
18 days out

May 13, 2011


So aside from my lil mental hunger last week, I am doing well. I am at 18 days post op, no pain and more energy than before. I'm sleeping great too. getting liquids down is easier now too. I have lost a total of 18 lbs, in 18 days. I am getting used to my new tum and a lot of changes have happened for me since my surgery. I am not on solids, of course, although I know some who are, I have about two more weeks till I can officially be on solids, according to my Dr.'s plan for me. I am ok with that. I am not having any more issues with the jello and the few new items I was able to introduce to my diet, are going down nicely with no pain. 

I plan to increase my walks now that the weather is warming up and feel like 3-4 miles is a good number, not every day, but at least 3-4 days a week, and smaller walks in between or my bike rides, just to change it up. 

For anyone who is thinking of surgery, Mexico is a great place to go for self pay, I highly recommend Dr. Kelly. 

Not much to report just doing what I need to do, on a daily basis. I do have another trip scheduled to Sunny Ca. in about a month & a half. Looking fwd to that. Will be doing tons of walking there. I am hoping to be able to eat something of protein solids by then with no issues and really get the chance to enjoy what I eat when I eat it.

It's hard to get excited over soups & yogurt, but it beats broth every day of the week, lol.

  Thanks to all who write & keep me motivated. I feel very strong and glad I am not feeling the mental hunger anymore, wow it was a trip. 3 weeks on liquids was tough, not that I was hungry, just the whole idea of it. but I am in a good place now and moving full speed ahead with a good head on my shoulders, not sorry for that experience, b/c it taught me, to trust in what I need, not in what I think I want.  


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About Me
wasilla, AK
Surgery Date
Jan 02, 2011
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