Oct 13, 2009

It has been just over 1 year since my surgery and I am feeling GREAT!  I am down about 157#   went to doctor and only low in vitamin B and D.  Otherwise everything is going very well.  I need to start exercising in doors now that fall/winter are soon approaching.  I will take up water aerobics again and walking the skywalk.  I am even thinking of doing a SPIN class.  Sounds fun!  

Did I tell you how happy I am that I did this!!!!!!!!! 

Been along time since on this blog, but I am down 118#

Mar 25, 2009

How is exciting is that!   I am so happy that I did this!  I have so much more energy and can't wait to get on my bike this spring and summer!  

I had an appointment on 01-12-09, it went very well.  I need some vit D. But Doctor Tim seemed very happy with my progress. 

Everyone take care for now.  

I love my new stomach!

Dec 21, 2008

things have been going very well and I love my new small stomach.   I get hungry, eat a couple of bites and I'M FULL....... I love it! 

Little lost this last week

Oct 08, 2008

I went in to my regular MD to weight in on Monday and only last 4 pounds this last week.  I guess that is ok.  I have been pretty good about staying on the required diet and have only cheated once when I was out and needed to find something high in protein at a gas station.  I had beef jerky, I only eat a little bit, I chewed and sucked the flavor out of it.  I only had 1 oz. before I could feel like I was stuffed.   I was surprised I was able to keep it down, but I did.  I still have been struggling with getting my protein drink down, I have been having a hard time of that since It came up one time, I guess you can say it left a bad taste in my month.  Vitimins wise, I'm doing ok.  I feel like my stomach is healed and now just have to maintain my small pouch.  I have been keeping track of my food intake and am only getting 300 to 400 calories in a day.  I drink my water with a lemon faithfully. 

I can feel the weight loss in my clothing.  I have to return to work and will be on a more structured schedule.  However, my back still hurts, which is new because I had not had back problems in the past.  I will miss my cat naps in the afternoon. 

All for now.  christine

Today is 2 weeks after my surgery

Sep 29, 2008

Well, it has been a long week.  I have had some problems keeping down food.  1st time was when I eat deli Turkey and when I eat deli chicken, my protein drink even came up.  Will continue to monitor all this.  Think because these were new thinks will try again.  I can keep down string cheese, smoked salmon, cottage cheese and eggs.  So basically that is what my diet consist of.  I will go to store and purchase low fat yogurt and refried beans.  All and all I am still very happy I did this and can feel that I am loosing weight.  I am going to see my regular doctor today, to weight in and get her up to speed with my surgery. 

That's all for now.  Christine

It finally happened! I had my surgery!!!

Sep 22, 2008

Time has gone by so fast since I first signed on and I finally got my date for surgery and it has came and gone.  My surgery was 09-15-08, surgery went very well, no problems.  I will talk more about that later. 
today I had my 1 week check up and have staples removed and I am 19 pounds lost......... and they can just stay lost!  

I am very happy that I did this and have a feeling of full all the time.  

Will blog more later!  

When it rains it pours

Jun 14, 2008

I have been very busy that last couple days getting my mother to higher ground (so to speak)  she lives in Des Moines, IA and she was evacuated from her home on Friday 06-13-08, so I have been busy helping her to valuables and some furniture out of her home.  So far so good, only damage she has right now is about 2 feet of water backup in her basement.  The levee about 1 mile north of her gave way, but this has made the Des Moines & Raccoon River go down, we think  her home and neighborhood will be spared.  The Floods of 2008. 

I had my follow up with Dr. Sabapathy, psych evaluation   He has approved me for RnY, so that completes all my evaluations.   I seen the dietician and got my Bible of what I can and cannot eat after surgery, what vitamins I will need etc.  The booklet she gave me is very informative, I plan on reading it cover to cover.  I am so looking for to meeting the surgeon and getting an appointment.   That will make me feel like I got the golden ticket!  

Well, it's late and I need some rest.  It has been a long day.    

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 11, 2008
Member Since

Friends 3

Latest Blog 7
Little lost this last week
Today is 2 weeks after my surgery
It finally happened! I had my surgery!!!
When it rains it pours
