Random thoughts and things...

Aug 06, 2009

Hey everyone, really nothing new to share just felt like jotting down a few random thoughts. First let me say congratulations to everyone on my friends list who recently crossed over to the losing side...I won't name names because I don't want to overlook anyone. I pray that God will be your strength and guide as you use this tool that has been given to you to aid in your new life. As you all know from my previous post that I start my pre-op appointments next week and that they are in pretty quick succession...hopefully all of my results, paperwork, and information will be completed by the end of the month and I will have a date by mid-September...this is all wishful thinking of course...but I trust God anyway. I would also like to thank everyone for their kind and encouraging words that they send to me either by email or comments, it means a lot coming from people who REALLY understand the struggle of obesity and the challenges that comes along with that. With that being said I'm proud to announce that I've lost 9 of the 15 pounds that my surgeon asked me to lose before surgery so hopefully by the time I do get a date I will have lost some more.

Anyhoo, I'll update again next week to let you how my first two appointments went, until then keep me in your prayers and I'll keep you in mine. SMOOOCHES!!

Appointments, appointments, appointments...

Jul 27, 2009

Well it's official I met with Dr. Steinberg on last Wednesday and got my blue folder with all of the necessary paperwork. OMG I was so excited and nervous at the same time, I can't believe that this is finally gonna happen. My mom went with me to my appointment because she wanted to ask her own questions...me being her baby and all (I'm 36) you would think she would stop calling me that...lol. Anyhoo, all of my pre-op appointments have been made; the first one is August 11th for my TSH/Medical Clearance, August 12 Pulmonary Eval, August 19 Nutritionist consult, and August 20 Psych Eval...wow sounds exhausting!! Dr. Steinberg also suggested that I try to stick to a no sugar, low carb diet for the next couple of weeks...so far so good I've lost like 3 pounds thus far so we'll see how that goes. Well I gotta run I'm at work so I gotta do what they are paying me to do...LOL. Peace & blessings

It's officially begun!!

Jul 13, 2009

>>>Singing<<< Celebrate good times come on!!! Yeah I have officially begun my journey into WLS surgery and I'm so happy I could burst!!!OMG I have been waiting for this moment for so long...hang on for a sec...ok sorry I started crying, I went to my initial consult last Thursday and got see Dr. Steinberg...he's a cute little fella and funny too. I got my information packet and of course you know I went home and filled it out immediately. They asked that wait until Monday following your consult before you made your first appointment so you know I was on it first thing this morning...and of course their computers were down...arrrggghhh...but nonetheless I persistently called the main office until I got someone...wait for it....wait for it...my first appointment is July22th...YEEEEEAAA!!! Okay maybe this isn't exciting news to some of you but to me...I feel like I have finally won the lottery after playing for almost 6yrs. 

You know what else I can't wait for...to pack up all my summer clothes because I'm going to skip all the way to Good Will and donate all them because this will be my last fat summer ever!! This time next summer if God spares my life I will be half the person that I am right now size-wise, I keep trying to picture myself smaller. Well that's my good news for today, I will post more regularly now that my journey has officially begun. Pray for me as I will pray for you...SMOOOOCHES!!
1 comment


Jul 07, 2009

Hey everyone, I haven't been on here in a couple of day, I took a road trip to NJ for the holiday and I'm just getting back. I have GREEEEAAATTT news ...wait for it...wait for it...I just got my start date as an FTE...YEAso you know what that means...that's right I can start my process for WLS!! Can you believe it after 5 1/2 years my dream is finally being realized...God is so good, it's been a long time coming and often times it seemed so far out of reach...oh but to serve a just and faithful God!! I can hardly contain my excitement, even though I haven't begun the process, I still get so excited just anticipating my new life, it makes me just want to cry. I'm going to my first support seminar this coming Thursday at Dekalb Medical Center with Dr. Steinberg, so I really looking forward to that.

On a sidebar I saw a family friend this past weekend who had WLS about 6yrs ago, and can you believe she has put back on the weight...who in their right mind would let such a thing happen!! I mean ok yeah you may put back on a few pounds...but once I get below 200 lbs you will never (I know you should never say never but I'm saying it) have to worry about me putting back on the weight AGAIN!! She was just like I know I need to exercise but I've just been lazy...umm YEAH...I'm thinking to myself you have got to be the dumbest person known to man...I'm sorry I just can't wrap my mind around being fat again once I lose this weight. Now don't get me wrong I won't be one of those people who once they lose the weight forget that they used to be a fat person, because I will NEVER ever forget where God brought me from. It became so abundantly clear to me this past weekend of how miserable I am being this big. During our 14hr drive my ankles swole up so big I had to take my ankle bracelet off because it was cutting off my circulation. Then we went to a concert in the park, which required us to park and walk to the concert area which was about 3/4 of a mile...can you say EXHAUSTED by the time I got there and set my chair up...which by the way I didn't move out of the entire time because my legs and feet hurt so bad from all of the walking. OMG I won't even discuss what I looked like in the pictures a hot a$$ mess...I used to love to take pictures, but now I just look at them and realize how big I really am...I just want to cry.

Anyhoo enough of that...I'm setting my sights on the losing side now and nothing is going to stop me. I will let you know how my first support group goes on Friday. Until then continue to keep me in your prayers and I will keep you in mine!! Smoooooches


Nothing new just blogging...

Jun 23, 2009

Hey everybody still no status change but I'm trying to be patient...Lord knows I am but a sista can only take so much before $h*t starts poppin' off...let me stop...lol I'm just playing...no but for real though. Anyhoo I've been trying to imagine myself lately what I'm going to look like at 170lbs since that's my goal weight...heck anything under 200 is my goal weight.  I haven't been that small in so long I can't wrap my mind around what it will be like. I have some family coming in town this weekend and they want to go to Six Flags...umm that would be a no and an absolutely not!! I am not going to embarrass myself by going and not be able to fit on any of the rides...nope besides all that heat will have my ankles looking like tree stump...I don't think so.

On a lighter note (no pun intended) I have met a new guy, he's pretty cool and I think I kinda like him a little bit. It's still early though so we'll see how it goes, I'll let you guys know if he's a keeper or If I had to drop him like Mike Tyson in round #1. He's gainfully and legally employed, a college grad, and a great dad to his son.

So I decided to make a list of all the things that I want to do after I lose my weight, here goes...feel free to comment if you like:

-Cross my legs comfortably
-Fly without a seat belt extender
-Sit in a chair with arms and not have my hips bulge out the sides
-Wear a pair of stilettos comfortably (and not for entertainment purposes only)
  TMI I know
-Wear a mini skirt because even though they are big I have nice legs
- I wanna go scuba diving
-Be able to wear cute tops again with the back out
-Not have to pay extra for my clothes because they are plus size
-Have a baby
-Again this is TMI but hey...not be self-conscious during intimate moments
-Ride a motorcycle
-Go hiking

Okay I think that's enough for now, there's more but I'll stop here...lol. Hit me up with any comment or advice I will more than welcome them. In the meantime in between time keep me in your prayers that I will be on the winning side at least by the end of this year. Thanks!! Tootles


Jun 08, 2009

Okay so I get the email last week offering me my Federal FTE,  I turn in all the necessary paperwork and HR says I will have your new employee packet out to you today...that was last Monday.  Needless to say I haven'r received my packet, so as with everything dealing with government, it's hurry up and wait!! It makes me so frustrated because it's since so close...much much closer than it ever has, but at the same time it's still just beyond my grasp. My mom is always saying you can't hurry God and this I know to be true, because everything is done according to His perfect will, but I want this so badly. I am so ready to get rid of this other person that I have been carrying around every since I can remember, as I'm sure most of you can relate to. I'm tired of my knees, back, head, and feet acheing because they are carrying around 300+++ pounds. I'm tired of saying I don't like amusement parks because I know that I can't fit into the rides. I'm tired of opting to drive places because it's too embarrassing to squeeze in those little assed seats on the plane, keeping my arms folded the entire time so that they aren't hanging over on other people, and I'm tired of people saying to me, "oh you have such a pretty face" what's that all about the rest of me is totaly disgusting...gee thanks. I guess I can stop now because you get the gist of what I'm saying.

I must say though that I am so blessed not to have any serious co-mobidity problems; such as hypertension, diebetes, sleep apnea, or countless other problems. My Gyn tells me every year, you are healthy I just would like for you to take off some of the weight...umm excuse me doc don't you think if I "could" take off some of the weight I would...yeah I love walking around carrying the weight of two normal sized people....NOT!! Does this come off as ranting...I'm pretty sure that's what it's sounding like...LOL I do apologize I just needed to blow off some steam...and what better place to do than on MY blog. Ok I feel somewhat better now...I guess.

I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel...

Jun 03, 2009

June 3, 2009

Okay so as some of you may know I've been researching this surgery for about 5yrs now, and thanks to the company that I worked for not including it in their policy...that's all I've ever been able to do. But oh to be blessed by God, I've just been given my start date as an FTE and that means that as soon as I get everything set up with my insurance my surgery will be covered 100%...YEA!! Can you believe it 5 long years of sitting on the sidelines watching every one else become the biggest loser and I'm finally gonna get my chance!! I've prayed, hoped, and cried for this day...and didn't think it was going to ever come to pass, but God does everything in His own time and that's not always according to our plans.I've already set up to start my support meetings and my first one is July 9th at Dekalb Medical Center, I'm so very excitedI can't wait although I've been researching for years and have attended a few meetings in the past, this time is different because I know that soon and very soon my dream is gonna come true!! I'm aiming for a surgery date sometime in late summer, so just keep me in your prayers that everything will go according to God's plans and work out in my favor. Until next time be blessed!!!

About Me
lithonia, GA
Surgery Date
May 11, 2009
Member Since

Friends 35

Latest Blog 17
