3 More days of full liquids

Apr 09, 2009

Hey guys
Just updating how I am doing. I dont know how much I have lost after the 6th but I am still on full liquids and now I am tired of drinking broth and tea I found that doing the shake its better for me so I am sticking to that for the rest of the 3 days I have left. I am doing shake on 2 meals and broth on the other so I think its good enough. Not that I feel hungry far from that because I am not eating any snacks in between.  I drink my water. Today its not a good day of water intake for me I know I got at least 50grams of protein. I feel like I dont have any energy but other things been happening in my personal life that its sucking the energy out of me. Have u ever feel like everybody around you its in your same blood supply???? Yeah that's how I feel. I am the go to person in my family and I feel like they are not giving me the time or peace of mind to recuperate. But thats my problem I need to tell them to back off. So tomorrow I will start doing more exercise. Hopefully I can keep it up because thats the only thing that will help me loose more weight.

Well I am out to bed Need to get ready for a Mid Term I still have to take on the 15th.
God bless you guys and Love you all!!

First Weight In 4/6/2009

Apr 06, 2009

I just came back from my first weight in Post Op . And I lost 10.5 lbs Now I am at 426lbs wow I cant wait to get into the 300's It will make me feel better. I was never open about my weight. Now I can say I am 426lbs and that its 10.5 lbs less than a week ago.
The Plan now GET MOVING. I am going to start my excersice plan and get more active Dr said as long as it doesnt hurt Its ok to do it. So people this Chick its about to get moving.

Yeah forgot I need to up my liquid and my protein intake but I knew that.

Hope everybody else its doing good!!! See you on the next post and happy loosing

The Reason Why....

Apr 05, 2009

Ok why did I did what I did???  My reason for undergoing WLS was not beauty because I think I am beautiful .  It really was my son. I have a 4yrs old son who is the LIGHT OF MY LIFE!!!  And I am the only thing he got. If I am gone then he will be alone at the mercy of relatives or even the system. What would I want that for my baby boy?  He is a very active kid so at 439lbs How I was going to be active with him? How could I show him to be healthy if I was not looking healthy? I needed to loose weight. My brother 29 was admitted to the hospital and came out with diabetis, High Blood presure, High cholesterol. Plus my family have a strong history of heart problems. Add all that and 439lbs what you have??? A TIME BOMB? So the reason I did what I did you got it. MY SON!!! He is the reason why.

If you are reading this blog and still waiting on your surgery date make sure you are doing this for all the right reasons. It is not an easy road it is far from an easy fix. Its hard work. And the surgery its on your stomach not your brain so you have things you need to reprogram in your head.

Good luck and GOD BLESS!!
1 comment

April 5 at 230am Day 5 post op

Apr 04, 2009

I got my surgery on 3/31/2009. I feel good. Yeah a lil in pain sometimes but good. Today I went out for a walk with the family so I got some good fresh air. But got tired quick I guess I need to add more protein to my intake. I am afraid of drinking stuff because I think I might over drink but aside for that I am doing great. I am going on Monday for my first post Op visit so I will see how much I dropped. Hopefully at least 5 lbs. But we will see. Just keep on with the drinking and protein intake.


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Surgery Date
Apr 04, 2009
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