lucky1 19 years ago

Caryn so glad to hear you are up and doing great after your WLS. Nice to hear your surgery went well, and that you are now one of the losers. AWESOME!!

lucky1 19 years ago

Caryn so glad to hear you are up and doing great after your WLS. Nice to hear your surgery went well, and that you are now one of the losers. AWESOME!!

JudyG 19 years ago

I just spoke with Caryn and she had her surgery this morning at KVMC. She is doing great and has already had her first "sip" and has starting walking the halls. She hopes to be heading home tomorrow.

JudyG 19 years ago

I just spoke with Caryn and she had her surgery this morning at KVMC. She is doing great and has already had her first "sip" and has starting walking the halls. She hopes to be heading home tomorrow.

teri S. 19 years ago

Your time to shine is almost here. Before you know it you will be up and about efnjoying your new life. Teri

robin826 19 years ago

Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. I hope you have a speedy recovery.

Egyptianeyesdiva 19 years ago

Caryn, you are on your way to a new and healthier life. I wish you much success in your journey. Sending prayers your way for an uneventful surgery and speedy recovery! Hugs...Erika

Egyptianeyesdiva 19 years ago

Caryn, you are on your way to a new and healthier life. I wish you much success in your journey. Sending prayers your way for an uneventful surgery and speedy recovery! Hugs...Erika

j. lynn 19 years, 1 month ago

Caryb-Good luck on your upcoming surgery! Remember: no one ever said it would easy; they said it would POSSIBLE! Remember to keep us posted on your progress and to post in your Profile -- it's great for new comers to see what all of our journeys looked like. Give yourself plenty of time to heal -- take things slowly. Follow your doctor's advice -- he/she's been through this before. Everyone is different; don't compare yourself to others.

lucky1 19 years, 1 month ago

Caryn, congratulations on your WLS date. I am wishing you a speedy recovery and know that my prayers are with you. Hope to be hearing that you are doing great and on the losers side with your new life very soon!
About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 29, 2005
Member Since
