My Time Has Come -- FINALLY!

Apr 16, 2009

Well, the cleansing was absolutely horrible, but I got through it.  As for hunger, today is by far, the easiest day.

I took today off to get a mani pedi, which was nice, and I was hoping to get in a nap because of the long night last night.  That hasn't happened.  I keep finding things that need to get done.  I'm too excited to sleep anyway!

In 11 hours, I'll be starting that "short" drive (2 1/2 hrs) to Pensacola in order to check in at 5:00am.   I want to thank everyone for their well-wishes, thoughts and prayers.  You all have been a tremendous help in getting to this point and I can't wait to share my journey with each of you!  I'll post when I get home!


Liquid Diet - Day 2

Apr 15, 2009

Day 2 is not so bad!  Yesterday was horrible.  I had 32oz of bottled water, 32oz of broth, 2 jellos, and 5 puddings!  And I was still hungry.  By 5:00pm, I had a headache.  As soon as I got home from school, I took 2 Tylenol and went to bed.  Of course, I was up peeing all night.  But I figured if I was sleeping, I wouldn't feel the hunger!

So far today, I've had 16oz of bottled water, 16oz of broth, and 1 jello.  I've also started chewing SF gum and that seems to help.  Like I said, today is a much better day.  I CAN DO IT!

Liquid Diet - Day 1 & 3 days until RNY

Apr 13, 2009

So far, not so bad.  Of course, it's early.  I'm a breakfast eater, so I am feeling hungry.  I've had 1 SF pudding already.  I know I'm not going to be saying this later, but SF tastes really good.  I thought if it tasted good, it wasn't good for you!  Guess I have a lot to learn about "good" food!

Pre-op and Pre-admit done

Apr 08, 2009

I spent a full day in Pensacola for pre-op and pre-admission yesterday.  9 days left!  Monday will be my last meal, so this weekend I'll be able to enjoy Easter dinner with the families.  Tuesday, I'll start my liquid diet.  Wednesday, I'll cleanse.  And Friday is my surgery.  I'll post again to let you know how Day 1 goes on the liquid diet!

Two Weeks!!

Apr 03, 2009

Two weeks from today, I'll start my new life!  I am so excited, I can't hardly stand it.  I'll probably pack my bag for the hospital this weekend.  Tuesday, hubby and I will drive to Pensacola for pre-op and pre-admit.  Shocked to say that I'm not nervous....yet!  My aunt says I may not even get  nervous because I've done so much research.  What I know is that I feel extremely comfortable with Dr. Lord and have no worries.  I'm just anxious to start this wonderful journey!!
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Lookout world! Here I come!!

Feb 27, 2009

I've got a date!  April 17, 2009 will be the first day of the rest of my life!!



Feb 25, 2009

Insurance approval in 24 hours! 


Feb 20, 2009

I didn't realize that the request for insurance approval was faxed!  I thought I had to wait a couple of days for Dr. L's office to put together this big package of medical records and referral letters.  This totally made my weekend!!  Maybe I'll hear something by mid week next week!!
1 comment

I've done it!!!!

Feb 20, 2009

As of yesterday, I have completed all necessary steps in order to submit for insurance approval!!  What a long process, but so worth it.  I feel that because I had to do the six-month physician supervised weight loss program, the informational classes, the food logs, etc....I'm even more prepared for this surgery and life after surgery.  The internet truly is the information highway - you just have to take advantage of it!  Bottom line, I'm more ready mentally, physically and emotionally for the changes I'm about to go through.  And that's a great thing.  And I want to thank each and everyone of you who are members of this wonderful website.  I've read your stories, your answers to other peoples questions, and your experiences and it has helped me to be more informed of what to expect.  You're all life savers!

Now the really hard part.....sitting back and patiently waiting for the insurance approval!!  Keep your fingers crossed and me in your prayers!


Closer still...

Feb 11, 2009

A week from tomorrow, I'll be attending the Behavior Modification class and do the one-on-one with the nutritionist.  Then we can submit for insurance approval and sit back and wait with our fingers and toes crossed!

About Me
Panama City, FL
Surgery Date
Aug 19, 2008
Member Since

Friends 29

Latest Blog 21
