
Baby steps

Apr 27, 2011

I am getting the royal treatment. Dr. Kelly, my surgeon just visited  me at the hotel, a few minutes ago. The time he puts into each and every patient, the individualzed attention, is amazing. There were 3 of us on Surgery day (Monday).

I was first to go, and had a little bit of  complication, my surgery ran around 2 hours, or so, due to having a very small torso, made it challenging for him to get inside & manuever, but he did it. I had my 2nd leak test this afternoon, b/f arriving at the hotel Lucerna, which is very nice, glad I opted for the upgrade, as I do apprec. nice hotels. lol

I had my first supper tonight, 1/3 cup of tortilla soup broth, from the rest.. in the hotel, which my doc reccomended. It was great, the warmth felt good. I am pretty much still on clear liquid, but broth is ok, no meat, no tortilla, just broth & flavor. I also had 2 mini gatorades, 12 oz, each, plus ice chips and water, through out the day. Calories will be really really low for now, no protein drinks for 2 wks, I am starting on some gummy vitamins tomorrow.  My surgeon also gave me a list of good protein drinks to try, I can get them online or some other kind from GNC. He said, for me not to freak out on protein drinks sooo much, as that is mostly related to RNY surgery. He said in a months time, I will be getting my protein from meat and other sources of protein, not so much the drinks.

I feel really good, am I am out walking around outside the hotel, went down the block and around the corner. Hung out by the pool, with my SUN BLOCK!! lol Yes Martin you did say to wear that. I learn the hard way sometimes!!! lol Pain is gone now tho.

Watched my husband swim around in the pool, which was fun. My husband just had a dessert from the rest, a huge piece of choch cake, didn't even phase me, you know what did look good tho, the pear in the fruit basket. lol
I need to take my nightly meds. The bed here in this place is heaven, my husband really likes it.

Nothing major planned for tomorrow, may go out sight seeing a bit, but nothing too long, or taxing. Would like a nice peice of art for my mantel at home, if I can find one I like. I miss my dog, I miss my daughter. Will be leaving back to Alaska on Friday, flight home is at 2pm. Pain meds are not messing me up, stomach is doing a ok so I am thrilled about that. I was not looking fwd to a long flight home off of pain meds.

Ok everyone, thanks for the messages. I am ok and doing fantastic. I was up the first night, going potty, 10 times, lots of fluids from the IV, I had no issues getting up and out of bed. Just did it and that was it. This hasn't been too tough on me, certainly not like the experience I had with my gall bladder surgery last April. That was the worst!!!

Night All.



About Me
wasilla, AK
Surgery Date
Jan 02, 2011
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