Suzanne M. 21 years, 3 months ago

Dear Daniela, Well we started this process together and we'll finish it together!! You'll do great with your surgery - you're very well informed and KNOW this was our only way. Hang in there girl, the day will be here before you know it. All my best, Sue

daniela 21 years, 4 months ago

Jan 20,2003 Hi all My name is Daniela and i am 36 years old and have 3 children.. Married 16 years to a wonderful man.My kids are 14,11 and 9. One better than the other. Ive been over weight since i was 24. I had lost my parents in 89 7 months apart...When they died i turned to food..Everytime i thought about them or cried i would just eat.. I also have anxiety and panic disorder due to my parents passing. I am now about 225-230.Ive been this weight about 3 years. I go to the gym alot and eat right. Cant seem to get the weight off. I have decieded to get the gastric bypass surgery.I called Dr leitmans office in december and couldnt get anything till march 18th!!!! Oh well gives me time to think... Ive been to support group meeting at lenox hill. It was great . Met some nice people. Got alot of questions answered . Like i didnt know if i should have lap or open. I deceided on open due to not being under for that long.. It might be a little longer recovery b ut i rather be in surgery less time. Anyway enough me blabbing ill get back to you soon.good luck to all
About Me
Jan 21, 2002
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