My story is like everyone else's.  I grew up in a large family 6 brothers and sisters, and 8 step kids.  I was the only one that faced weight problems.  I was always the one "lovingly" referred to as EL Chubo, it really bothered me but I did'nt say anything because if I let anyone know that bothered me then I would be admitting that my weight bothered me.  I found out about the surgery about 6 yrs ago. My cousin had the surgery in California,  It was at that point that I started to look into the surgery for myself.  I researched it for a very long time.  It was in 2002 that I decided on Dr. Fox.  His staff was wonderful and he explained everything to it's fullest.  I attended one of his introductory meetings and gave them my insurance information at that time.  It took a while for all the test to be done but I had my surgery on July 22, 2003.  I was in the hospital about 2 days ( I can not really remember)  The next thing I really remember is being in my hotel room and thinking what have I done.  Even though I listened to all the people tell me what I would go through I still truly didn't realize what I was in store for,  It took a couple of days to get over the "shock" of it, help from friends and a lot of phone calls to Blanche (the patient advocate).  I lost about 15 lbs in the first week and then I was feeling much better about my decision.  I was on clear liquids for the first mo. then I was moved to stuff like runny oatmeal and blended up soup.  I think that lasted 3-4 wks then soft foods and finally back to a "normal" diet.  I totally cut out all milk and sugar.  I do dump so it isn't hard to cut that stuff out.  I reached my goal at 9 mo. post op.  145 lbs, and starting at 300+, I would say that was a great goal.  I then continued to loose.  I got down to 113 lbs and looked sick, I talked to Dr. Fox about it and he reassured me that this is normal to drop below you goal and then pop back up.  I did just that I am now about 128-130 lbs and comfortable.  This surgery gave me a life.  All my life I hid, not wanting to really go on.  I had a very low self esteem and it continued to get lower as I got bigger.  I always felt that I was stuck in the wrong body and when I looked around and saw my family thin that just reinforced my feelings.  With the aid of this surgery I am now the same person on the outside that I have alway been on the inside.  This has opened the door to a whole new world for me.  I am not in school to become a Police officer, I am selling Passion Party things and don't mind drawing attention my way.  I have met so many wonderful people along my way and most of which will be my friends for ever.  This surgery is an amazing tool and gives you the ability to take control of your own life.

About Me
Ephrata, wa
Apr 08, 2002
Member Since

Friends 2
