4 weeks post op

Jul 30, 2009

yes, it has flown by, but it has been a month since the RNY.

i remain on pureed foods until i see the dietician on August 11th.  i have introduced a couple of new foods over the past week.  i can tolerate chicken, and had some pureed shepherd's pie.  the mashed potatoes were too heavy, so i only added a wee bit to the meat. 

Overall, I feel pretty good for the most part.  Still struggling with stamina.  but i am doing 2km a day walking and going to the pool just about every day since i started a week ago.

it is the long weekend, and i need to plan meals for work.  I plan to return on Tuesday, after the Civic Holiday.  will see how the week goes, but am prepared to take part vacation days (no sick days left!) if my energy is low.  i actually think that sitting at my desk in my regular chair will be challenging.  i tend to switch seats, stretch out on the couch, fold my legs under me all day long.  sitting in the same spot, even with breaks to fetch things, will be a challenge.  But at least i have a sedentary job.  i wouldn't be ready to go back if it was a physically demanding job. 

i have lost 48 pounds.  21 on optifast, and 27 post surgery!

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