My Journey

Aug 16, 2007

7/6/2007 - I am starting this journal so I can go back and remember 
where I came from.  I am currently at last weigh in at my heaviest which
 is 331 pounds.  My doctor has me on a level 2 blood pressure medicine 
and has recommended a high protein low carb diet along with 15
 minutes of exercise 3 times a week.   I am becoming concerned with 
my health  as I am 43 years old and have a 3 year old daughter I want 
to see grow up.  I don't want to collapse from a heart attack first.   Today 
my wonderful wife (Leigh Anne) and I went to the Weight Loss Center 
and met with her 
doctor for the last time before she takes a huge step in getting herself healthy. 

Currently she is very overweight and on very strong drugs to control her blood pressure.  She has trouble finding clothes and also has trouble walking as she has Plantar Flacitus.   She is tired of being this way and
 has asked me to be her support person.  I was required to go to her meeting with the doctor today and we were invited to ask any questions. 
I am not comfortabl with her doctor due to a personality conflict but she 
is so I am putting it behind me so I can be there for her.  

We did not have any real issues except that we found out that we found 
today that Leigh Anne has to start her diet much earlier than she thought.
She will begin today.  I have looked over the diet and will try to help her by following it myself.  

6/11/2007 - 5 days to go until Leigh Anne's surgery.  I have been trying to follow her diet and keep encourging her but it is very hard to change you lifestyle so much.  I am so proud of her for taking this step and for sticking 
to the plan but this evening I had a spell were I almost passed out.  I 
need to eat more than she does.  I will be adjusting my new diet.  

6/16/2007 - Well today is the big day.  Leigh Anne's mom came up and 
we all went to the hospital together.  We dropped Emma at school and 
off we went.  We arrived on time and she checked in.  They came and 
took her back to get prepped while we waited.  It was about 30 mins 
later when they called us in.  She was almost ready to go,  We chatted 
for a while and they came to get her.  She was kind of out of it but her 
mother and I walked with her until we could go no further.  Karen and 
I then went to get Lunch while she was in surgery.   We returned to the waiting room and waited until the doctor came out and talked to us.  

She had come through surgey just fin and   except for a hiatal hernia 
there were no issues.  She was in her room and recovering so her mom 
and I went upstairs.   We waited until she started to wake up and then 
talked a little till she went out  again.   She continued to drift in and out 
of sleep for the rest of the night.  At about 5:30 I left to get Emma and 
brought her back to see her mommy.   Leigh Anne wanted to hold her 
but Emma was scared and would have none of it.  Leigh Anne talked 
to her for a little while.  Emma did not want to budge on it so I took her  
and Karen and dropped them at our house.  Karen kept Emma for 
the first couple of days so that I could get Leigh Anne home and 
situated.  I went back to the hospital and stayed with Leigh Anne 
till almost midnight and then went home to get some sleep.    

7/17/2007 - In the morning I was planning on being there to get her at around 11:00am but she called and was released at like 9:30am.  I 
took her home and she started her recovery.  

7/20/2007 - I went to the doctor today and I have lost 6 pounds.  We 
talked about things and made some decisions.  She is increasing 
my dosage on my blood pressure meds.   She also worked out a bit 
more on my new diet with me and I am confident I will be successful.  

7/21/2007 - Leigh Anne weighed in today and she has lost 18 pounds.   
That is 3 times what I lost.  I am so proud of her but also a little jealous.  
I need to do something to push things along.  I think I will check out 
our new fitness center at our community.   

7/23/2007 - I checked it out and have started doing the treadmill and 
some weight training.  I am tired and aching afterward but the payoff
should be worth it.  

7/30/2007 - I have been going to the fitness center for a few days and I 
am unhappy with it.  The size of our community is such that a room with 
4 machines is not enough.  I am going to take advantage of the deal 
my job has with Lifestyle Family Fitness.   I have joined and visited the 
gym and I really like it.

8/7/2007 - I had my first session with a personal trainer at the gym 
today.  Her name is Emily and I was very impressed by her.  We went 
over my personal situation and personal goals.  I found that I am not 
as bad off as I thought.  I have a lean muscle mass of 166 lbs.  That
means that I can reach my goal of 200 lbs and still have about 40 of 

8/10/2007 - 2nd Session with the personal trainer.   We did the express 
24.    I also did some work on the treadmill and the elitical machine.  I don't think I will continue any sessions with Emily as this gym is too far away from my home.  I think I will just go to the one near my job.

8/15/2007 - Today is my anniversary and we cheated.  We went to 
the Cheesecake Factory and had an awesome dinner.   We also had 
dessert and my wife had her first experience with "dumping syndrome" 
It was not pretty and you can guess it messed the evening up pretty

8/24/2007 - I am at 306 now and getting so close to my first goal of less 
than 300 that I can taste it.  I went to the doctor today and my normal 
doctor was't there so i saw the other doctor.  When we talked about my 
diet she told me that I need to accelerate it from the 25 lbs I have lost 
in 6 weeks.  When we talked about the weight loss she told me that 
about 2 lbs a week is right.  So I am confused if 2 lbs a week is the 
right amount to lose and I have lost 25 in 6 weeks shouldn't I slow 
down?  That is an average of like 4 lbs a week.  I want to see My regular 
doctor from now on.   I went to the gym to work out but I couldn't get there
 till about 9:15 and they closed at 10:00pm.

8/26/2007- I am on call for work today but I was able to get the dances 
with the stars workout DVD in yesterday.  It is alot harder than i thought 3
it would be.   I understand why they lose weight now.  I got about half way through 1 set of dances.  I will keep working on it.

About Me
Aug 08, 2007
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My Journey
