What a Christmas Present!!

Dec 22, 2009


Post Surgery

Jun 06, 2009

My surgery was on 6/2.  I must admit it was one of the worst nights I have ever had.  But only to blame myself.  I hadn't used my CPap machine and my oxygen level kept going to 92 and a buzzer would go off.  My aide in the room with me ( worst aide ever) kept yelling at me "You're breathing wrong".   I was sure I had made a mistake with my decision to have the surgery.  However, 5 days later, I am feeling alot better physically and wonderful and hopeful emotionally.  My step-daughter and I have decided to tag team my husband for a cruise in Feb. for my 50th birthday.  I am looking forward to being healthier and able to enjoy a vacation.  The batteries in my scale need replaced so I don't know how much I have lost so far but I am beginning to recognize my face again.  Looking forward to Tues when I get my drain out.  Woohoo!!

Surgery Cancelled

Apr 12, 2009

Thank you to everyone who sent me good wishes.  Unfortunately, my surgery was cancelled at the last minute.  I was on the table with the IV in and my doctor cancelled because of some blood issues.  I went to see a hemotologist who says I am clearly anemic and has me on 3 iron tablets a day for two weeks.  I will have blood work done again and then see about scheduling a new date. 

I am disappointed but maybe it is for the best.  I have already lost 21 lbs from my 2 week liquid diet.

Finally have a date

Mar 29, 2009

Oh silly me.  I thought in 2007 it was a done deal.  I have been working on getting the surgery now for 1 1/2 years.  My insurance carrier, Cigna, required a six-month diet with monthly visits to my doctor and documentation of everything I ate everyday.  That proved too much for my life.  My job, family and day to day stresses just did not work together.  In Oct. of 2008, I discovered I could change my insurance to United Health Care which covered the surgery with 5 years dr visits and weight.  I already had that so I changed my insurance to UHC.  I went through all the testing again, blood work, psych visit, wls seminar.  Finally a surgeon visit and a date.  April 7.  I have been on the 2 week liquid diet since 3/24 and let me just say I am not fit for civilized conversation.  Everything irritates me.  Can't wait for the surgery so I can just get on with it.
1 comment

Every journey begins with one step

Apr 26, 2007

I started my official journey on Tues.  My first seminar about having WLS at St. Alexius in St. Louis.  Turns out it is a requirement to attend in order to have the surgery so it has officially begun.  

Truth is I have been a voyeur at this website for some time but didn't have the nerve to jump in.  I must say the posts that I have read with so much positive feedback and support was the final deciding factor in my decision.  

I have to let you know how gratetful I am to everyone here  because the information provided made my research so much easier.  I called my insurance company on Monday and found out it covers the type I want, attended the seminar on Tuesday, filled out my paperwork on Wednesday, set my appointment for my psych evaluation next Monday and an appointment with my primary physician next Wednesday to get my updated lab work and physical.  My doctor had already referred me to St. Alexius last fall but my schedule with work did not permit me to have the surgery or I just wasn't ready.  Whichever, doesn't matter.  I know it never goes this easy but for some reason all the pieces are just falling into place.

About Me
Granite City, IL
Surgery Date
Apr 17, 2007
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Every journey begins with one step
