Sixty Pounds to Go!

May 15, 2011

Since my highest weight, I have lost 92 pounds, but I still have 60 left to get to my goal!  I have 5 months until my surgerversary and am so hopeful that I will be very close to my goal by then.  I find myself getting discouraged, but then I think about what a really relatively short amount of time it has taken me to get where I am.  On my surgery date, I weighed exactly 275 pounds and I was wearing a size 22/24.  I'm mostly wearing size 14s right now, some 12s I can force myself into and some 16s are still fitting.  Since the majority of my clothing has either been given to me or purchased at Goodwill, I really don't know what kind of alterations have been made to them.  I am hopeful that I will be able to purchase a size 10 dress for my cousin's wedding in September.  I will be esctatic if I realize this goal! 

I am still hoping for children at some point, but I am getting on in my late 30s, so it makes me nervous.  Lots to consider :)

Five Months Post Op

Mar 31, 2011

I am now 5 months out from surgery and I am feeling discouraged.  I feel like I have no discipline and/or control.  My weight loss has stagnated, I have not been feeling well either.  I don't have the energy and/or ambition to exercise and my diet is lacking in protein and other nutrients.   I have fallen off the tracks and am desperate to get back on and chug along.  The crazy thing is I know exactly what I need to do.  I need to exercise, I need to cut out the carbs and beef up the protein in my diet.  I need to be on top of my vitamin intake.  Why do I know all this intellectually, but fail to sucessfully follow through?  What is wrong with me?    I want to be healthy.  I want to be successful.  Help me find my way!

Four Months After

Mar 05, 2011

It has been four months since my surgery.  My husband came home today from his hosiptal stay following his RNY.  I am so proud of him.  I am feeling pretty good.  I still have the occassional vomitting, but am, for the most part, able to tolerate my diet.  I have been trying a few things that I probably would consider pushing the envelope.  I have tried  the occassional sugar free peppermint patty and peanut butter cup with no negative side effects.  I have also been sucking on sugar free lifesavers (with some unpleasant flatulence).  I have tried Lean Cuisine frozen meals with no problem, although I am very motivated to eat a diet comprised mainly of fresh produce and meats, very little processed and preserved if at all possible.  I am finding that I do have the feeling of hunger coming back. 

I am wearing a size 16-18 in most clothing.  I am happy with that and am anxious for my goal of size 14 to be realized.  Goodwill has been a lifesaver for me!  I am finding that as I lose weight it seems like everything is heading south.  Cellulite seems more pronounced than when my body was fuller.

I am so looking forward to doing this will my husband.  We have lots of activity planned for when the warm weather comes (kayaking, hiking, campling....YAY!!!)

6 weeks after

Dec 08, 2010

Up until last week, I was feeling pretty good since the middle of the second week.  Last week I started the most horrendous period.  I bled so much that I was afraid it wasn't a period at all.  I threw up after everything I ate for four days.  My surgeon's nurse told me it was probably a side efffect of my period.  I think I may be slightly anemic and dehydrated.  My 6 week follow up with the surgeon and dietician are Friday.  I am hopeful I can movemy diet  forward.  I am very anxious to be able to eat a bite of toast. 

Since the start of my liquid diet on October 11, I have lost over 40 pounds.  I can't complain about that progress, but I am anxious to be able to eat without pain and/or vomiting.  I am really lacking on my protein.  Unfortunately most of the protein subs are sweet and the sweet taste turns my stomach.  I miss my carbs and I am afraid of them.  I am anxious for toast, but at the same time I am scared of it! 

I need to be more consisent and agressive with my exercising.  This week I have been good for nothing with the vomiting and bleeding, but next week, I am certainly going to be pushing myself harder.

My husband got his surgery date.  February 17.  I can't wait for the start of our new more active life together.

Would I do it all over again if I had the chance?  I think so.


Almost Two Weeks...

Nov 09, 2010

Well I am a day shy of being two weeks from surgery and I am finally starting to feel human again.  I have a bit more energy and ALOT less pain than the first week.  I had a very sucessful surgery which the surgeon told my husband was "text book."  I'm assuming that means everything was where it was supposed to be and easily accessible with no complications.  I did, however, have a difficult first week.  I was in a terrible amount of pain.  I kept questioning my decision to do what I did, but the following factors contributed to the amount of pain I had and I hope writing this will help someone else.

1.  For some reason, unknown to myself even, I had it in my head that the less pain meds I took the quicker I would recover.  I refused pain med because I did not want to be groggy.  I wanted to be alert and able to get out of bed and "run" my laps around the nurses station.

2.  I got my period, and the subsequent menstrual cramps that go along with said period :-)

3.  My CPAP machine setting seems to be a bit higher than I need now and air was being blown continuosly into my stomach causing a severe amount of pain!

Needless to say, today I am feeling very well.  I get tired real easy, but other than that I feel good.  The pain is gone, and the weight loss is beginning.  Would I do it over?  Ask me that in a month, but I am leaning towards, sure.

Day 12 Liquid Diet

Oct 22, 2010

After the first day, the liquid diet has not been really very hard for me.  I know people say this all the time, but I truly really did not eat very much at all when I was eating solid food anyway.    I actually started questioning whether or not I really need surgery if I am able to control this on my own.  I guess the problem is that I probably won't be able to live on carnation instant breakfast and SF popsicles for the rest of my life.

Some things I have been experiencing that I would consider negative "side effects" to the liquid diet are:

My gums have been bleeding when I brush my teeth.  I have to wonder if this is related to the fact that the only think I chew is my gummy vitamin??  Should I be alarmed by this or is this normal?

I have had terrible diarrhea for the last few days.  The other night I had a little gas bubble and as soon as I allowed myself to release the gas, I POOPED!  I am way too old and way too young to be pooping in my pants!  Anyone remember SNL from the late 80s and early 90s (Whoops, I crapped my pants)?

I have also been highly emotional.  I don't know if that is part of the changes you go through physically during the liquid diet or if I am feeling some anxiety and/or stress about my upcoming change of life that is making me especially sensitive. 

Anyway, the not eating has been alright for me.  I do feel hunger, but the instant breakfast or a can of soup satisfies me.

I don't want to jinx my progress, but I do believe I have lost 12 pounds since I started my liquid diet...gotta go, I feel a gas bubble coming on!


Day 5 - Liquid Diet

Oct 15, 2010

The first day of liquid diet was rough, but it seemed to get easier in the following days.  I did not do well today at "eating" and getting my fluids in and I am hungry (painful) tonight.  I only had one protien shake at 7:30 this morning, coffee, diluted apple juice during the day and cream of mushroom soup tonight for dinner.  I'm trying to get some vitamin water into me before I go to sleep.  Tomorrow I will be sure to be better about getting my protien in.  I feel tired, but not weak.  The surgeon called me yesterday to see how I am doing.  I thought that was very nice.  Less than 2 weeks and I will be changed forever.

I think I have lost almost 8 pounds in the last five days.  I certainly can't complain about that.  I have had such a hard time getting the pounds off that it is incentive enough to keep going for another week and couple days on the liquids.

Good Night!

Day 1 - Liquid Diet

Oct 11, 2010

Today was the first day of my liquid diet.  Started my day with instant breakfast, followed by coffee.  Had to stop myself from grabbing a hard candy off a coworker's desk.  Did not get morning liquids other than coffee.  For lunch I had tomato soup.  It tasted really strong!  Felt hungry shortly after and had another instant breakfast.  Sipped a bit of vitamin water on the way home.  Had cream of broccoli soup for dinner.  Still feeling hungry.  Am sipping the rest of my vitamin water.  Overheard coworkers talking about going to the movies this afternoon and I could smell popcorn.  I felt like crying.  One of my favorite things to eat is movie popcorn.

I am hungry and it hurts.  Will this get easier?


About Me
Swanville, ME
Surgery Date
Oct 01, 2010
Member Since

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