Saturday, July 9, 2011

Jul 09, 2011

 So it's been some months. But I have been updating my weight every so often. As of today, I've lost 169lbs. I currently weigh 244.2. Yay!!! I'm still doing the same stuff. Actually, I found a website called Mindful Eating which kind of sums up all the mental changes I've made to accomplish everything I've done thus far. Other than that, I'm still just doing the portion control, not eating after 7, etc. I went to my son's graduation from Air Force Basic Military Training a couple weeks ago. OMG, it didn't matter how careful I was to choose the right foods from the fast food restaurants, I still gained 4lbs in the 6 days I was there. And actually that whole month I kind of just fluctuated between 251 and 247. It was terrible. I had to refocus my efforts and add the exercise back in. So that's worked well. My problem is just staying motivated (on the exercise part). 

I have to say, I am extremely glad I did this. I'm glad that I was able to prove to myself that I was strong enough to do it without a "diet" or pills or even surgery. Things come so much easier at 244 than at 413. I can cross my legs, I can sit in any chair without worrying about breaking it, I can ride the rides at the amusement park (trip coming up in a couple of weeks)!! I LOVE taking pictures now!! Little kids don't stare at me anymore. Life is good, and it's on the way to being GREAT!!


About Me
Colorado Springs, CO
Apr 22, 2005
Member Since

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