Oct 29, 2009

Well at 39.5 I think I have gone from Super Obese to just Obese now. 

Possible Scale Movement

Oct 16, 2009

10-25-09 Well I am starting a downward trend again - I am down 8 pounds from where I was when I hit my stall.  I was low in iron and potassium so now on supliments for that and doing good again.  Not quite so tired and that is good.

Ok so it has been almost 6 weeks with no continued weight loss and just in the last few days I am starting to see if move downward.

OK so once I start getting a reading that is solid for a whole week I will post but "knock on wood" maybe the stall period is over

That would be so exciting if it was!

Ankle & Calf Swelling

Oct 11, 2009

So I am not getting enought protein and since my legs were swollen so bad I went to my PCP and yeah Kidney functions OK but low on potassium & iron.

Slamming protein drinks and hoping to fix the swelling issue and on my way to GNC to buy a couple different brands of powder to see if there are any that dont make me feel like I will be sick.

10-14-09 Update.  Went for vascular scan to rule out clots and to make sure there were no problems there.  They found nothing so that is good.  Got all my blood drawn early for the 3 month draw - problably to see what else they could find if anything to explain my leg swelling and numbness.  Hoping it is just something easy to fix and this is uncomfortable.

10-16-09 Well it might be that the swelling is resolving itsself "knock on wood".  the last two days the swelling is not as bad.  I have been wearing ankle socks so they are acting like compression socks to keep the swelling down in the ankle section so that is helping.  Currently is it is 1:44pm PST and my legs are not as swollen and as tight as they were this time last week - again "knock on wood".   Keeping my figures crossed that this is about over for this issue!

10-25-09  Legs are still swelling by night time but going down overnight.  They are not as bad as they were but still not gone yet.  Wish this would stop.
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Still stalled

Oct 06, 2009

Still stuck

Still Stalled

Sep 29, 2009

Tomorrow is 4 weeks since I have started mushy foods and have not lost a single pound.  Still have not gained but have not lost.

I am however not getting as much food stuck as I was 4 weeks ago so that is good.

Nothing really new to report.



Sep 21, 2009

I have hit a plateau since I started mushy foods on September 9th.    I thought that maybe it would take about a week and then I would start loosing again and then “Aunt Flow” came on the 15th so I had read postings where there is temporary weight gain from that monthly visit but I thought for sure I would start to see a reduction in weight start again – surely by now…..   Not gaining that is awesome however not loosing either. Eating 4 - 4oz meals of protein per day and taking my vitamins. Mushy Foods consist of chicken with a tad of Ricotta, or Imitation Crab and Brie Cheese, blended Pork Chop.   I think I am really being compliant.   So my question to the veterans will be about how long do most plateau’s last. (I realize this is subjective for each individual) but just want to have a guestimate so I can keep my happy peppy self chats going.   Thanks

4 Weeks Out

Sep 09, 2009

Today I am starting week 5 so I get mushy food.

I cooked a chicken breast and put part of it into my food processor with some riccota cheese, tomato & baby spinich and blended it till it was the consistancy of baby food.  Cooked me up some hard boiled eggs. Also had some brie cheese. 

All that not to exceed 4 oz.

Hardest part for me is not drinking water while eating.  I alway have drank water with my food.  That is going to take some getting used to.

I had two separate days of really bad heart burn.  Clear up to my throat.  Never had that before and I was really hurting.

Feeling good however and walking walking walking.  My son took his new scooter and I walked and we went for a nice walk down Centenial Trail.  Would not have done that before but looking for fun active things to do now.

Loosing weight and feeling great. 

Two weeks out

Aug 22, 2009

Well I did awesome with the surgery.  7+ hours in surgery, 11 ports, and 2 nights in the hospital.  Got home and I am doing great!

Liquid diet for 4 weeks and started the protein shakes back up on day 8. 

2 days of the protein shakes and now I am in pain with gas and can not even fathom smelling food or the protein shakes or anything else.

I am hoping this is a phase and will pass soon. 

Doctor's office said to just plug my nose and keep drinking the shakes.  Man the thought is enough to........

Have not lost anymore but the Doctor's office said this is normal as your body goes into a preservation mode after surgery and needs a couple weeks to figure out it is going to be fine and then it will take off and I will start loosing.

Not a huge scale person anyway so it will come off when it does.

I have tested my blood sugar and it has been 113 to 126.  Yeah - best numbers in years!
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Surgery Date

Jul 09, 2009

I have gotten my surgical date of August 12th 2009.  I am very excited and scared

Funding for the surgery

Jun 17, 2009

Yeah - I have found the funding and can start scheduling. 
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Jun 11, 2009
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