
Oct 10, 2011

My 3-month post op appointment is coming up. I am 4lbs away from being at my goal of under 200 by the appointment. That gives me exactly two weeks to lose the last few pounds. I really have to be on top of my game. I know I can do it. Four pounds in two weeks should be super easy. I just have to kick that compulsive eating habit and make sure I'm getting all my protein and water. Easier said than done but it's what I have to do. For the REST of my life! Not just for these two weeks. But in order to keep motivated, I dug up this inspirational quote that got me to be really serious about losing weight at the beginning of this year. I figured I'd share it on OH so I'd have a permanent reminder and anyone else who reads my post can have the opportunity to be inspired too. This quote really got to me. It's from one of my favorite musicians, Anthony Green (singer of Circa Survive and also has solo work). I was watching youtube videos of Circa Survive performing and in one of them, he is about to introduce this really great song. But before he starts, he gives this quick speech. It was so great and since then, if I'm ever in a rut, I just read this quote. I typed it up and made it all colorful and pretty and put it on my wall. Need to stay focused now more than ever! Every day, we get up and fight the weight loss battle. But we deserve to be happy. We are worth the fight. We can do this!

"I feel obligated to let you know this. You can do this. You can do anything. It doesn't have to be this. It doesn't have to be on stage. It doesn't have to be fuckin... playin an instrument or bein in a band. You can do anything you want man. You don't have to fuckin toil. You don't have to be miserable. People at school, people at work, your family. Everybody's gonna tell you you gotta do one thing or the other. FUCK them. Fuck that shit. You don't have to be miserable. You don't have to be.You can change anything about your life that you don't like. A N Y T H I N G. It might hurt. It might be really, really hard. You might have to sacrifice for a long time. But you can be happy. You owe it to yourself. Life is too fucking short. Do what you love. Make sure everybody... Make sure everybody you love in your life knows it." -Anthony Green

Here's the video if you really want to feel the effect. It's at the very beginning. If you don't know who Anthony Green is, be prepared to fall in love :)


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Surgery Date
May 31, 2011
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