Down a dress size.

Apr 13, 2009

I tried on a 10/8 dress and it fit. My size 12 pants I bought feel a little loser. I finaly lost 3lbs and  I am not at a platu any more. Only 22 lbs left to loss then I will be at goal. YES!!!!!
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Up Date!

Mar 30, 2009

Hello everyone! Things are not going well for my family. My dad lost his daughter ( my sister). Then my dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Then to top it all off my dad's sister (my aunt) is in the hospital. All of this has happened in one and a half months. This year has started off with a bang. On top of that I am still at a plato for a little over a month. I think it is the stress. This to will come to pass. I know God will hold my family's hands and walk us all through this. Until next time. My God Bless everyone and a safe journey through there wls.
1 comment


Mar 14, 2009

Hello everyone. Just an up date. I have two weeks left until I graduate with my AA Degree in Criminal Justice. It only took me 20 years, five kids, married 25 years, a house, three dogs, one cat, and five fish tanks. LOL!!!! Nice ride! LOL!! Now I will be starting my BA in Business Management. After that off to law school. As far as my sister, it has been  three weeks now since she died. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about her. She is soooo missed. My dad was dignosed with prostate cancer this week. So soon after my sister dieing. We will find out next week what type of treatment. Good thing about it the cancar was caught in the very beginning stages. Keep my family in pray. We need all we can get. As for the weight loss I am at 180lbs. I am at a plueto. I need 20 to 25 lbs more to lose to be at goal. SOON!!!

My sister passed away today!

Feb 22, 2009

My best friend died today. She was my sister. Reality still has not sat in.  I know it's just a matter of time. The only positive thing about her leaving gods green earth is she is no longer in pain and she is in gods hands now. My sister Cindy has been in pain far to long. She will be truely missed. To all the people out there that have lost a sister (loved one) my condolences. My god give us all peace. You migth think it is wierd that I put happy face on this blog but my sister's room is filled with happy face. She collected them.This is for you big little sis. RIP!!

Down Another Size!!!

Feb 08, 2009

I am down another size from a 14 to a 12. I can't even remember when I fit into a size 12. It's been that long. It feel weird. I have always wanted to shop at a clothing store for normal sized preson but now that I can I not sure as to what to buy. LOL!! I think I need to go on the show what not to wear.LOL!!

Finelly 100lbs lost!!!

Jan 31, 2009

This is great. My husband now calls me skinny. I have lost 100lbs. Only 42lbs needed to lose to get to gaol. Yea me!! I also wanted to say that I had a great time at the Long Beach Coffee on Jan. 24 th. I met a lot of nice people. I will be going to the next LB coffee. Thanks everyone for a great time.

6 months since surgery!

Jan 09, 2009

Well it is exactly 6months ago that I had surgery. I now have lost 92lbs. I am at a Plato. The scale is not moving at least not fast enough for me. Only 55lbs left to goal. I want to be to gaol by my one year anniversary day. In the last 3 days my stomach has been hurting and making it difficult to eat. I have an appointment on Jan. 29, 2009 to see my Dr. The other problem I have is my primary care Dr say I have some type of growth or scar tissue that gets caught on my ribs and pulls. This prevents me from moving certain ways or I get sever pain. Well see what my surgeon says. I will update later. Bye for now.

Hopes for the New year!!

Dec 27, 2008

Hello Everyone. Just an update. I now weight 211lbs. Its been years since I weighted this. My goal for next years is to reach goal by my year aniversery. I will have meet my first goal of finishing my AA degree in Criminal Justice in March, 09. It's only taken me 20years five kids, house payment, and four dogs, one cat to do it. LOL. I am waiting to see if I get accepted in to Chapman University. I not sure if I will do there Orginzational Management or Psycology BA. My long term goal is to be a Child Advocate Lawyer. I tell my husband I will probable be a poor lawyer. I would be the type to take case that would help children in the system probono. LOL!! Well May this New Year be better then last year for everyone. My everybody have a safe and Happy New Year. Talk to you all ,Until next. Cathy

New weight!

Dec 10, 2008

I now offically wear a size 14 dress. My pants are 16 to 18 still. I can now wear my husbands pants that are to small for him because he gained 20 lbs from being off work3mons. He now is back at work. The pants that belong to him are a 40 levis. I have not wore a size 14 in a dress since I was 12years old. The last time I wore a 40 levis pants was when I was 18 years old. Wow!! The proplem that I have now is that I think I have a hurnia on my left side where my insision was. I will try to keep my post updated sooner.

New pants and blouse size!!!

Oct 14, 2008

I now ware a size 18 to 16 pants. My blouse size is now a 14/16. I used to ware pants size 24/26 and blouse 24. I don't know how much I weight right now because I dont have a scale yet. I let my clothes do the talking. LOL!!

About Me
santa ana, CA
Surgery Date
Nov 05, 2007
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