Today is the first day of the rest of my life

Jan 27, 2010

Hi - It's been a while since I've posted...I have been busy with my Mom (who was in a head-on collision in October).

I have to confess, when I am away from home I am horrible - I am scared to eat due to not being able to measure the food. I do eat slow and try to quit before I even feel full - I am so scared to stretch my new tummy out again.

I have gone to the surgeon and am at my surgery goal weight - He had me give him a weight I would be happy with - I said 150...but honestly I want to be around 110-115 - I am happy with my weight loss so far...but know I can do better. Does anyone else feel this way too?

I have been somewhat upbeat, but still having issues with my family - Hubby and niece (that lives with me) feel all I do is calculate protein and carbs...I have stopped cooking more than we truly need - guess they feel I put them on a diet too...but the niece has lost 17 pounds in 6 months and she doesn't excercse, so hey it's a good thing I feel.

Does anyone else realize that they are more cautious of the foods that go in their mouth? Does anyone else feel it is dumb to spend so much on a meal out when we don't even eat half of it? I get excited when I spend 2.00 for a meal and am so full and satisfied - means more money for
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I am losing but not as fast as I want

Nov 01, 2009

I went to the doctor Friday  - I am happy with my weight loss just wish it was more. I started at 211 and am down to 173. I am off of some of my meds (which is wonderful and why I had the surgery) and will be getting my test results today to see where my cholestrol/triglycerides are.

It seems this past week has been horrible - I am not doing as much protein as I should do to stomach cramps after having it, and honestly I've been taking care of my Mom since her carwreck last Tuesday. Since I am not at home my schedule is all out of wack.

I am hoping that Mom is a little better this week so I can stay home next week and get back to excercising and eating/drinking right. But I am loving spending time with Mom and ever so thankful she is still with us - so if it takes longer I am truly ok with it as long as I continue to lose a little.

Wow Time Flies

Oct 08, 2009

 Today I just realized it has been almost 7 weeks since my surgery - I am doing great...I feel so much better - I'm taking less insulin, actually I was on U-500 which is 5 times stronger than the U-100 insulin and have now been dropped to U-100 and only taking 30 units a day of it - I have also been lowered on my blood pressure meds and am waiting to find out lab work on the 30th to find out what other meds I can get off.

I am so thankful I had this surgery - I have lost 25 pounds last I weighed - I am trying to not weigh very often since i don't want to get discouraged...though I didn't have this surgery for weight loss but to improve my health and get off so many I feel I am a success right now - Go ME!!!!!

uhoh I goofed...

Sep 15, 2009

 yesterday I was so busy running everyone in the family where they needed to go and I forgot to eat.... I did eat some just not enough I guess - I was so weak and tired feeling.

 When I looked at my journel I had had 4 oz. of protein shake, and 3 cracker and 2 Tbsp. tuna salad. I had drank water but not what I should have.

I know that was stupid but I was so busy with Hubby, he has the H1n1  and had to take him to the urgicenter then to pharmacy then back home to wait for niece to get home from school then back to doctors office for her.

Has anyone ever done this or is it just me being stupid?

My Poor Family...

Sep 13, 2009

Today I guess I have been a bit witchy with a B, or so my hubby told me - I don't know why I have been like this except for the small things are making me mad.

I never expected this surgery to really be easy, but I never realized how much I ate do to looking at something, or tasting while cooking. or putting food up.

I am learning alot about myself through this - I am learning that even though I don't feel hungry I still need to watch the clock and try and eat - my nerves in my tummy may not be working properly yet, so I need to follow what the doctor says is best.

I am trying fish now - I use a fork and flake it  into small pieces and chew chew and chew again. I feel good, I have energy, but think I am sometimes cranky because I am not eating what everyone else is. Has anyone else had this issue?

This surgery has to be hard on the families that support us  through this. Andd honestly if I don't say it enough, or even at all I do appreciate my family for being so supportive of me.

what is going on?

Sep 11, 2009

 OUCH!!!!! The last few days have been weird...seems since I had the goof of getting sick from eating a little hamburger, everything I eat unless it is  pureed doesn't want to go down...I chew chew chew use a baby spoon and follow all the "Bible" things... but for some reason the fish just don't wanna work for me so I guess I will stay away from everything but tuna in a pouch - for some reason that will work.

Any one else had a momnet of thinking what the Heck is going on....Throwing up isn't good trust me.
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Ok no more cheating from me

Sep 10, 2009

 Hello All -

 I learned my lesson last night - I was going to cheat a bit and ate some hamburger meat that was in speghetti sauce - well 
 I did look for my meat tenderizer but I guess out of stupidity I couldn't see it, all I could think was get this out of me. I ended up getting sick and throwing it up...I did learn my lesson the hard way - today I am sore on my left side, I am sure from getting sick, but you can bet your last dollar I will never try that again until the Gastric Bible tells me too.

Also thanks to everyone that was talking about PB2 I went and got both flavors and well now I am addicted to it in my protein.

Also does anyone else crave salt? I have gotten addicted to a glass of shaved ice, the juice of one lime, and 2 shakes of the salt shaker...I call it a lime drag snowcone...but man is it good. there is no juicy mess just the ice with the flavor. Now I know your not suppose to have citrus but was wondering since I am having the juice with ice if that would be ok?
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I am having lap RNY

Aug 23, 2009

I am not sure how I did it but  I am having the laproscopic Rouxe-N-Y instead of the vgb...I wasn't sure what I would get to have but now I know...I'm still learning this site - sorry I look like such a dweeb.

Day before surgery

Aug 23, 2009

 Today is the last day of the old me - I never want to be like this again...I want to be able to run and play with my granddaughter. I am tired of medication...I want to be off it all or atleast not on so much.

I am kind of nervous but I am excited at the same time. I have been on the liquid diet now for 5 days and this being my 6th day on clear liquids and nothing red...I am not as bad as I thought I would be (hungry I mean). I have been drinking chicken broth, and having jello - but I miss the protien shake - I didn't think I would be missing it...hopefully I won't be having a hard time drinking them afterwards.

I hope everyone that is fixing to have the surgery comes out great with all their goals in reach.

Everything is possible as long as you want it bad enough.

7:30 am surgery time on 8-24-09 at St. Francis in Tulsa Oklahoma

surgery date scheduled

Jul 16, 2009

 I found out yesterday that my tentative surgery date is 8-24-09. I have to go back to the cardiologist and get a letter of  clearence for the surgery - something didn't jive with the last ekg (go figure).
 I am dieting big time so i can lose back to what i weighed when i started this adventure last August - since being on the u-500 insulin i have gained so much weight...I don't understand what is happening, but it is driving me crazy and depressing me even more than ever.

About Me
Mcalester, OK
Surgery Date
Jul 12, 2009
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