nicely, and that after having surgery to get rid of excess skin that I should be down to about 135 or so. Said I was a "model patient" and that I seem to be working the tool very well. Reminded me that in the future if I start to put a few pounds on just to go back to the way I ate in the first few months after surgery and they would come back off. For me to exercise and keep with my vitamins and protein, and for me to come back and see him once all the skin is gone. SO, I'M DONE THERE! I have about 7 pounds to go for my personal goal, and then counting on losing 10 pounds worth of skin...but if I don't I'll be very happy even where I'm at right now! I feel great, loving life, having a great time LIVING it! Still waiting on the official word from the University about if my tummy part of the belt is approved or not, hope to know something within a week. By the way....I hit the 100 pounds lost mark on July the 12th, 3 days shy of exactly 8 months post-op! All for now...Carol

8-11-03**9 mo/Post-op**Wt.147**Loss of 108 pounds**
I'm only a few days shy of 9 months post-op, thought I would post today. I am within 5 pounds of my personal goal in weight. Still feeling great!! Have found that insurance won't cover even the tummy part of skin removal, so I'm going to go the whole appeal route with hopes for their decision to change. If I have to pay myself, the money isn't my big worry it's if something should go wrong or I end up back in the hospital due to complications from the surgery, insurance wouldn't cover any of those expenses either since it would be related to a non-covered service...that's my whole stress issue! So, I really want to get them to cover at least a portion of the belt, or at least approve a TT. Not holding my breath on anything, and know that I'm in no hurry for the next surgery, but it sure would be nice to get it all done and over with. Still drinking shakes daily and taking calcium, multi-vitamin, and skin, hair and nails supplement. My husband is still full of compliments and I think really likes having the woman he married back in the house...my kids are happy for me, family is supportive for the most part, I'm feeling so good these days! Have been meeting w/other WLS people for lunches/dinners and love visiting with them all, getting to know their story and knowing others out there can totally relate. Doing lunch this Thurs. w/a friend and dinner at Red Lobster Friday w/another. I'm open to answering any questions anyone might have if I can....don't hesitate to ask!! Carol

**8-23-03**WT. 145-AT GOAL!!**9mos 1week Post-op**Loss of 110#'s
Hello all....
Well it's taken me forever it seems like to loose the last pound or two to reach my goal but I'm there!!!!!!!! As of yesterday and still this morning I've weighed in at 145, FINALLY!!! So, big smile and major happy dance going on here. ALSO!!! After RESUBMITTING to ins. in regards to panniculectomy I got Wellmark pr-ior approval yesterday for that, SO YEAH...BIG TIME!!!!!!! I am still going to have the belt lipectomy, just paying for the difference in cost myself, but at least this way insurance will be paying for about 1/2 the cost and that's a huge relief to me. So, now I have that surgery coming up in the near future....still smiling, I have to meet with Dr. Cram again
and then expect to set up a date. I'll keep all posted. Thanks so much to all of you here who have incouraged me to hang in there and all the kind words and well wishes. You are a great group of people and those who I've gotten to know I'm very thankful for.
Take Care and HUGS,

**9-12-03**Wt.142-145**10 mos. Post-Op**
3 days from 10 months Post-Op. I took measurements yesterday. Here are the results.

Pre-Op----------------------------- Current

Ankles---R-10"--L-9.5"--------------R-8.75" L-8.75"
Wrists---R-6.5"--L-6.75"------------R-5.75" L-5.75"
Thighs---R-27"--L-27"---------------R-20.50" L-19.75"
Total Lost in Inches----75.50"-------------
Total Inches--322.75"-----------------247.25"

The difference in inches lost since last time posted has really slowed, a total of 7.50" in about 2 months. I think I'm about done, at my long standing plateau. I know once I have plastics, that will really help the mid section and hope that will leave me with at least a 5 pound loss. I go to meet with Dr. Cram and Dr Aly on the 22nd of September, 10 days from now, and would love to be weighing 140 by then, but don't think I will make that unless I really get to exercising. I have been bouncing from 143-145 the past 2 months. No complaining, VERY happy with the loss I have had. Still feeling great, no problems, and love being "me" again! I went yesterday to see Dr. Iles about doing pre-op blood work, checking levels to make sure everything is in the "norm", that way if something IS low, I have a few months to get it back on track prior to plastic surgery. I would much rather go in knowing everything is on level, instead of hoping all was OK. I'll post again after meeting with both doctor's and also when I get results of all the labs taken yesterday. All for now...Carol

**9-22-03**Wt 141**
Had my second consult with the plastic surgeon today...can't wait for my Belt Lipectomy. Dr. Cram just went over my photos that were taken (me naked!!) and pointed out all the areas that would be helped and what the procedure was. Told me that I shouldn't have to wear any type of binder or garment home, that the outer skin will be glued shut, no staples, and I will come out of OR w/5 drains. They will give me an epidural to aid with discomfort allowing me to get up that evening of surgery to walk. They will start antibiotics 30 mins before the first cut and keep me on them the whole time my drains are in. I will probably stay 2 nights and go back to see him the following Monday for my first follow-up. I can't lift over 15 pounds the first 6 weeks. I can't take any migraine meds for 21 days prior to surgery. They will tighten my tummy muscles and do a little lipo in the "mons" area. No ointments on the incision area until it's all healed, then I can put on some to help the scarring be less obvious. The roll under my boobs...well, he can't guarantee they will be gone but they will be much less. He said that since they have a band of tissue/nerve endings/blood vessels...that they choose not to destroy them by lipo (which is what would be needed to get rid of it completely) since that is a KEY blood supply source to the tummy area for healing ( those vessels that are attached to the tissue at the roll area ). If I'm still unhappy with it down the road he suggested lipo there, but did say that he thinks it will be less obvious cause they will still pull down on that whole area, they just won't destroy the connection that the tissues and the skin have with each other at this time. I go back the 8th of Dec. for my pre-op stuff, at that time meeting Dr. Aly, he went home sick today...so I didn't get to see him. At that time they will "draw" on me all the areas they will cut...and so forth...all labs, and anesthesia at that time. I guess that's about it.....can't wait to get it done!!! Dr. Cram was VERY nice, taking as much time as needed to answer my 20 questions, and never once making me feel rushed...or silly. Looking forward to it all being done and over! But still have a little over 2 months to wait. Carol

**9-29-03**Wt. 140**Post-op Labs taken 9-10-03**
Ok, got my results from labs taken for wanting to know if levels were all in good range before my next surgery on 12-9-03.
Everything good except Iron is a little low, so I'm adding iron to my daily regime.
Iron 28-Low 30-160 Norm
Gpt 39-high but dropping from 84 0-37 Norm
Got 27 Norm
Hemoglobin 12.9 Norm
B-12 Norm
Total Protein 6.9 Norm
Albumin 4.1 Norm
Direct & Total Billirubin 0.5 Norm
Calcium 9.0 Norm
Glucose 77 Norm
Potassium 4.1 Norm
Platelet 277 Norm
WBC 7.0 Norm
RBC 4.47 Norm
HCT 39 Norm
So, all looks good, with added iron I should be ready for surgery...also, I think I will up my protein shakes to two daily, can't hurt right now. My liver enzyme is still a little high but barely and has steadily dropped since surgery...so that's great news! Carol

10-5-03**Wt. 137**Down 118 pounds**almost 11 mos. post-op**
Well, not too sure how to explain the 3 pounds lost recently. I had gotten to a spot where I thought I was "done". But, I have lost 3 more, even w/ all the consumption of carbs that I have eaten lately. Gotten bad with, chips, popcorn, potato, crackers, pretzles...things like that. I have increased my fruits & veggies a lot too. Really likings carrots, green peppers, tomato, grapes, & plums a lot too. Who knows, I guess my body just thought....OK, let's drop a few more...NOT COMPLAINING...just can't see how with all that I consume at times. Still feeling WONDERFUL, love going out with my husband, dancing and drinking at times. Buying smaller clothes...sizes 8-10 or size Med. & Lg. Being MYSELF AGAIN!!! It's great! All for now...Carol

11-5-03**Wt. 137**First ER Visit**
Hello there....well I had to go to the ER today. I was in the recliner with my 2yr old son on my lap. He decided to get up using his elbow pressing down into my tummy for leverage. When he did he pressed hard and it gave me immediate intense pain. For 30 minuets I tried to find a comfortable position and couldn't, the pain was bringing me to tears and it wouldn't let up. I knew that it had been almost a year since my surgery and all new connections should be completely healed without possibility of ripping or tearing at those connecting places. Still, I was gasping for air with pain and knew I needed to go to the ER. Husband came home from work and I went to the ER. Got there, they gave me 10 CC of Morphine, and nausea meds. Took 2 X-rays which would show pockets of air if there was any and also did labs which would show if I were losing lots of blood internally and a urine analysis. All things came back good, my lab levels were even better than a month ago when I had them drawn last since I've started taking extra B-12, Folic Acid and Iron. So, the bottom line is this.....when I had surgery all the pieces inside that were cut, as they healed inside they could have adhered to another part inside me and as my son pushed down just right and as hard as he did, he probably ripped a little area that had adhered to something....maybe intestine to intestine or anything.....kind of like when you bake cookies and you put them too close together and they "adhere" to one another with a tiny amount connecting....anyhow, since all labs and stuff looked good she told me to take it easy, and that it would clot and heal itself quickly, I shouldn't be in pain after dinner tonight and if I were to come back in.....Well, I feel FINE! THANK GOD!!! I felt fine about 4pm but groggy due to pain meds. That's it! Scared the crap out of me with all that I've read and know about the surgery, and complications of it. Granted this wasn't anything I had done or eaten but still wouldn't have had that type of reaction to his elbow if I hadn't had the surgery.....still no regrets though. Thank god it was something minor and short lived. Didn't feel minor at the time but all's good now. Hope you all have a great day. Hugs, Carol

11-11-03**ALMOST 1 YEAR**Wt. 135**Loss of 120 pounds**
I am feeling great, getting things in order for my Belt Lipectomy that will be done on 12-9-03. I'm afraid of the pain I may have while recovering, but do feel confident that it will be worth the results. I can't believe that a year ago I was over 250 pounds....amazing! I am so happy that I chose to do this. It's so great not having to deal with GERD and take all the meds I was. I have no problems with Irritable Bowel anymore, no swelling in my hands and feet, no shortness of breath with daily chores, no borderline diabetes, no Polycystic Ovary Disease, no problems at all with my periods...they come every month now without meds to bring it on, no low self-esteem, no depression, no more worries of if I'll fit in a chair, no more shame of amount of food I eat, no more withdrawn self at functions, no more keeping the seat warm at parties, dances or bars...I'm up dancing!, no more PLUS size clothing, the list goes on and on...How GRAND is life now! I hope that anyone in researching that reads my journal knows that journals on here is what got me through my worries, concerns, and second thoughts....it was worth it and I'm proud to be standing here today, with only taking 1 prescribed med daily, no longer spending over $250/mo...now it's $6/mo. Standing here HEALTHY, HAPPY, and MUCH THINNER! Best to you and you can always e-mail me personally with any questions. Take Care, Carol

1ST ANNIVERSARY!!**11-15-03**Down 122 pounds!!**Wt 133**
I can't believe that it's been a year. It's been such a great one! I can't tell you the last time I've felt this good physically and emotionally. I am almost 35 and not feeling down about it, cause I know I look better and feel better than I did at 25. I am on the brink of plastic surgery, a Belt Lipectomy on 12-9-03. Dr. Cram and Aly at the U of Iowa. Really excited about the results of that. I can wear size 8 and 10 in jeans...a Med or Large in tops....and a size 6 or 7 in undies....a 34 B or C in bras. My measurements....well, I'll try and get those done tomorrow. I am taking one prescription a day...for irritable bowel syndrome...also Calcium, B-12, Iron, Multi Vitamin, Folic Acid and Vitamin C. All these for prevention of low levels. That's all for now...gonna go celebrate my ANNIVERSARY!

**11-28-03**At Goal**Wt.132**1 year~Anniversary Measurements**
Pre-Op----------------------------- Current

Total Inches--322.75"-----------------238.75"
Total Loss of Inches****84" OR 7 FEET!!!****

**12-2-03**One week left before plastic surgery**
One week from today I will have had my Belt Lipectomy!!! Very anxious, but also nervous. Can't get the picture of drain tubes and bulbs hanging out of me out of my mind. Life is really great....I for so long missed out on the simple pleasures of life and now I see and feel them again. I love to be held in my husbands arms, they wrap all the way around me now and then some! I can feel close to him and not that my belly is in the way...spooning at night, laying TOGETHER on the couch, dancing, and making love now is so much more enjoyable for both of us. He picked me up last week while I was in our kitchen and he said..."gosh, you're so light now"....felt GREAT!! My kids are proud of me and happy that I'm happy. My 15 year old daughter is having fun trying to "dress me" in "today's fashions". I can get down on the floor and roll around playing with our 2 year old. Can run with my kids outside, HAVE ENERGY! Looking forward to all the skin being gone...but not the discomfort while healing. All for now.

12-14-03**Post-op Belt Lipectomy**Wt. 123**
The surgery went great, no problems at all...took off about 7 1/2 pounds of skin. The recovery...well, I truly believe the epidrual was the problem, I just had horrible nausea and a migraine on Thursday. Surgery was Tues. and lasted about 4 1/2 hours....woke up at 1pm in recovery and then clearly awake at 4pm in my room. Wide awake, talking and looking at the new bod for about 4 hours...then I got nausea. Both doctors Ali and Cram came in to see me that evening, and together helped to get me out of bed for the first time, made it to my feet and then about passed out. LOW BLOOD PRESSURE....80's/40's. Tried again about 9:30pm but same result...about passed out. Wednesday was pretty good. Pumped me with fluids, and I got up, walked out in the hall and around the nurses station, was feeling good, ate some broth, jello, and cottage cheese.....but think all the different meds and epidural together were making me queasy. Wed. night, feeling bad....not even wanting to talk. Thursday...worse day yet! Nurses covered my windows wit-h blankets to block out all the sun possible, no noise, no light, no odors, no food, no drinks....had a HELL of a headache and nausea with dry heaves!!!! HORRIBLE!!! Then FINALLY, the epidural came out Thurs. late, and I almost instantly felt better. Demerol and Phenegran for headache, wiped that out! Nausea gone! I had a whole egg, ham, mushroom, and cheese omelet. By the way, the food selection was WONDERFUL!!! Like a restaurant menu that you can order anytime at your convenience. Doctors Ali and Cram BOTH were SUPERB!!! VERY caring, kind, compassionate, friendly, smiling all the time, positive personalities, and were right on top of all happenings, coming in to see me each day and taking as much time as I needed for answering my questions. Nurses were great too! No complaints really, except my reaction to the epidural. Pain, really isn't any so far, taking Tylenol 3, just the drains stitched in place are bothersome. Well, PLEASE ask questions and I'll try to answer.

1-2-04~Post Belt Lipectomy~3weeks
Feeling really good now, much easier to get around. I have one drain left in and that should come out in 3 days when I go back for my 3rd follow-up visit. I still have quite a bit of tummy swelling and fluid build-up but do think the compression garments that Dr. Cram said to wear as of last Monday are helping with cutting down on all the swelling and fluids. I love the results so far. Really love wearinga form fitting shirt. Went out New Year's Eve and wore a fitted shirt and black dress pants that were size 3/4, but think they are sized a little funny!!!! Both the pants and top were my 14 year old daughters. I think I can easily wear a size 5 in pants and jeans once all is done and a small or medium in tops. I must say I do think new boobs are in the future, since the belt, they are even lower since all is pulled down, they are down even more so now too, but will work on that later. Will definately return to Dr. Cram and Dr. Aly for those when time rolls around. LOVING my flat tummy and lifted butt, not to mention the smooth hips and they even got rid of my "second boobs" (rolls under my boobs)!!!! YEAH!!! All for now, Carol

~~3-31-04~~ Current Weight 117#'s~~Total loss 138 pounds!!~
I am almost 4 months post-op from my Belt Lipectomy. I feel FABULOUS!!!!! I LOVE my new figure, I can wear a size 0 and 3's!!!! Never in my most wildest dreams did I think I would ever be this small. I hoped for a 10 and dreamed of a 7 but ended up with a 3 and 0's. I love me new belly button, I got it pierced about a month ago and didn't feel anything at all! Since it's all scar tissue and still numb there-painfree. I have had the honors to give "my story" of WLS and Belt to a very prominant man in the medical field....the former CEO of the University of Iowa, with hopes that Mr. Colloton will support future centers for WLS and the Belt procedure. Also, hoping to help make it easier for people in the future to be able to get the Belt procedure covered by insurance, which at this time is VERY difficult and almost impossible. I have been called the "ideal model" for the Belt procedure, and even though it's a bit "bragging" it sure does make me feel like a success! I would still like to have my arms done and definately a breast lift w/implants some time down the road. But, if I don't do the arms I think I could live w/them, just no cap t-shirts or sleeveless or tank or spaghetti straps for me! I keep within a 5 pound difference on the scales these days and eat just about what ever I want.....just keeping limits on the bad stuff. When I creep up to the 120 mark, I just go back to yogurt, cottage cheese, beef jerky, and soups for a day or two and the number drops again to 115-117. I still take my protein shake daily and all my vitamins and supplements. Friday will be my 12th wedding anniversary and I have to say that my married life is most definately improved. My hubby tells me several times a day "your hot", "your sexy", "you look so good"...etc, he's loving my new look and my cutesie clothes!! I have to say, it's hard to stay away from clothes shopping.....something I HATED to do prior to WLS! If you wish you can look at all my photos from the link at the top of this page under my web site. Shows the progression of WLS and plastic surgery photos. All for now...Hugs, Carol

4-12-04/Wt. 120 today/Tailbone Pain
I have been having so much pain with my tailbone. I had a bruise about the size of a quarter that was at the tailbone for about 3 weeks. I can't even sleep on my back due to the pressure on the tailbone, nor can I wear jeans that have the double butt seam like Levi's. Went to the doctor today for my annual pap and pelvic. She drew two tubes of blood to check all the level's I wanted her to, and also doing a dexascan on Wednesday to compare my bone density later on in life. She did find the right ovary is very large and was very painful when she pushed on it, so now I have an ultrasound for that tomorrow. She told me that she wants me to see the plastic surgeons again about my tailbone and that she is sure they could do something to help me there, maybe inject fat cells........can you believe I would even ever consider putting fat cells IN ME!!!??? Or, a implant situation, which I also can't imagine, but at the same time I can't keep hurting like this for the rest of my life.....I carry this butt cushion....for tailbone injuries, around w/me everywhere I sit in my house......but it's a bit embarrassing to take out w/me in public. SO, I'll go see what Dr. Cram say's or suggests on April 26th at 4:15 about that.......so, lots of appointments for me this month. Hope the ultrasound tomorrow doesn't show anything life threatening, always worry it's the worst case scenario w/me....then hope the dexascan shows all is still good, then see what we are gonna do about the tailbone. My PCP said this would most certainly NOT be considered "plastic surgery" but "medically necessary". I even asked if they could just shave the bone down some so it wasn't so protruding, she said......"you don't want to do that....., let's try the plastic surgeons for suggestions". So....my merry-go-round is spinning faster and faster these days. I'll post again after I get all my test and lab results. Carol

**4-20-04** Lab Results
Got all the results back from labs, everything within NORMAL ranges!!! Protein and Calcium looks good and Liver Enzymes are good too. I did find out via DEXAscan though that I have Osteopenia, so I am having a Parathyroid Hormone Levels checked. This is decreased calcification or density of bone! This places me at risk for Osteoporosis......which I knew my risk was higher post-WLS. You can get Osteopenia from genetic predisposition, sedentary lifestyle, low intake of Calcium and Vitamin D, petite stature, and small bone structure, long-term steroids, smoking, and declining levels of estrogen. I read that doing regular weight-bearing exercise, adequate calcium and not smoking can help to improve bone health. My PCP is doing a Parathyroid Hormone Level check to see if maybe I never reached peak bone density (the maximum bone mass I could have attained while growing up)....some individuals DO NOT achieve optimum bone density in youth. This COULD BE my case, but
we will wait and see after the hormone level is checked. All for now...thrilled that my labs came back good though!!!
Hugs, Carol

**5-18-04**Tailbone Pain**
I have been dealing with tailbone pain for about a year now, and finally went to see Dr. Cram about it. After looking at x-rays and talking with others, we decided to try Cortizone injection around the area. It was not a painful thing, but my tailbone area afterwards was VERY tender and sore. This only being the next morning, I don't feel any relief yet, but hope to soon. I was told it could take 3 days to feel the improvement, so FINGERS CROSSED this works. I have also been fighting the urges to eat all day long, been pushing the scale up to 120-121, and it was staying right about 118, so.....need to get a grip before it keeps going up and up. Going to really try to stick to protein foods today and lay off all the sugary things I've been eating and all the granola bars. Too many carbs I know too lately. All for now. Carol

6-8-2004 Wt. Today 117~Almost 19 mo. PO & 6 mos. post-Belt
Thought I would take measurements since last time way back 6 months ago before my belt lipectomy. Also wanted to post that the Cortizone injection DID take away all tailbone pain!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! OK, well....here's the results, and should I say "FINAL" results....don't want to go any smaller!
Pre-Op----------------------------- **CURRENT**
Total Inches--322.75"-----------------224.75"
TOTAL LOSS~~~~~~~~~~~~~98 INCHES~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
That's the same as 8.16 FEET!!! WOW, sounds great to me!
Take Care and Best to all just starting out! Carol

9-3-04*Tailbone Pain*Belt Lipectomy Friends*
OK, went back for a second cortizone injection, was doing great and then while working out sat on a stationary bike and immediately put me in pain again, so back for #2 and within 24 hours tailbone feeling MARVELOUS again! Thank goodness this works for me!!! Also, have met a few women who have opted for the Belt Lipectomy as their choice procedure for plastics. LOVE this chance to talk about it and to help others through all their anxieties. Anyone considering and going to Dr. Cram and Dr. Aly for this procedure PLEASE do contact me with any questions or concerns. I'll do my best to help you through and with "tradition" now started, we'll even do dinner a time or two while you are here!! I have been ranging from 120-122 now with my weight, I think I need to watch my carbs now more than before in addition to the sugars and protein. Going to try and make my way back to the 117 range. Felt better then and think my clothes fit a bit better, funny how 5 pounds can make such a difference on a small body. All for now....Carol

12-22-04/Getting ready for round 2 of plastics/Arms and BL & BA
I have a date set...January 19, 2005 for arms and breast lift with implants. Going back to Dr. Aly and Cram, couldn't feel anymore confident with anyone else and know I'm in great hands with the two of them. Nervous about the arms, just because of the stories of pain and knowing that it's one of the most difficult places to heal and the scars are unpredictable, can be very bad and then again, could look very nice. Will try to only go part the way to my elbow, but if in the end they feel the need to go all the way, I want them to. Going for a full C cup, maybe small D. Not too worried about the breast, figure ANYTHING is an improvement there and the surgery is very routine. I've been between 119-122 on the scales lately, lots of chocolate and goodies being the holiday season! It also depends on if I've had a bowel movement....lovely huh!? I'm not a "regular" person and afterwards it makes a nice difference on the scale...yuck~! Boy, the things I write on here!!! LOL! I've been asked to help out with a book that will be written, to be interviewed with "my story" sort of thing. Also have had my before and after's in the Wall Street Journal, and interviewed by a local paper to help with a plastic surgery article! I know it sounds like bragging, but I think it's more....yet another change in my life that these surgeries have brought, something UNFORSEEN, but yet positive! Would have never thought this as a benefit from my WLS and plastic surgery. Will post again as my round 2 PS get's closer or once it's done. HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL! Carol

Finally updating! Had my arms breast lift and implants done on January 19th! LOVE THE ARMS, had the "z" incision and a little issue with the incisions closing in the armpits, but finally did about a month afterwards. The arms had about 1 1/2 inches taken off each by my measurements. The breasts/love the one, the other needs to be repositioned, with a permanent row of internal sutures to keep it from falling too low, will have that done April 12th, BUT LOVE THE SIZE and the Shape!! Went from a 34 saggy tubular "C" to a FULL, very FULL 34 "D". They look straight ahead now instead of the floor...hee hee! My weight has gone up a little, but I'm thinking that's my "bounce back" after falling low. I at one time weighed 117, that freaked me out, then steadied at 120-121 for about 2 months, then and now play in the 120-125 range, mostly 122 and 123. I have started exercising again, walking and increasing water. Not that I need or want to lose weight, but with Spring rearing it's WONDERFUL head, feel like I need to get back on the healthy living track instead of feeling dormant since I HATE the cold!!!! Our support group meetings are going good, having Dr. Aly and Claudette come to visit our group on the 4th, with a presentation. Was taped by KCRG-TV9 with a special on WLS and Belt Lipectomy and Dr. Aly & Dr. Cram, to air sometime next week probably the 5th or 6th, hope that turns out decent.
About Me
Washington, IA
Surgery Date
Aug 26, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Fall 2005
July 2005
