today was a bad day....

Aug 14, 2009

so the hubby left today for 6 months. i thought i was gonna be strong when i said goodbye, but when my husband had to say good bye to our 9 month old son, neither one of us could take it. he truly is my best friend. everyone keeps telling me how fast time will go by, but the truth is, im tired of hearing that. 6 months is a long time! thats 6 months of going to bed at night alone. 6 months of cooking dinner for 1. 6 months of silent afternoons because no one is around to talk to. all i want to do is cry. im alone in this stupid country i hate, raising a 9 month old who i love more than anything else in this world, but who will eventually forget about his daddy. its not fair!
6 months does not go by fast!!!
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thank freakin god!!!

Aug 10, 2009

so after like  a montha nd a half of waiting around, my hubbys deros date was finally extended. since march ive seen the PCM 4 times had my nut appts, done my psych eval and talked with a shrink all to get told i cant get my surgeon appt til we extended our deros date. WELL HA! i just found out it went thru. only bad part is that i have to go back to my PCM thrusday because my original consult with the surgeon that was awaiting approval expired after 30 days. so on thrusday i have to drop my hubby off at the airport and say goodbye to him for 6 months only to go to my PCM at 2 that day and redo all the paperwork ive already done before. grrrr. oh well. its worth it, and hopefully i get approved for the surgery....
only time will tell

i hate him!!!

Jun 01, 2009

urghhhhhhhhhhh!!! i cant even described how royally pissed off i am at my PCM. so i got to my appointment today (had to get up at 4:30 am to take hubby to work) get to his office wait thirty minutes just for him to give me ANOTHER piece of paper. but wait it gets better.....whats on this paper you ask?!?! MY TRICARE INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS!!!! something you think he would have given me when we first met a month ago. .....what was on this paper you ask?!?!?! i ahve to lose 10 pounds as a form of commitment to the lap band. i told my stupid doc that if i lost any weight i wouldnt qualify for the rest of my requirements...but did he listen?NO!!! so now i have to lose 10 pounds in like a week so that i can go back next week and get my referral. but thats not even the worst part!!!!
were living overseas (hubbys in the airforce) and i have to be at least one year away from our DEROS date(date we go back to the states) to be eligable.we leave next may!!!!! so now i have to pray for a miracle and hope the hubby can extend our DEROS date so i can get the lap band. all this because my stupid doc couldnt give me a stupid freaking paper on my first visit!!!
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todays the day

Jun 01, 2009

so todays the day i find out if all this running around is going to pay off or not.
about a month ago i decided i was going to start the process for wls. i made an appt with my PCM. once im there, he tells me he wants me to see a psychologist and a nutritionist.complete waste of time i might add. the shrink talks with me for 20 minutes, tells me she wants me to take an MMPI  and then come back to review the whatever, i do her three hour test, make an appt for next week, and spend 5 minutes in her office before she tells me shes going to approve the surgery but she would be "surprised" if my PCM dosent put me on a supervised diet! WTF?!?!?according to my insurance i have to gain 7 pounds for them to even think about approving me. plus my husband is getting deployed in august for 6 months!!! i have a 7 month old baby boy at home that i cannot watch on my own after just having surgery. OH and did i mention i live in germany? i have no family over here, and only "friends" that are friends when it suits them. IM SO FRUSTURATED!!! O, and did i mention the nutritionist approved me as well for the surgery. how could the nutritionist approve me, but the shrink think its her place to  recommend a supervised diet? grrrrrrrrrrr.
so anyways,
today is tuesday and i have my follow up with my PCM. im so nervous he's going to say not yet, maybe later!
ill just die inside if i cant get this!!!
wish me luck everyone.......because i'm gonna need it!
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About Me
nacogdoches , TX
May 30, 2009
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