Hello everyone.  My name is Cyndi and I am 31 years old, live in Fla with my husband Steve of 10 years and my children Ashley and Matthew.  I slowly gained weight after my daughter was born.  It was pure laziness that got me there.  After my son was born five years ago I didn't bother to head the warnings of my doctors.  "Lose weight or you will soon be diabetic!"  It runs in my family so I tried to be careful.  Well, I was diagnosed with Type2 diabetes in January 2004.  I also found out that I am allergic to about two pages worth of foods that I need to stay away from.  It is really hard for me to sit at a meal and not be allergic to one thing on my plate, that's how bad it is. 

I decided to do something drastic after many years of yo yo dieting.  My poor husband has been with me and paying for all of these pills, diets, books, videos, etc.  You name it, I tried it!  I went to a doctor down in Melbourne, FL for a seminar about gastric bypass.  I knew that it was too much for me to handle.  Something just didn't "sing" to me there!  It wasn't until this past summer (2005) that I was exposed to the idea of the Lap-Band.  I researched it myself, went to a seminar in Celebration, and went to talk to my doctor about it.  He told me his friend, Dr. Steven Levine does the surgery right here in Ormond Beach!

Dr. Levine is a general surgeon now performing the Lap-Band.  I went to his seminar in September 2005 and was completely convinced this was for me and he was the doctor that was going to change my life.  I had complete confidence in him, knowing he is an sccomplished surgon in our area.  I got the ball rolling being a self pay and was finally able to get an appointment December 2nd.  There we talked and talked, set a surgery date for December 19th, started my liquid diet and I was on my way!!!

So, now here I am on Christmas Eve 2005.  Sometimes I have tears in my eyes just thinking of the things I will be able to do again when I lose the weight.  My life is just beginning again.  If this is no a miracle on earth, I don't know what is!  I want to thank my husband for all his support over the past 16 years together.  You are trely my soul mate and you know we were made just for each other.  Your compassion and understanding is incredible!  I wouldn't be here at this moment if it weren't for you.  Thanks for giving me the opportunity to be a better me.  You are so unselfish!  I love you dearly!

Good Luck to anyone thinking about this surgery.  You won't be disappointed.  it may be a struggle but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  God Bless.

Cyndi   202before surgery/194surgery day/115 goal

Update!!  April 6, 2007

Since ObesityHelp decided to update the website and our old profiles couldn't be moved over, I only took the first paragraphs from my 4 pages of my weight loss journey. 

At this point I weigh 141lbs.  I am down 61lbs from the day I stepped into Dr Levine's office.  I remember my highest weight being 217, in 1998 and was able to get into the low 200's and stay there.  Never in my wildest dreams did I think I could maintain at a healthy weight ever again.  I thought my body was just meant to be heavy.  I was a "skinny" person on the inside but not on the out.  I wanted to dance.  I wanted to be proud of myself, but couldn't.  Now, I do dance.....In a class with 20 year olds and it feels good.  I am proud of myself.  It is not a struggle like it was when I was heavy.  Its a new group of struggles.  I have to worry about getting enough protein in and making sure I eat enough calories in the day!  Yes, they are nice things to worry about and I am thankful. 

I enjoy my life.  I am not embarrased to go out with my husband or with friends.  I have plenty of things to wear.  I am even shoppping for a new bathing suit......can't find just the right one yet!  I will have and abdominoplasty to get rid of the excess skin on my tummy.  It is really the only place where I am uncomfortable.  My arms I am working on and my legs are not winning modeling contests but they are mine.  They are a reminder of where I have been and it keeps me grounded. 

I continue to go to Dr Levine's support group meetings.  It helps me to be in a room with people who have the same device as I do.  Only we know what we are going through at times.  We are great inspiration for one another. 

About Me
Ormond Beach, FL
Dec 03, 2005
Member Since

Friends 1
