We are pregnant!!

Dec 07, 2009

I know its been a long long time since I posted.  Since my last post, I got married and am loving it.

We are also expecting twins **A BOY & A GIRL!!!* in April.  I am so excited.

I was only 9 pounds from my goal when I found out I was pregnant, but wouldn't change it for the world.  After the babies are born, I will go back to reaching my goal.

Oh, by the way, my sister (gastric bypass November 2008) has lost 152 pounds. I am so proud of her.

Gastric Bypass has changed our lives for the better....

Take care everyone!!!!!

Only 23 days to go!!!

Mar 11, 2009

I can't believe I am getting married in 23 days.  My life has changed so much and I am so grateful.  I have lost 150 pounds and feel better than ever.

6 months already!!!!

Oct 22, 2008

I can't believe how fast time has gone by.  October 30th is the 6-month anniversary of my surgery.  A lot has happened since then.  I have had some very low LOWS, but I have also had some very high HIGHS!!!!

Aside from feeling great, energetic, healthy, and beautiful, I am also now ENGAGED to be married.  I am marrying Edgar who I actually met 11 years ago, but we didn't get together until after my surgery.  I love that he wanted me even before the surgery but said I didn't take an interest in him.  He is a wonderful man and I love him very much.

We are getting married on April 4, 2009 in Pasadena, TX.  I can't wait.  I already got my dress.  I put it on and fell in love with it.  I look beautiful in the dress.  I have always wanted a big dress that will make me feel like Cinderella and this dress does that.

My life has changed drastically in the past 6 months; all for the better.  I am really enjoying my new life!!  I will try to post updates more frequently.

Ready to go back to work!!!

Jul 08, 2008

I go back to work on Monday, July 14th.  I can't wait!!!!

It is about time I post

Jun 29, 2008

I don't know where to start.  About 3 weeks after surgery, my stoma closed up and nothing was getting through.  I was miserable and didn't know what was going on.  I thought the 'new' soft food i was eating was just not agreeing with me.  It took a trip to my surgeon to find out in his words ' you are right on track, timewise, for a stricture".  HELLOOOO, why didn't he warn me?  I didn't visit my surgeon until almost two weeks after the problem started.

Well he scheduled me for a dilation on May 30th.  All was fine the next 2 days and then problems started again.  My parents had come for the weekend and I was fine.  They left on Sunday.  By Monday I was vomiting again.  I spoke to them Tuesday and they said they could fly back to Austin on Weds.  By Tuesday night I was so out of it and miserable, I called them and they flew in immediately.  I picked them up at the airport at midnight.  I don't know how I drove there.

The next day I was back in the hospital for another dilation on June 4th.  Again I was fine until Thursday night.  The vomiting began again.  I was taken to the hospital in San Antonio and admitted with acute pancreatitis.  How is this possible?.  I was in so much pain, I was given morphine.  I was tested and tested and the doctors found that my gallbladder was the culprit.  It had to go.  

I had surgery to have my gallladder removed, 4 days after being in the hospital on June 9th. The surgeon said that my gallbladder was full of sludge that resembled used motor oil and lots of stones.  

To be honest, I don't remember much of my hospital stay except that it was a horrble experience.  I was so sick, I don't know much of what happened.  I was given lots of potassium that left me with a bitter, salty taste in my mouth.  I couldn't seem to get enough ice water in me to get rid of the taste.  My mouth still gets salty. 

 It was great that my family was so supportive and loving.  I don't have any family in San Antonio, but aunts, uncles, cousins, sister, and nephew came from Houston and the Rio Grande Valley to see me.  My mom received calls all day from friends and family wanting to know how I was doing.  I love that.

I was released a couple of days later.  Since my parents had been away from home for so long, I went back to Houston with them to recover.  These past 3 weeks have been really hard.  I have dealt with lots of congestion that fills up my pouch and vomiting 3-4 times a day.  This left me exhausted, weak, and dizzy.  There were days that I couldn't get out bed.

I am currently taking allergy medicine and sudafed to deal with the congestion.  I only vomit now, it seems, at night or early morning.  I am still dizzy and have problems walking.  Fortunately for me, my dad's arm is never too far from reach.  My mom and dad have been great during all this time.  I don't know what I would have done without them. 

I am back in Austin for a few days to take of things like rent and other bills but will be going back to Houston for a couple more weeks.  My surgeon extended my short term disability for 2 more weeks.  Work has also been great, they don't want me to go back until I am ready.  I haven't been to work since May 29th.  Wow.

Okay well I have to get some food in me.  This eating every couple of hours has been hard getting used to, but I have to do it (even if I only take a couple of bites each time).  Oh, BTW, the hiccups are driving me crazy!!!!!

Time is flying

May 15, 2008

It has been 2 weeks since surgery and I can't believe it.  The only pain that I have had is from an incision that got infected.  It was a horrible burning stabbing pain.  Fortunately, it is down to just a little sore around the area.  Getting out of bed was the worst, but I have now accomplished that task.

I have been doing good on the diet.  I just started semi solid food yesterday.  Mashed potatoes was my first 'real' meal.

I'll try to do better with the blogging from here on out (I am new to this).

Tomorrow's the big day

Apr 28, 2008

Wow, I can't believe that tomorrow is the big day.  My surgery is scheduled at 8am at Northeast Baptist Hospital in San Antonio.  I live in Austin, so I will be leaving home about 4:30 to be at the there by 6:15 (my check-in time).

I am excited but nervous at the same time.  I feel really hyper.  Everyone that knows me, knows that I tend to get OCD when I am nervous.  Last night I could not sleep, so I was up organizing my closet, my linens closet, drawers, and even flipped the mattress.  Everything had to be in the right place, folded perfectly, and in order.  I was up until past midnight.  (I wish  my office at work was that organized - my desk is very cluttered.)  I must have a thing about clutter at the office because everything at home is in order except the stuff in my home office.

I am picking my parents up at the airport at noon.  They are staying with me during my recovery.  Hopefully they can stick it out and not get bored.  I had emergency surgery in January and they got ansy after a few days.

I can't wait until tomorrow!!!!!!!!

About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 15, 2008
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 7
6 months already!!!!
Ready to go back to work!!!
It is about time I post
Time is flying
Tomorrow's the big day
