I am your normal overweight girl.. I have been overweight all my life.  But in high school, I made the best of my big bones and transferred all my fat to muscle.  I swam, ran, and played volleyball for 4 years.  I had a lot of problems in high school as well.  I ended up in a reform school for a year, and was on most any drug you can think of at any given time.  I graduated and immediately moved away from home with a boyfriend that I was with for many years.  It was very abusive for a long time and I pretty much just let myself go.  Let go to the point that I was more depressed than I ever could have though possible.  I crash dieted countless times.  Went to WW, curves, did all the diets in the books and while I would lose 20-30 lbs, it would all come right back.

So no, I'm with my husband of 2 years (we've been together for 6 years), I got rid of the abusing bf, moved to Dallas and started my life over.  I work with great people and it was my boss who actually suggested that I might want to look into this.  She was having lap-band and that's what I thought I would initially want.  I had brought this subject up to the hubby before, but he was dead set against it.  So  after some gentle pushing, I brought him to the doctors consult with me so he could listen to what the doctor had to say.  During the consult, we decided that the lap band would do me no good because I did not have the kind of discipline that it requires.  We decided that RnY would be the best for me for long term success.

The hubby still didn't like the idea but was letting me make the decision on my own and he eventually did come around and very much supports me, crazy hormones and all. I love my decision and feel better every day post op.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 14, 2007
Member Since

Friends 6
