

I Had the surgery a couple days back. It all happens so fast when you go into the hospital it's sort of hard to take in the reality of it all at once. I figured a lot of things and was pretty much proven wrong. This new stomach thing isn't as bad as many have told me it would be, and really the only thing bothering me right now are the incisions, or as Dr. Crum called them "stab wounds". I'm sure theres more things on the way that I have to get through but so far it's been good.


That was then.

And this is now 2 months a week out. (12/18/04)

I had a little problem with my stoma collapsing or whatever and had to get an endoscopy to open it back up. That was a few weeks back to a month and i've been fine ever since. I haven't gotten a B-12 shot yet so I dont know how that is going to effect me (i've been told it'll give me a good amount of energy). I've lost like 60 something lbs so far i dont weigh myself outside of when i go to the surgeon for a check up and the next will be in January so im guessin i'll be like 70 something maybe 80 something. I've seen a lot of people screw up their heads goin on a scale all the time at home. That aint gonna be me lol.

I gotta get some sort of exercising thing going soon though. I was at the hartford hospital to see my grandpops and I was at the elevator and all these people started huddling up against the door waiting for it. Im like fuck that i'm a manly man and all that shit lol. I started goin up the stairs on some fitness video shit and my legs turned into RUBBER. I mean I finished goin up the stairs to the NINTH FLOOR, but I was definitely feeling like killin someone (but only after i could rest and get up the energy lol). Seems like the parents are coming home soon from up at the hospital, so i'll be gettin back with yall soon enuff. Peace.


That was then.

And this is now almost 5 months out. (3/02/05)

As if I aint take enough time to post anything about my surgery..... Now I take forever to update it LOL..... I'm sure there aint really nobody lookin at this stuff anyways..... but I feel like I should since just bout everybody else has....(and there really aren't many males on this site, not that im complainin LOL..)

Anyways......I've started a little exercise thing.....I put together some machine thing a couple weeks back.....I'm gonna do some butterfly chest work.... with 10 lbs on it......and some shadow boxing with a couple of 5 lb dumb bars.....

I aint workin on my legs today cuz I went out monday to see some people at my old high school.....they was pretty damn shocked at how i was lookin.... cuz they aint see me since last summer.....but yea.... all that walkin i did to get there....on tuesday i was FEELIN it and i still am...... it really put into perspective how much i aint been doin anything LOL..... cept eating with a real strict low carb diet and losing weight.....

I dont really like bein in the house today after bein out and doin something on Monday..... it felt good but my lack of things to do worth going outside for today is stoppin me from doin it..... could be this COLD ass weather too....i hate new england weather....God if you can hear me.... turn the heat on!! LOL.....

I guess thats about it right now...... If I keep gettin bored like I am today bein full of all this energy..... I'll prolly post more regularly......Peace!!!!!


That was then.

And this is now 9 months and change out. (7/23/05)

I'm feeling really well..... I've gone down to 234 lbs and everything is really good as far as the weight loss goes..... You see my ambitions to exercise in the last post??....*FAMILY FEUD BUZZER* (crowd sighs).......Not meant to happen yet I guess...LOL...I do plan on it though.... it's something I want to do..... the right time will come.....

I must get something going besides my newly acquired good looks.....I signed a bunch of job applications and got no wins....(meaning no calls back or anything)......I'm thinking of going to a school of broadcasting I attempted to go to before... but for whatever reason they weren't answering my calls to setup the I blew it off.....I'm confident that I can do work in radio.....or TV now that i'm not such a hurt on the eye lol.....but we'll see how that plays out.....

On another note....I'm completely disgusted with current events.....Patriot Act is up for expiration......London gets bombed..... gets bombed again.... Bush makes speech supporting the Patriot Act in wake of the bombings....... Patriot Act gets renewed immediately.....Anybody else highly disturbed at the timing of these events???......

Sometimes I think it'd be much easier for me if I could be one of the blind sheep with a large sized suburban home, minivan, soccer mom, 2 children and a huge Bush poster on my wall......Tuning in on a daily basis to the O'Reilly Factor and nodding my head in agreement with his usual incoherent ramblings of a conservative nature...."You tell em Bill!!!"....I'd say right before logging on the internet to tell those crazy liberals that America has to protect itself from the horrific terrorist muslims.....showing my support to senators that think we should bomb mecca......

But alas I digress.....I'm always going to be a person that sits down and thinks for myself and figures out the truth......At times that truth however is damn difficult to handle....from the guy being shot 5 times at the train station at london and not being involved with the bombings at all..... to the WWE considering releasing Mohammad Hassan because his Muslim character that was fed up with being treated like a suspect since 9/11 was too much for people to understand......and the Huey P Newton Foundation being brought down to selling "revolutionary hot sauce" and trademarking the term "burn baby burn" for this product....signifying a spicy flavor... when it used to mean so much more...... These are just a few of the things that I must deal with and digest.....that no new stomach can save me from.....The Truth is a horrifying thing at times.....but the only way to really handle it is to embrace that truth.......and not like a warm hug..... but more so with the spirit of a clenched fist....


That was then.

And this is now 1 year and change out. (1/19/06)

Exercise????.... Don't even know what that means....But gladly i've made a new friend that i'm kinda sorta helpin out....So i'm actually helping myself at the same time I guess??? lol....i'm at about 210-205.......Strict as ever with my diet......So that's been able to get me where I need to be.....

Now that's out of the way......I've recently found a new focus.....I want to be a singer.....I ran into an old friend from school on myspace.....and it was all about how she writes and stuff but needed a I thought why not...and we been talkin things over.....Right now I need to find a choir or something.....cause i'm VERY nervous about this and I know I need to get used to singing in public....not to mention I need work know they say you can't teach talent.......well....even with talent you still have to fine tune it....somebody told me something about some singin from the diaphram if I want to get my full power....i'm like dia wha???lol......So I guess i'll need to do something about I dunno.....

The job hunt is as dead as the weather is...... i'm preparing to go to an employment agency.....which is what I should have done in the first place.....It's deflating and energy draining filling out applications and getting nothing......So i'll let an agency handle it.....See what they come up with.....

It's interesting noticing that i'm getting attention from females now.....but mostly not the ones I want it from.....Basically meaning I don't want a child now...and I don't want an STD.....So that tends to weed out a good majority.......I never thought i'd really be able to say this..... but i'm actually NOT looking anymore.......i'm in friend making mode.....(no benefits lol).....I think i've run the gauntlet enough times to figure out that looking for love is not gonna work.......cause you're too busy looking for actually look at the person you're dealing with..... it's like when a quarterback throws the ball and the receiver thinks about runnin down the field and scoring the touchdown before catching it....and he ends up droppin the pass lol......

As a final note.......I'd just like to say that I had to laugh at the Mayor of New Orleans.......I'm not even mad at him..... I mean it's MLK day and he's speaking before a black crowd.....I can understand how that situation could make one forget that whitey's watchin ..... but the kicker of the situation for me was AFTER the speech.....and some random white reporter asked him about the chocolate city stuff.....and he said.... "Do you know about chocolate???.... Well when you take dark chocolate....and white milk.... it makes a delicious drink.... thats the type of chocolate I was talking about!" .......LOL......that just had me crackin up.....

Sorry I took so long to update........Peace!

About Me
Norwalk, CT
Aug 10, 2004
Member Since

Friends 7
