Lenox Hill

"I was very surprised that they were not set up for overweight patients. I thought they would be. since they have such a large Bariatric Surgery practice there. The pain meds were horrible, and made my first night a nightmare. And you really want to be able to sit in a comfortable chair, not squeeze yourself in on. I wound up sitting in a regular no arm chair, but mostly stayed in bed! "

Mitchell S. Roslin

"Dr. Roslin was very efficient. He knows a great deal about the bariatric Weight loss field. I felt he was very understanding about what I have been going through all these years and I feel very comfortable and safe knowing he will be performing the surgery. The office staff was very effecient and Cathy really knows her stuff. Dr. Roslin and Dr. Kourian (she's Dr. Roslins "partner")went over the whole surgery with a bunch of patients and had a q/a with us. This was very very informative. I would definitely recommend him to others."
About Me
Florida, NY
Surgery Date
Jul 23, 2004
Member Since
