
May 10, 2013

My birthday is coming up on May 16th! I have this wonderful recipe for a sugar free cheesecake and I cant wait to make it! We always have cake on our birthdays but since it is a different (Connie) I doing something different this year!kiss I will let you all know how the cheesecake comes out!


One year post surgery update!

Apr 16, 2013

My surgery anniversary was March 29, 2013. I am down 168 pounds! kiss I am 145 lbs...I still cant believe it! I am so happy. I am being featured on University Hospitals of Cleveland website for my success with my weight loss. I will keep you all posted on when that should be on the website. I know now that the real work begins and I am so ready! I worked my ass off to get to this point and I am not going to blow it! I do want to gain like 15 lbs...I do look very skinny...I am 5'6. I am sure that some weight will come back on without me trying to gain  weight. My Dr. told me that was normal. My goal weight was 172!


Another 9lbs!

Oct 17, 2012

I went to my PCP today and lost another 9lbs in two weeks I am so happy with my weight loss. My journey is just beginning.


Aug 01, 2012

Well I am moving Friday and I had to go through my closet and pack up my clothes. I was excited because almost all of my clothes are to big, but I do not want to give them away. I a, getting some clothes taken in, but my husband told me to get rid of them because you are not ever going back to that size. I hope that he is right. I am just nervous that I am going to fail and I think that is why I do not want to give up the big clothes. I know that I need to stop thinking like that because I am so strict on myself...I do not cheat...I do not drink with meals...I make sure that I take my vitamins everyday....I make sure that I always try to get my protein in first...I exercise at least 5 times a week. I just hope that I remain like this a year or 2 years out.


Aug 01, 2012

I am 4 months post op and finally I see strands of hair coming out. I literally hate combing my hairThe good news is that I am the only one that can tell...I wear my hair in a long wrap and everybody always give me compliments on my long and healthy it looks. I knew that this would happen, but if I got to get my hair cut that is fine...I know that I did this surgery for all the right reasons so if my hair is shorter that OK because I am healthier I am just a little disappointed because everybody always describes me as the one with the long pretty thick hair.



May 15, 2012

My birthday is tomorrow and we  usually celebrate everyone birthday with a cake. I had my surgery on the 29th of March and my husband do not know what to make me. Does anyone have any ideas what type of dessert he can make for me that is sugar free and won't make me sick?

Down 50lbs!

May 07, 2012

I am down 50lbs and I am loving it! I am having trouble with the soft food stage of my diet and I always get full really quick, but I always remember to get my protein in. I am loving my new life so far and I would not change mt decision for anything else.


Post Surgery

Apr 16, 2012

Hello all!
I had the gastric bypass surgery on March 29th and of course I would have a few minor complications. I had so much trouble getting in my protein....I am doing a little better I get in @ least 50 grams at first I was at 15 grams and my doctor was like there is no way. I am doing smoothies and soups with the protein. I am still happy that I made this decision.


Mar 22, 2012

I am currently on my pre-op diet and have loss 17lbs so far...I am happy about thatMy surgery is scheduled for next Thursday and I am so nervous. I find myself thinking about if something goes wrong will my husband and children be okay. I know that I am in good hands with Dr. Khaitan, but I have family members asking me are you sure this is what you want to do. My response is I do not think that anyone would choose WLS unless they tried everything else....I tried every diet that I could think of and this is the last option. When I explain it like that they understand. I am not taking the easy way out! This is not easy and I just wish people would not judge me on my decision. I am doing this surgery for me and my children and husband.

Pre-Op Diet

Mar 15, 2012

Today I started my pre-op diet. So far so good but it is just day one. I know that I am going to do this because I have waited too long for this surgery.

About Me
Jul 12, 2011
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Before & After
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Weight loss of 126lbs

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