Adam Kolker

"Dr. Kolker did an excellent job on me. He was always accessible in my times of need. Dr. Kolker had quite a task with me. I required a full Tunny Tuck with a lower body lift, buttock lift and lyposuction of the thighs. In all my surgery took about 11 hours, however it was not done at his new onsite surgical facility. My surgery took place at New Yorks St, Vincent's Hospital. I spent about 3 days in the hospital and about a month with drainage tubes in both of my thighs, which by the way is the most uncomfortable part of the surgery and why recovery is so long. I couldn't walk starit for about a month because I was so tight I couldn't move. Once those tubes were out though, its a HUGE relief and a fast road to recovery. Either way Dr. Kolker was excellent in his care for me bfore, during and after my surgery. I would recommend him to any one. "

Lenox Hill

"Extremely clean, people are curteous and very helpful. Drs. and nurses are all excellent. I wouldn't change it or go anywhere else in NYC."

Mitchell S. Roslin

"I met Dr. Roslin , and I was immediately impressed with him. I was in the recieving room with at least 5 other patients listening to them talk about this wonderful doctor who has done so much for them and I could not wait to meet him. Although I was nervous Dr. Roslin's easy going demeanor quickly put me at ease. Dr. Roslin is also highly respected in the hospital that I am scheduled to have my surgery in, and by the FDA. He is currently involved in another study being done for future weight loss. The doctor has even given me his home email address so that I can ask him any question that I wish to address.He even gave me his phone number as well. He is extremely involved in people's lives even after, and I saw that he has made a personal bond a some levels with his patients. He didnt seem to treat them as patients , but as close friends. Remebering children's names, and personal things about people. Overall the Doc( as most of his patients call him) seems to have a great deal of respect and care for those of us who are seeking his help. I will let you know after the surgery, how his bedside manner is, and whether or not he can handle my MOM....hahahaha....thats the real test. She is more terrified than I am."
About Me
Bronx, NY
Surgery Date
Jan 19, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
This is me at my heaviest, It was my wake up call!
Happy New Year!!!!

Friends 3
