Apr 09, 2009

Well It is Spring and I feel a little better but the rain is not helping. I cannot wait until the warm weather is here. My goal is to spend as much time possible outside and moving around. I am really bad with the excersise routine thing so I think that if I go outside more and walk, play with my kids, swim, play sports plant a garden ill be excersising but not knowing it and it will be fun.  I am also planning on doing the 5 day Pouch test beggining this monday and I think that part of it will be blogging everyday maybe even more than once just to keep myself on track. i have read many other posts from others who have tried it and even though some said it was difficult it definately put them back on track. I need to be back on track because I am only a year out and this is a lifetime commitment and I think that the pouch test will help me to get back to where I need to be. So plan to hear from me everyday next week I hope it works... Wish me luck, I know Ill need it but hopefully I will be able to get to day 6 and be a new person on the other side back on track and using my pouch the tool my surgeon gave me the right way.


Need to Make a Commitment to Myself

Mar 12, 2009

I still have not gotten my problem under control. However now I know what it is. HEAD HUNGER. I know that I am not really hungry and I know that I have had enough for the day to keep me healthy. I just get a sensation of hunger and then I give in and when I do I regret it after. Either I make myself sick or I stop midway through whatever Im eating and realize that I am already full because I had already eaten earlier in the day. This happens mostly at night and when Im stressed. I need to find new ways to distract myself and get my mind off of food. I do agree that this is the time which is the hardest. In the beggining it was so easy I never got hungry I could go days without eating if I didnt want to. (I did not do that by the way.) Now I do get hungry and I need to learn how to distinguish head hunger from real hunger. Food has always been a focal point in my life. I need to develop other interests and hobbies to keep my mind occupied. Also I need to stay away from food that does not have protein. I will try everything I can and hopefully I will be in a much better place mentally, emotionally and physically for my next post. Any suggestions or words of encouragement are greatly appreciated. THANKS TO ALL!!


Feb 26, 2009

I am feeling so discouraged and mad at myself right now. I cannot stop eating badly at night. I do so great all day. Then when Iam relaxing at home in bed getting ready for bed something takes over me and I dont care anymore and I go raid the kitchen. I tell myself all day I will do good and I do until like I said its almost time for me to go to bed. Not onlyh am I eating things that are not good for me but I sam doing it at the worst time of the day right before bed. I never want to be the way I was before but if I cannot stop this habit now I know I am doomed. However I have been excersising more which is good. But I am not losing anymore weight and thats probably due to may problem. Please if anyone has any suggestions or advice or things theyve tried please let me know. TILL NEXT TIME!!



Jan 14, 2009

Hey Everyone today is  my birthday and I feel better today at 26 than when I turned 18, or 21. Its crazy las year on my birthday I was two weeks post surgery and trying just to adjust to eating again. Today I feel great. I mean I know I ve been struggling with the weight loss slowing down and the sugar cravings especially when sugar does not make me sick. But last year on my birthday I didn't have as much energy I feel like I got younger today instead of older. I am excersising more now and this has moved the scale in the right direction it is very slow and is a very small amount but it is working. Also the excersise that I was always to tired or to busy to do before leaves me feeling more energized and more enthusiastic. I hope that by my birthday next year I will have reached my goal of being 150 lbs and that I feel as good if not better than I do now. I know my struggles are going to be with sugar mainly CHOCOLATE but like my Doctor told me in the beggining this surgery is a tool and you have to learn to use it well. So even though this surgery does not keep me away from sugar it keeps me from eating too much now I just have to try to stay away from the sugar and CHOCOLATE using good old willpower. I know I can do it. Well anyways HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!!!!!


Jan 02, 2009

Hello Everyone        HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!
I am feeling much better than the last time I posted. We have begun the new year and with every new year comes nerw begginings. I promised myself that this year I will concentrate on taking care of myself and not trying to sabotage all the hard work Ive already accomplished. I was in a bad rut for a while which began when I found out I could eat sugar. That was the biggest mistake I ever made. But Now I have to keep going and not look back. Everytime I walk by BAD FOOD which is always everywhere I just tell myself nothing tastes better than being healthy and fitting into my clothes. I dont want to go back to wearing a tent as a Tshirt. I hope that I can stick to my guns and not stray. However I know everyone makes mistakes from time to time and one of my problems is that I dwell too much on things. Its like a cycle I mess up then Im mad at myself cause I messed up then I get depressed or upset and that triggers my craving for BAD FOOD. I have to learn different ways to cope with my stress and I have to be able to forgive myself for minor mistakes and move on. Well anyways HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. And I wish everyone the best of luck for 2009. 2008 was a great year for me its the year I had my surgery and I will never forget it I just hope 2009 turns out to be just as GREAT!!!!!!

AMANDA '2009'
1 comment


Dec 24, 2008

http://www.obesityhelp.com/shared/flash/WeightHistoryChart/WeightHistoryChart.swf?username=cubanita783"> name="quality" value="high"> http://www.obesityhelp.com/shared/flash/WeightHistoryChart/WeightHistoryChart.swf?username=cubanita783" quality="high" width="585" height="360">Well I got through Thanksgiving ok. But Christmas has been a little harder. I am eating too much sweets and unhealthy food. In my defense its everywhere. At work, friends & families houses and at home. I never noticed before how much a part of the holidays it was to eat junk food. I also cannot stop snacking at night. I do good all day and then when Im realxing in front of the tv I get cravings for a snack and I know Im not hungry. I keep givin in to those urges and Im scared because if I had this surgery just to get back to where I was before then thats going to be very sad and depressing. However I have lost 114 lbs in total but if I keep going the way I am now Im just sabotaging myself and killing all my progress. Not to mention the fact that I am not losing weight and thats because Im eating all the wrong things and not excersising. I need to wake up and smell the coffee if I want to make it to my goal weight. I am only 22 lbs away now. I need to be more determined. Also my year anniversary is coming up 1/28/09 it will have been exactly one  year since I had my surgery.



Aug 14, 2008

I have not lost any weight in about 3 weeks. YIKES!! is that normal. I was so happy when I reached my first goal to be under 200lbs but now it seems like I have stopped at 195 and am not going anywhere. Pleasehelp me. Let me know if any of you is going through the same thing. I would appreciate any advise I can get on this matter.

Reached First Goal!!!!!!!!1

Jul 25, 2008

Hello Every one I am so exceited I have reached my first goal, Which is to weigh under 200 lbs. I have not weighed less than 200 since I was  Junior in Highschool. I am so Happy. I am so proud of myself. it was not easy but I made it. Hopefully I can acheive all of my goals some day. For now I am happy being under 200. 150 here I come!! I still am having a hard time with the snacking at night. Maybe that can be one of my new goals is to stop that because I dont want to undo all of what Ive gone through to get here. But anyways I am down to 195, my doctors says I ve lost 68% of my excess weight thats awesome and only in six months. I am so happy I had this operation and if I had to start over I would do it again in a hearbeat.


I AM AT 200!

Jul 05, 2008

I have reached 200!!. I cant wait until I lose one more pound. I cannot wait. I will reach my first goal once I lose one more pound I will be under 200. I still have a probelm though I cannot stop snacking at night. I dont know why but I get cravings that I cant resist at night. Please if anyone has some tricks to resist eating at night let me know ASAP. Well till next time. Hopefully I will have reached my goal of under 200 by then.

Getting Smaller/ Slowing Down and Eating More

Jun 26, 2008

Well I am alot smaller than when I began this journey I now weigh 203 pounds. I am so close to my goal of being under 200 I can almost taste it. But I feel like my weight loss has slowed down so drastically that I weigh myself constanly and I get so mad when the numbers dont change. I want to be under 200 pounds so badly. I have not weighed under 200 since I was a teenager. However I have realized that my problemmay be that I am eating more and not all healthy choices I may add. I do not get sick when I eat sugar so that kinda sucks because if I want a piece of cake I can have it an anhour later I can have another. I just have to keep myself away from junk food but its really hard. I was a junk food junkie before and now that I know it doesnt make me sick its hard to stay away. i need to work on my will power. I dont want to have gone through this surgery for nothing and at the moment I may be sabotaging myself. I hope that next time I put up another posting I am doing better and I have reached my goal of being under 200 lbs. Also a little more excersisi on my part would not hurt. Oh well, let me know if you guys have any ideas to curb the cravings for junk food God knos I need all the suggestions I can get.

Until Next time! 

About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 05, 2007
Member Since

Friends 9

Latest Blog 16
Reached First Goal!!!!!!!!1
I AM AT 200!
Getting Smaller/ Slowing Down and Eating More
