MCGray 17 years ago

Congradulations Karen!! I also had Dr. Lane for my surgery. He is awsome and will definatly take care of you. If you need anything just send me an email. I know we haven't met however I do attend Dr. Lane and Amys Support Group put on by Deb. Its the forth monday of every month. This month we are having a picnic on the 26 of Aug. At the Bowling green city park. I hope to see you there. Chat with you later and I would love to get to know you. mel.

leopardgirl 17 years ago

Karen, glad to hear your surgery went well, and welcome to the bench! Congratulations! Lisa

Maureen G 17 years ago

Hi Karen, Delighted to hear your surgery went well. Praying for a speedy complication free recovery. God bless you.xoxoxoxo

Lori Black 17 years ago

Karen, Welcome to the other side honey! Glad you made it! I know things are a bit on the tough side right now, but I promise it gets a little better everyday! Congrats you little "loser!" Hugs, Lori

Lori Black 17 years ago

Karen, Welcome to the other side honey! Glad you made it! I know things are a bit on the tough side right now, but I promise it gets a little better everyday! Congrats you little "loser!" Hugs, Lori

Redhaired 17 years ago

Karen- I am so happy to hear that your surgery went well. I hope you continue doing well and that you have an easy recovery. ~~~~Red

Stefanie P. 17 years ago

Welcome to the Loser's Bench! Sending best wishes for a smooth and speedy recovery!

hayley_hayley 17 years ago

Welcome switch sister. Come home to us soon.

starry1st 17 years ago

Congratulations on having a successful surgery. I wish you a speedy recovery.

w8'n no more 17 years ago

This is the start of a miracle! You are going to be so happy soon. Just make it through these first few weeks with great drugs, and then things get better and better. Sip, rest, walk, repeat! Welcome to the bench switch sister!
About Me
Northeast, OH
Surgery Date
May 16, 2006
Member Since

Friends 34

Latest Blog 16
My gosh it's been 6 months already!!!
I'm home...
The reality has hit! I'm on my way
Finally a FINAL Surg Date
Surgery Date Changed
Anxiety and giving up vices...
Pre-Op Testing
Got a Date!
"Moving Along"
