
Post surgery

Apr 26, 2011

Hello all This is Mellissa's husband, she wanted me thank all of you that sent her messages through email these last couple days.  She will get back with you all when she is feeling up to it. 

Mellissa made it through like a trooper.  Her surgery took a little over two hours.  Dr Kelly came in and explained that it took a little longer because Mellissa has such a small torso, smaller area in which to operate.  He told me that she was fine and every thing went well. 

They put her in to bed and she sleeped for several hours, she was hooked up to a IV and several meds were admistered.  During the night she was able to get out of bed to use the rest room, many times.  After about 18 hours now, her only real complaint is that her sternum hurts.  Dr Kelly told me that he used some sort liver clamp?  Not sure what that is, but when he comes back I'll get a better explination.  The nurse staff has been giving here meds to help ease the pain.  Dr Kelly and the hospital staff have been fantastic, Dr Kelly came in to see Mellissa two times after the surgery yeaterday, and then again this morning.  His visit this morning was almost an hour, very good man. 

The rooms here have a full sized bed for the person that is taking care of the patient, in mellissa's case, me.  It's nice to be able to sleep in the same room as my wife during this time.  Be forwarned its an extreamly firm bed!  A couple other things Mellissa and I are from Alaska as you all know, and they have the temp set at 76*, very toasty for us.  There is no temp control in the room, so we asked, and the staff were able to dig up a old fan from somewhere, but had I known, we would have brought our own.  Also there are free meals here at the hospital for us caretakers, its a very nice dining hall, but the food is terible, Diner yeaterday cosisted of the most awful awful speghetti I have ever had.  I thought the military cooks were bad.   I can't wait to get to the hotel.  Mellissa roled her eyes and said that no one can mess up speghetti, let me assure you it can be done.  There are a couple restraunts accross the street that look good, I just haven't gone yet, but it is an option. 

After surgery Mellissa was bloted from the CO2 used to expand the abdominal cavity I was told that gas x was something that she could use.  Unfortunatly I thought that I had more than I acually did, and ran out.  Anyway our neighbor a couple doors down had some.  Mellissa said that after a couple days with out food, that gas x strip was delicious.  Bring some with you, there is a pharmacy around the corner of the building, but they don't carry gas x.

Mellissa is napping now, I'll post something else later. 



About Me
wasilla, AK
Surgery Date
Jan 02, 2011
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