People are soooo mean.....

Apr 25, 2009

I was looking at the OH site a couple of days ago and I came across a story that just made me so upset. The lady had wrote about some teenagers that were making fun of a very large woman and a few weeks later these same teenagers started making fun of her. She had already lost tons of weight from her surgery and looked amazing but, was still made fun of for the little bit of weight she did have. My heart sank to think that she had lost so much weight and looked so BEAUTIFUL and was still made fun of. This story made me think of an incident that happened to me a couple of months ago. I was at wal-mart and a young couple were walking behind me and everytime I would walk I would hear the guy go "BOOM BABA BOOM BABA" and everytime I would stop he would stop. At first it didn't register that he was doing that to me until I turned around and realized that there was no one else around. He and his girlfriend looked at me and started busting out laughing. As I started walking again he started back with the "Boom BABA BOOM BABA". My heart just sank. I became very nervous and heart broken. I wanted to walk faster but couldn't. I really wnated to just run away but couldn't. Finally, I went into a section of  the store that they decided to not follow me into. I just wanted to stand there and cry but, there was too many people. I couldn't even do my shopping after that. I went home and became severly depressed after that.  I havn't been the same since. Even though I am morbidly obese, I am still treated normal most of the time. I know I am FAT but, alot of times I don't feel FAT. Well, at least until I see my self in a mirror or something. Now, I feel FAT regardless of having a mirror or picture tell me that I am. I'll tell you; people are sooooo mean. What they don't realize is that comment or statement they say to a person who is obese or morbidly obese may just be the statement that causes the person to end their life. It is a very sad and f@# ked up world.


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Pensacola, FL
Surgery Date
Nov 05, 2008
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