Almost 2 years post op

Mar 13, 2013

Well here I am ...fighting for energy feeling blah lately..had lab work done all came back great except my Glucose levels was high so they diagnosed me with Hypoglycemia and started me on medication for that and I have to  watch what I eat and my sugar intake I had been craving sweets really bad for the past 2 months and now i know why :( hopefully this medication will work for me.I am in a size 3/4 and loving it !! I have not exercised in a while no energy to do anything it is horrible never been like this before ....I stay sleepy i almost fell asleep at the wheel driving and scared me to death ! I drink coffee to help me but that does not help for very long I also take b12 sublingual and those help a little.My mood swings have also been bad everyday i never know how or what i will feel always a roller coaster ride I had bioidentical hormones inserted in my buttocks last week to help with menopause yep i said menopause at 41 years old :( hoping that helps with the energy level and mood swings.If i could just get my energy back everything else would be great ! I don't eat allot at all maybe 1 cup of protein fruits and veggies cottage cheese sugar free fruits I drink water and sometimes I drink Diet soda usually 1/2 can if that .. I do graze but I try to do it on healthy stuff ...well just wanted to check in hope all is well with everyone ...Gob bless you all


About Me
Nov 12, 2010
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