A little bit about me... I am 22 and I have 2 children ages 10 months and 8 years. Yeah I know how can I have an 8yr old and be 22???? lol I was 14 when I had my first child. Yeah I was very young, but I matured fast and my b/f was always there with me supporting me and we are still together and we are going strong still, 9 years together in May 11. I'm still in love with him, and he's great.

So how did I gained all this weight??? Truth is that when I was at home living with my mother, we didn't have much food and sweets or anything good to eat, we were poor and my mom really never tried to satisfy our hunger with yummy stuff as children. So when I became pregnant at 13 weighing 95 and anemic, I moved in with my b/f and he would just give me anything I wanted to eat. Seeing how I never went out to eat or had good stuff to eat, I went crazy and ate a lot of junk food, eveytime the icecream man came by I would buy ice cream, and I loved milk I drank it a lot (my mom wouldn't let us drink the milk because it was my baby's sisters milk) so yeah with all that junk food and milk and vitamins I gained 100 pounds during my pregnancy!!!!

After I had my baby I was 174 but then I went into birth control and gained about 20 pounds! I have maintained my weight at about 210 over the years til I had my other baby boy and gained about 30 pounds. I am now 244...


Yes I have a date!!! Dec 9, and its coming by soon. I have already started my liquid diet and its hell!!!! I have to be 2 weeks on it and they really didn't give me much instructions on what I can eat, the paper says that only liquids nothing solid and its killing me cause i'm starving!!! I have to admit that I'm cheating a little, but I'm feeling a little better on the 3rd day, I think my body is getting used to it, so hopefully by tomorrow I won't need to cheat anymore. But the truth is that the first days I just thought about quitting, I just couldn't imagine not being able to eat any longer, but then I came to my senses and realised that I have to do it for my children, so I can be healthy for them.

So I told my boss at work and he is a pig, I hate him. He jokes around alot even when he knows that I don't like that. He makes a lot of fat jokes, and when I told him that I was going to be out for 2 weeks he jokingly asks if I was getting lipo, what an ass!!! But I know that I definetely won't be back there after my surgery, i'm better than and I deserve better treatment, so while I'm out i'm going to look for another job and going to quit. JAJAJA

Omg I haven't updated in the longest. I have been so busy. Well let me tell you the surgery went great!!! I had some horrible gas pains when I woke up but other than that it was great. I have to say that the hardest time was 1 to 2 weeks after the surgery, although I wasn't hungry my head hunger was killing me, I could just die for a hamburger. Now 2 months out I can't even stand the smell of fast food, I hate it, I have no desire whatsoever to eat it. I'm so happy! I have lost 52 pounds so far and I'm so happy because i'm now down to 196, I haven't been this small for 7 years. I haven't gone shopping yet, my clothes are huge and everybody is amazed at my weight loss. Although its not so good sometimes a lot of them talk about how sick I look, but I know its not true its just our culture, in our culture they always prefer thick girls, they like to comment about how much healthier I looked thick, come on I was dying I was tired all the time and felt terrible. I feel much lighter now and I can do much more things, and I have one thing that I will not have to worry about and that is Diabetis. I will now break the chain because it runs in my family, it won't touch me and I'm proud of it, because at the rate that I was going I know I would of been diabetic at the age of 25.

So yeah I quit my job jejeje, and my co-worker got another job so we left around the same time. Maybe my ex-boss can get to work now lol. I'm happy because I got a job that I really love and that is intepreting. I interpret spanish and I work for a none profit organization called Alas para tu salud or PALS for health. I go to doctors appointments with spanish speakers and I help with the intepretation. I'm so happy because I help my community. It is something very serious because sometimes spanish speakers don't understand their diagnosis and the instructions on how to get better, their life depends on it to get the right information.
I also work with another company doing interpreting but its over the phone and I enjoy it a lot too. Best of all i'm a stay at home mom with income. So i'm loving it lol.

Omg I'm moving in 1 month, and i'm moving to my dream home in West Covina. Its a great city I love it and I'm very excited. Wish me luck on our move!!!

I promise I will try to update more...

It seems that I get more and more hungry nowadays, and I can eat larger amounts of food also I gained 2 pounds! But i'm not worried about it and i'm not going to panic lol. I know its my own fault for eating the wrong stuff. I'm still very picky on what I eat, I still don't like fastfood. I mostly eat shrimp shrimp and shrimp, oh and tamales (what made me gain 2 pounds lol) I am also getting hungry in between meals and I have sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds as a snack, they have some protein but a lot of calories as well, I need to check with my nutrisionist to make sure it is ok to eat.

And omg is my hair falling! Balls and balls of it! I hope it doesn't get really bad but oh well I knew it was going to happen so I really shouldn't complain lol.

Today I weighted myself and I am 193 its the lowest I have been in years, I feel great only thing I hate is those darn black circles under my eyes, but its all good I can finally get up a flight of stairs without dying lol. Its all been worth it!


Ok i'm getting worried, my hair is falling like crazy. I have bald spots on my sides and I can't hide them. I could try to wear my hair down but then it falls even more. My hair is very curly so it tangles a lot and when I try to brush it I pull it and more hair falls. Uggh I hope it doesn't get really bad.

On the bright side I weighted myself today and I weigh 188, I am now obese not morbidly obese. I also bought a size 16/14 shirt. I haven't worned that size in the longest. Pretty soon I will say goodbye to Lane Bryant and be able to shop all over the place! I have to say that I will miss Lane Bryant, they have some nice clothes lol, I owe them a lot because at my highest weight I always knew that I could buy something decent there to wear. They saved me many tears and headaches. I will miss you LANE BRYANT lol.

Ok I need to go now, I need to do some serious packing and cleaning! Moving in about 2 weeks awww how exciting!

Well we still haven't moved and its freaking me out!!! Escrow is driving me crazzyyyyyyyyy ugh i'm making about 10 calls a day!! So here is the story about a year ago we received a letter that said that LAUSD would be acquiring our property to build a school, we were upset but somewhat excited because we would get additional benefits and we were thinking of selling the house anyways, well that time has come and LAUSD is making it so difficult. I had to close escrow on my new property last tuesday on the 4th and so now i'm behind and the other agent is getting impatient so now I might lose the house. Ugh I hope not i'm going to be so pissed!!!!!!! They try, but its not good enough I have to close asap, they are so slow. What I hate most is having to talk to many different people and none of them know anything! Ugh!!!!

On the bright side i'm still losing weight and I'm 183 as of today and I have lost 65 pounds. My hair is still falling a lot, I have very little hair left and my sides are bald, but its ok I'm very happy and that is what counts! But now there is another thing that is worrying me, my left bottom side tummy is hurting and I'm afraid that I might have a hernia, ugh I hope not now that i'm moving my mother in law will be far away and I won't have anybody to take care of my children if I have to get operated. I will make a doctor's appointment I hope I'm ok.

I have noticed that I have been eating more and I can pretty much eat everything even sweets although I get a little bit sick. I don't know if its wrong for me to think this because I had the surgery but the truth is that I want to be able to eat normal portions, I don't want to end up eating 2 bites of food a meal for life. I'm 22 now and if I do have such servings maybe I won't last long. I don't think its healthy, I also want to be a healthy weight, its ok if I'm not perfect and extra skinny, I just don't want to be morbidly obese any longer, and I don't want to turn this into a eating disorder. I want to eat normal and be healthy.

Ugh I always forget my vitamins, I'm very bad at that. I really need to get better at it for my children. I will make it my goal from today!

Will update soon, hopefully in my new home.

About Me
Los Angeles, CA
Jun 13, 2005
Member Since

Friends 5
